Mesobolin Review – Does It Work?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-30-2020

Mesobolin Overview
Mesobolin calls itself the “No B.S. Way to Add Up To 20 Lbs of Rock-Hard Muscle!” Frankly, we’ve heard it before so we started out with a healthy dose of skepticism when we started looking into it.
The promise of Mesobolin is that it works like anabolic steroids, but without the side effects and worries.
That if you use this product, eat right, train hard, and get at least 200 grams of protein a day, you’ll put on 3 pounds of solid lean muscle each month at the same time as losing 3 pounds of fat.
So let’s take a closer look and see if it looks like Mesobolin has got the goods.
Mesobolin Ingredients and How They Work
The primary active ingredients in Mesobolin are Ecdysterone and Turkesterone.
The claim is that these Secret Russian Ingredients can turn on muscle synthesis with adequate protein levels.
So if you get enough protein and work out hard, Mesobolin will help convert all that extra protein to muscle.
And since it’s not steroids, there are no side effects and it doesn’t shut down your natural hormone production process (ie you don’t need PCT when you’re done with your cycle).
Instructions are to take 3 Mesobolin capsules twice a day.
Mesobolin Pros and Cons
Looking at both sides of a product is a good way to figure out whether or not you find it to be worth the money.
Advantages of Mesobolin
The ingredients are natural and don’t require a prescription.
Disadvantages of Mesobolin
- There’s very little real information about what Mesobolin is, what’s in it, and how it works.
- There are no Mesobolin reviews from customers saying whether or not it’s worked for them.
- It’s very expensive.
- Word on the forums is that it’s basically expensive junk.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Mesobolinthrough its official website.
The 168 count bottle will last you a 28 day cycle, and it costs $139.99. It’s available at the slightly lower cost of $123 at appears as though there’s a money back guarantee offered when you buy Mesobolin through the website.
I don’t see much to recommend about Mesobolin.
It’s expensive, and it pretty much just contains ingredients that can be found much cheaper elsewhere.
There are no customer reviews to bolster its reputation, and no clinical studies to offer proof of anything.
I’d go with something a little more proven and a little less expensive.
Not to mention, needing to take 3 capsules a day adds up pretty quick over time which means sticking with it will include plopping all that down for for another 28 day cycle and I just don’t know who can afford that.
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Excellent supplement
In Short: I would recommend this to a friend.
I’ve used Mesobolin for YEARS with amazing results, just like they say.
Jacked size, strength and thickness from it when you load your protein and train with huge intensity.
Highly recommend it.
Mesobolin is legit. 100%, no questions about it. helps gain pounds of muscle, without any weird side effects. best muscle builder i have used. would recommend it to any hard gainer thats lifts heavy, and eats enough daily.
5 out of 12 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
Woman can take mesobolin too?? If yes how many a day -greter
There's very little information about what Mesobolin actually is. I assume it's fine for women, but most of the feedback I've seen about it says it's not very good. If you're looking to put on muscle mass, I recommend you stack the pre workout Nitrocut with Creatine.- Rob
But not a lot of people try them. Just wondering how safe this is. I had take lots of preworkouts supplements.
I’m just lil concerns about some side effect of this product. Can someone help me
Because there’s so little information about what Mesobolin actually is, it’s tough to say whether it would be either safe of effective.
La dosis recomendada es de 3 pastillas dos veces al día, pero no especifica antes o después de las comidas. Eso indica que usted puede elegir cuál es el más conveniente para usted.
I’m currently at 152 and my goal is 160 or 165. I’m pretty lean but i want to bulk. Thx in advance
I haven’t used it myself, and I haven’t been able to find any real evidence that it works, so your guess is as good as mine. Sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook for a great meal and workout program to help put on weight. Let me know how it works out for you.
No, in fact there have been studies showing that the ingredients in Mesobolin may improve libido and erections.