Mi40 Xtreme Review – Should You Go For It?

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 5-2-2018

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Mi40 Xtreme Overview

I’m a firm believer that there’s more than one way to reach your fitness goals. And I understand and encourage the fact that we don’t all have the same goals. Even if we use the same words, one guy who wants to “bulk up” doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing as another guy who says he wants to bulk up. One may be a software developer who uses the gym as his energy and frustration release and the other may be looking for competition opportunities. The same goes for cutting. One guy wants to look good on the beach. Another guy wants the lowest body fat percentage at the gym. We all have different goals, and there are many many different ways to reach them.

Ben Pakulski may be a familiar name to you. He’s a Canadian championship bodybuilder, trained in Kinesiology, who went on to develop training programs for guys who want to follow his methods for achieving their goals. The program we’re looking at is Mi40 Xtreme, an updated version of one of his previous plans.

Mi40 Xtreme ReviewHow Mi40 Xtreme Works

This is a comprehensive program all based on the number 40. The cycle lasts 40 days. Sets and rest periods are all 40 seconds long. There are 40 main exercises, and 40 meal plans you can use, and 40 muscle building foods you can choose from. The claim is that if you follow Mi40 Xtreme to the letter, you can gain twice the size in half the time.

What You Get With Mi40 Xtreme

The components to Mi40 Xtreme include:

  • The Mi40 CEP Rapid Start Action Plan is a quick video to get you started with a quick run through of how things work.
  • The Mi40 Xtreme CEP Practical Application Guide along with videos to explain and demonstrate all the exercises and how to do them effectively and apply the principles.
  • The Mi40 Xtreme Nutrition Guide because what you eat is just as important as how you work out.
  • The Mi40 Xtreme Supplement Guide to help you choose the right kinds of supplementation you need to get you where you want to be.
  • The Mi40 Xtreme FAQ Guide. You’ll go here first when you have questions.
  • THe Mi40 Xtreme Workout Sheets so you can keep track of where you’ve been and where you’re going. The great thing about these is that they’re flexible and can handle every level.
  • The 7 Day Primer Phase to help you hit the ground running.
  • The 7 Day Detox Diet for the same reason.
  • The Mi40 Xtreme Exercise Execution Guide. This is the bible for how to get the exercises done right.
  • The CEP Training Blue Print for what to do and what not to do to really get there.
  • The 40-Day Workout Videos so you can see everything for yourself.

We’re not going to go into the nitty gritty of the program, because that’s Ben’s product afterall. But it is certainly complete and comprehensive, and that’s important to know.

Mi40 Xtreme Pros and Cons

Advantages of Mi40 Xtreme

  • The program is comprehensive.
  • It’s created by a bodybuilder who knows how to get big.
  • There’s very little guesswork left to you.

Disadvantages of Mi40 Xtreme

  • There ‘s a ton of information to digest.

Where to Buy

You can get Mi40 Xtreme online through a number of websites. The price for the entire program is about $200.


I’m all for something that helps guide you down the path to fitness. Some guys like to do it more free form. Others need a strict plan and regimen to follow. If you are in the second category, Mi40 Xtreme could be right up your alley.

Have You Used Mi40 Xtreme? Leave Your Review Below!


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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

2 comments on “Mi40 Xtreme Review – Should You Go For It?”

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  1. Thanks Rob for your comment on Mi40 extreme. I can tell you really digged to get all this information.

    I appreciate it. As you know I value your expert opinion a lot.

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