Mind Boost Day and Night Formula Review
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 9-13-2018

Gaining an edge in the workplace, classroom, and playing field has always been something that’s important to Americans. We are a proud people that strive for success in everything we do, and are always looking for a competitive advantage and become the “Alpha male” (or female.. 🙂 Recently, there have been a ton of Nootropic supplements introduced to the market, which are supposed to stimulate the brain and help it perform better. I’ve gotten a chance to try many of these supplements out lately, and one recent one I tested is called Mind Boost.
What is Mind Boost?
Manufactured by a company called Simple Smart Science, Mind boost is a daily all natural formula that is supposed to help improve your memory and cognition, help you become more creative, and sharpen your concentration. As mentioned earlier, it’s a Nootropic supplement, which is a relatively new class of supplements that are supposed to mimic the effects of prescription psychiatric drugs like Adderall, but without the harmful side effects. It’s actually made up of 2 distinct formulas, a day formula and a night formula, which I will discuss below.
Day Formula
The original mind boost day formula consisted of 4 primary ingredients, which included Folic Acid, Vitamin B-12, Monosodium CitiCholine, and Rhodiola Root Extract. The primary ingredient here is Citicholine, which has been shown in some studies to help improve cognitive inhibition and focus. Rhodiola Root is used to help decrease stress levels, as well as help to improve mental performance.
HOWEVER, they have since changed (and greatly improved in my opinoin) their formula to now contain the following: 5-MTHF (L-5–methyltetrahydrofolate), Vitamin B12, and a proprietary blend which includes Bacopa leaf extract, Rhodiola Rosea, and Ginkgo Biloba extract.
Click Here for a picture of the label.
Night Formula
The original night formula was also comprised of all natural ingredients, and included Green Tea Extract, picamilon, and Olive leaf extract.
HOWEVER, just like with the day formula, they have since changed it up and improved upon the formulation. It now contains the following: Vitamin B1, B2, B5, B6, Niacin, Biotin, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, and a proprietary blend which includes Ashwaghanda chamomile, GABA, Lemon Balm, Skullcap, Hawthorne berry, Bacopa Monnier, Magnolia, Passion flower, Valerian root extract, L-Theanine, Oat Straw, Mucuna pruriens, and St. Johns Wort.
Click Here for a picture of the label.
My Personal Results With Mind Boost
I have tried dozens of Nootropic supplements, and the vast majority of them did not do much in the way of improving anything. The ones that did work quite well ended up giving me unpleasant side effects like headache, dry mouth, upset stomach, and trouble sleeping at night. This typically happens with Nootropic supplements that contain stimulants, which is why I usually avoid them.
I started taking both the day and the night formula and for the first few days did not notice much. I felt like I was sleeping maybe a little bit better, but my focus did not seem to improve. Right around the 4-day mark is when I started to feel the difference, albeit still relatively small.
Usually I wake up at least once a night to take a piss, probably because I drink a ton of water throughout the day. For the first time in a long time, though, I did NOT wake up once throughout the entire night. I can’t even begin to tell you how much more productive I felt that day. Normally I take a nap around mid-afternoon, but I felt absolutely no need to through the whole day.
Work, while normally can be quite the chore, suddenly became easier and I found my self getting more stuff done in less time. I didn’t have the feeling like I was on a drug like Adderall or anything, I just felt more relaxed and more inclined to do the stuff that I would normally put off.
About 3 weeks into taking it is when I started to notice my memory improvement. I was remembering things I would usually easily forget before, like names, phone numbers, things I needed to do, etc. It got to the point over a few weeks that I wasn’t even writing down a grocery list, I would just remember what I needed from practically envisioning the inside of my refrigerator and pantry.
My energy and focus was also very elevated, and I again was accomplishing tasks at a much faster rate.
- Works effectively to help sharpen focus/concentration, and memory retention.
- I didn’t experience any side effects
- High Quality ingredients from trusted US sources
- Priced competitively
- 120 day money back guarantee
- Tested by third party’s
- Is not an overnight wonder pill, takes several weeks to kick in
- Not available in stores
Where To Buy
You can buy Mind Boost securely on their official website.
The price for a one month supply of the complete day and night formula will run you about $97, which includes a 120-day money back guarantee (in fact, any order is backed by this guarantee).
A one month supply of the Day formula will run you about $69, while a 1 month supply of the night formula costs $49. If you buy larger orders (3 months or more) you are entitled to MAJOR discounts of up to 30% off the retail price.
If your’e looking for a healthy, all natural way to help improve your memory, increase your focus and concentration, and stimulate your creativity, I say give Mind Boost a try. It’s priced competitively with other Nootropic supplements on the market, and really does help get you back in the swing of things.
Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure
Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.
The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.
The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.
User Reviews
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Great Mental Clarity
Nothing like Adderall / Vyvanse, etc., but I notice a increase in my focus and concentration.
Doesn't seem to come on strong and no comedown effects from what I noticed. The night formula really seems to help me sleep great too.
12 out of 15 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
what adiffrent between ( Optimind ) and ( Mind Boost )???
and is ( Mind Boost ) is Nootropics product also ???
and can i am take ( Optimind ) and ( Mind Boost ) with them !!! -marc fadovic
They are both nootropic supplements, but they work somewhat differently. The optimind gives you an immediate boost, and uses stimulants. The MindBoost is more of a slow acting supplement that works over time. Â You can use them both at the same time. Â Start with a lower than recommended dose of each and adjust from there if necessary.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
Rob can I take Optimind and the night formula from mindboost? -Kathryn
You can. I haven't used the two together, but it could be a good effective stack.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
You stated "closest thing to Aderall that I've tested." I would like to actually like to stop taking Aderall, but can Aderall and Nootropic products be used at the same time? -Mark
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Will this help someone with Bipolar, and if not do you have any suggestions for that? -Kathryn
I don't really have expertise in that area. I would consult with your doctor about some potential natural supplements that could help.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Cn I take Optimind and VigRx Plus together? -Julio
You can. That's not a problem at all.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Have you gotten a chance to try their new formula?
That’s strange because there are still plenty of supplements using CDP Choline. But I haven’t used the new formula yet. I’ll reach out to them to ask about the change, and see if I can get a new bottle to test out. In the meantime, give Lumonol a try instead. It contains CDP Choline and it’s a great blend. I like it better than Mind Boost. Here’s my full review: https://www.supplementcritique.com/lumonol-review/ And here’s a link to the website where you can order it: http://www.lumonol.com
We have a NeuroCell review posted to the website. Click the link here to view it. Basically, it’s got some good ingredients, but because they don’t list amounts, we don’t know if they’re present at effective levels. On top of that, I’m not a big fan of their over-the-top marketing.
I recently buy Intelligex ( foxus Nutra).
It looks like a fake website..do you know it?
I didn’t receive yet..
I hadn’t heard of it before. It looks like a free trial scam.
Go back to the website and read the terms. If you don’t cancel within 14 days of the day you ordered, they’ll charge you full price for the bottle, and start sending you a new bottle each month for pull price.
I don’t know if it will work or not, but you definitely want to get in touch with them asap and cancel your subscription.
For example, CDP citicholine has been replaced by Bacopa leaf, ginkgo bilboa extract.
Also night blend is not the same from your review either.
I have already messaged the company, but what are thoughts on these changes of ingredients?
Thank you.
Thanks for pointing that out, I wasn’t aware they changed their formula. Bacopa and ginkgo are both potent nootropics, but I’m not sure how effective they are as a replacement.
I plan on ordering both the day and night formula again soon and will update the review to reflect my results.
I have been taking the nitro cut and the quadralean but i havent seen any results yet. Im hoping i see some soon.
I may have to try something else with the nitrocut.
I haven’t, but if you give me a few weeks, I’ll check into it and let you know when I get a review posted. In the meantime, take a look at a fat burner called Instant Knockout. Also, make sure your diet is clean and your eating fewer calories than you’re burning.
If that is something I don’t care about, would you still recommend Optimind. I need something that I can power through 10 hours, not chill after 5 hours like mentioned.
Yeah that’s the primary difference. Optimind has more of a stimulant factor to it, and the Mind Boost takes more of a gradual approach. In your case I would recommend the Optimind. Stack it with 250 – 750 mg of Phenibut from Happy Hippo herbals and you’ll see GREAT results (just don’t take the Phenibut everyday). Trust me…
I have recently started reading a lot more on Nootropics and stacking them. I’m planning to start Noopept for a month, 10mg 2x a day, and then stacking 1g of Aniracetam, 300mg of Sulbutiamine, and 300mg of Alpha GPC.
I have struggled with anxiety in the past and this combination is said to help with that as well as improved mood. I have never had problems with mood, quite a cheery person most of the time, but didn’t think adding to the joy would be a bad thing. 🙂 Please let me know if you have already addressed this nootropic or any of the others.
I didn’t see them on you page.
Thanks 🙂
Monica J
Yeah I really have just begun to scratch the surface with these Nootropics. I’ve read alot about the racetams, as well as alot of these supplements including Noopept.
I haven’t actually tested it yet but I plan on doing so soon.
I wasn’t sure, so i checked in with Mind Boost, and they assured me that it’s gluten-free.
Mind boost sound like what my son needs. He is severely add and hyper focuses on the wrong things.
He freezes during tests having a hard time focusing on the questions. Ex: it took him 3.5hrs to take a test most kids finished in 90 minutes. He still didn’t finish 2 questions.
He only has one kidney and takes a low dose of aderol. We tried vyvanse but the doses where getting pretty high.
He only weighs 100lbs so not a huge dude.
Iam looking for something more natural. Since this product is only for 18 and up, do you have a recommendation for a 13 year old taking in mind kidney function?
Given his age and his kidney issues, I would advise you to talk to a doctor for your best solution, perhaps a naturopathic doctor.
“if it sound to good to be true” look out. Me thinks this type of advertising is a crime against humanity.
Where has morality and ethics gone. Steven Hawking’s statement should read, I my opinion, the biggest event in human history would be our return to morality and ethics.
In vain we build the cities before we build the man.
I’m wondering what you think of Neuro Nectar? The ingredients seem valid, however I question the amounts.I started getting real serious about supplements after a stroke a few years ago.
I’m 59. It seems like you hit 50 and some MDs start piling on the scripts.
Having bipolar and osteoporosis the stroke prevention meds(I’m being sarcastic) put me over the edge. Other than the bipolar I believe that meds led to other problems.
My solution, with the standby assistance of a nutritionist and cooperative MDs was to wean off scripts and experiment with supplements. Uncooperative MDs have a difficult time arguing with excellent blood tests and personal symptom data.
Some still try though. After 3 yrs if trial and error I’m off all but 1 of 9 meds and am trying infusion and acupuncture for it.
I’m always on the lookout for possible improvement. While my supplementation may seem extreme to some, I unapologetically take what my body needs, naturally.
I haven’t looked into it yet, but if you give me a few weeks, I can do some research and write up a review. I’ll let you know when it goes up on the website.
Most sleep supplements just make them crazier..feedback will be appreciated.
I haven’t had that experience myself. Anyone else?
First of all thank you very much for all your hard work here. Because of this site, I felt incredibly comfortable and confident when ordering these supplements that I previously had barely heard of.
I have put in orders for both OptiMind and MindBoost.
I wanted to try OptiMind but will most likely end up sticking with MindBoost in the long run. My question is: Does binge drinking have any effects on and/or reactions with these supplements?
I worry that especially with MindBoost, if I drink heavily it might negate the effects of part of the cycle (and you know quitting isn’t an option). And now that I’m thinking about it, if I’m super drunk and forget to take the night pill, will that screw up the cycle at all?
How delicate is the balance there and how important is it to not miss a pill?
Binge drinking certainly won’t help the situation any, but there are no specific warnings about not drinking while taking Optimind or MindBoost. As for missing a pill, that’s not a problem.
You’ll lose the effect of the missed dosed, but it won’t cause problems for longer than that.
I was thinking of trying Mind Boost. And also do you think I could use both at the same time?
MindBoost is good. It works more slowly than a lot of the others, so be prepared for that. It’s more mild, but tends to work longer term than a lot of the others. You can combine some nootropics, but you’ll want to study the ingredients to see what works well together. For a starting point with that, sign up for my free nootropics ebook.
Thanx for all your hard work and reviews. I’ve used your advice many times since you have been up and running.
Will the Mind Boost Day & Night Formula’s help with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome like stated for ADDTabz? Also do you think it would help for people that have issues with any combinations of moderate anxiety, ADD, ADHD, OCD, depression, panic disorders, stress?
Thanks again for your time and patience Rob.
I don’t know how you do it, but you do it better than anybody else.
Thanks. I did copy your other comments over to our Testoril review. As for your question, that’s a pretty complex issue that would be best discussed with a homeopathic physician. But personally speaking I don’t think Mind Boost would help with chronic fatigue syndrome, mainly because it’s light on the stimulants. You’d probably be best with Optimind and something like Phenibut and/or l-theanine for your stress / anxiety / depression.
Could I start taking mind boost on a daily basis and use Optimind in the meantime so mind boost can build up in my system? Let me know your thoughts.
Thanks Rob.
I wouldn’t mix the two. But if you’re looking for something fast acting, I would definitely go with Optimind. It sounds like it would be perfect for you.
Just been reading your review on Mind Boost and it seems to be what I’m looking for.
Would it still work if I swapped the formulas?
The reason I ask is that I am employed in the gaming industry and the majority of my shifts are at night and I need to sleep during the day. Would it be fine if I took the day formula at night to keep me alert and improve my mental focus and acuity and take the night formula during the day to help me sleep better?
Can I saw them around as needed (dictated by my shift)?
Sure, that would work fine. It’s more about “your” day and night than about what the clock says.
Just keep to a regular dosing schedule and you’ll do great.
Can I ask if the results will last after I stop taking the supplement? Or is it that once I stop taking Mind Boost, the boost will go?
Unfortunately, like any supplement, the effects wear off once you’re not taking it anymore.
I’m diagnosed with bipolar disorder, general anxiety disorder with some O.C.D. symptoms (anxiety & O.C.D. could be comorbid effects of the bipolar disorder or seperate in cause. No way to really tell for sure from what I’ve been told), as well as A.D.D.
So between everything I take no less than 12 different medications on a daily basis and have others for those “extra bad days”. I take Adderall (70 mg/day) along with Prozac and 1 mg Klonopin (3 x daily) in the morning.
I take the bulk of my meds at night. Several are used to help me sleep even though its not what they’re usually prescribed for like Flexeril and Propranolol.
I also take Lithium, Trazodone, Seroquel, Zyprexa, Pramipexole, Guanfacine and Lamictal. Sometimes I have to take Celexa and Abilify as well.
Sorry to list all of that but its probably important info. I woud LOVE to find more natural supplements and the like to take the place of at least some of my prescription meds.
I’ve tried quite a few for various things and nothing ever works. I am a student so something like the Mind Boost you recomended might be good but would it be able to replace 70 mgs of Adderall daily?
I would love to find something to help me sleep as well if you have any suggestions. I exercise and or jog daily in addition to plenty of other activities so I should be good and worn out at the end of every day and I am physically, just can’t shut my brain off.
Sorry so long and understand you may not want to suggest anything for me but I just hate thinking about the amount of chemicals I have to put into my body on a daily basis and probably for the rest of my life.
I’m not sure if any supplements can come close to providing substantial relief from your symptoms, but here’s what I can come up with for you. From what I can tell, you seem to be suffering from anxiety issues, ADD / ADHD, OCD, and sleep issues.
For anxiety, I would recommend you check out a supplement called Phenibut XT. It really works, but I suggest you take it no more then 2 times a week MAX with at least 3 days in between doses to avoid tolerance / withdrawal issues.
For ADD, I would recommend either Mind Boost or Optimind. Mind Boost is more gentle and subtle, the effects building up over time. Optimind is a more “take as you need it” kind of supplement.
As far as the sleep issues I think Alteril would work fairly well for you.
For your OCD, I don’t really know so I would suggest you talk to you doctor about any natural therapies for that.
Hope this gives you something to springboard off of. Of course, with all the medications you’re on, talk to your doctor before changing anything up.
It’s the worst having to depend on so many strong medications just to sleep, so then I need medications just to wake up and function throughout the day. I just hope at least one of the products you suggested works without significant side effects.
I’ve tried quite a few preworkout supplements and some work great but some have caused me some very bad reactions. So guess it all depends on whats in them.
Thanks again!
Good luck! I hope you find something that works out for you.
Have you tried Prevagen?
I haven’t, but if you give me a few weeks, I’ll write up a review and let you know when it goes up on the site.
Any thoughts? Thanks
I haven’t tried it myself, but we did recently put up a review. It looks like a pretty good product, but I haven’t seen a lot of feedback from actual users yet. If you try it, let us know how it works out.
I haven’t tried Alpha Brain personally, but we do have a review where we looked into it. It looks pretty good. My biggest concern with it is that a bottle only lasts 15 days at the most, and that means you’re spending an awful lot of money over the long term. But there is a money back guarantee, so there’s really not much reason not to try it.
Yeah that’s not a problem at all. In fact, lots of their customers buy and use just one or the other.
Yeah, there shouldn’t be any negative interactions. And with the improved sleep you’ll get with the HyperGH 14X, you’ll be firing on all cylinders for sure.
It’s primarily the Bacopa Monnieri which improves attention and memory while decreasing anxiety and the Citicholine, which has been shown in some studies to help improve cognitive inhibition and focus.
Have you tried Excelerol? I was thinking about ordering it , but I’m not sure what to think.
I’ve ordered two products thanks to your your reviews ; Thank you for your work.
I haven’t looked into it yet, and I’m a little backed up on review requests, but if you give me a few weeks, I’ll get a review up and let you know.
Is it safe for children to take?
No. These supplements are made to be used by adults, 18 and over.
None of the ingredients have been tested on children, so it’s just not known what the effects might be.
I just posted an Addium Review about a week ago. Long story short, go with Mind Boost. Seriously though, read the review to see why.
There’s no conflict that I’m aware of, but you should check with your doctor to be certain.
If not is there any good Nootropic that do ship to India ?
Mind Boost does ship to India, so it looks like you’re all set.
I don’t take it currently. Because of the website, I don’t really take anything consistently on a long term basis.
I need to be able to test new supplements with a clean slate. But that doesn’t reflect at all on whether or not it’s a great product.
It is. I just have a particular situation that precludes me from taking it long term.
You mentioned another product Addie UP. How did the results of that product compare to Mind Boost.
Thanks BobS
Glad I could help! Yeah the original formula of Addieup worked VERY well, because it contained DMAA. They have since removed that ingredient and from what I understand it’s not NEARLY as potent as it used to be.
Mind boost, at least for me, presented a slow but efficient increase in memory, focus / concentration, and mental stamina over time. Plus, no side effects, which were fairly common with Addieup because of the stimulants.
Just wanted a simple pill a day thing that will help with memory.
In your case, go with either just the day formula or the day/night combo.
I haven’t taken Focus Factor, but I will take a look and get a review up in a couple weeks. I’ll let you know with an email when it’s up on the website.
I just have one question can you take mindboost with the Total Living Drink Greens ?
Sure. There’s no conflict there at all.
I know i’m a little late to the party but I was recently reading about Mind Boost and was thinking of giving it a try my concern rest in the fact that i’m a truck driver so sometimes i’m on day shift one week and then night shift the next and wanted to know how would the day and night formulas work for me. Naturally I don’t want to become sleepy while driving night shift due to the night formula.
What do you recommend?
You can buy the MindBoost Day Formula separately, so that’s what I recommend you do. Or you could buy them both, then just don’t take the night formula when you’re working those off shifts. That should work as well. Do a little experimenting before you go out on the road at night, so you know what to expect.
concerned about alzheimer
mind boost ?
It definitely could help. It would be the nootropic I would recommend for you.
But if you have real concerns, you should check in with your doctor.
I haven’t had a look at Brain Power Basics, but I really like Mind Boost. If you give me a couple weeks, I’ll check out the Brain Power Basics, post a review, and shoot you an email when it’s up.
If you had to decide between Optimind and Mind Boost which one would you choose? Why?
For me personally, I would got with Mind Boost. I’m not a big fan of the speedy feeling you get from stimulants. My preference is for the slower acting, keep you at a steady, high, level of performance. But if you’re looking for something to take for an occasional boot, go with Optimind.
Mind Boost is definitely the one with the best results without side effects. Just good rest, good energy, with the cognitive and focus boost I was looking for.
I did prefer it over Nootrobrain, and I haven’t really looked into stacking nootropics. I know there are tons of people that get pretty involved in stacking individual ingredients, but not so much the complete supplements.
I am trying to improve concentration/focus and memory long term, what would you recommend?
I was reading your reviews about “mind boost day and night” and “nootrobrain”..
I do not know which one I should pick.
I mainly want to improve concentration while I am at work since I’ve felt a lack of it as well as energy during my work day.
This is a problem since I work in IT and I have to be learning new stuff everyday, meaning I have to read books and retain as much as possible in a very fast way…
Please help me!
Thank you in advance!
One thing I’ve found since I started testing out and reviewing nootropics is that there doesn’t really seem to be a one-size-fits-all solution. Most people try a few different options before settling on something. Both Mind Boost and Nootrobrain helped me with concentration and focus, but the effect of Nootrobrain came on a bit quicker. So if you’re looking for an immediate boost, go with Nootrobrain. If you’re thinking more along the lines of a long term, slow and steady solution, go with Mind Boost. Hope this helps.
Names, phone numbers, streets, addresses, etc. Short term memory is much better after starting Mind Boost!!
Would it be possible to provide us with a complete list of the ingredients of this product? (I can’t order it if I don’t know exactly what’s in it.) Thanks!
I have a full list of the ingredients in the review above under day formula and night formula.