Massive Male Plus – Does It Work?

By: Rob Miller

Home » Male Enhancement » Massive Male Plus – Does It Work?

While I was browsing a, let’s say “adult film” website, I came across this banner ad that drew my attention.

massive male plus banner ad

Enticing, sure, but a claim like that is pretty bold, and that is the point.

Clicking on this ad will take you here.

Now, assuming you just watched the video, you definitely heard some pretty wild claims.

Some of these claims are so wild that many would say they are too good to be true.

If you skipped the video, I will get you caught up:

  • Every inch that you lack takes 5 years off of your sex life
  • Massive Male Plus will increase your penis size by 3 inches in 30 days
  • This supplement has successfully helped over 64,000 men with penis growth.

Along with that, there are also a series of testimonials from men who have supposedly used Massive Male Plus and yielded great results, as well as testimony from the women who apparently benefit from their man’s gains.

These claims are awfully enticing and are definite attention grabbers for those already looking for a cure all penis growth wonder pill, but how do they hold up?

The Massive Male Plus Video

Over the course of 3 minutes, the Massive Male Plus advertisement video you can find scattered across several “adult” sites wastes no time telling you about how sure and proven they are as the top male sexual enhancement and growth supplement out there.

massive male plus reviews content/uploads/2020/02/massive male plus

They are definitely rather confident and try their best to be relatable.

As with many male enhancement supplements, it begins with a story of a man whose small or average sized penis led to him being cheated on by his significant other in favor of a man with a larger penis.

While this version of the story that many of these brands spout has a lot of interesting touches, who is to say how valid it is.

I’m going to go with not very valid at all.

But alas, as the story goes, this led to his breakthrough discoveries that led to him being the foremost innovator in the world of male enhancement supplements.

After pinning down that countries along the equator had the biggest average penis sizes, he determined that there must be some common denominator among them that led to having such a reputation.

He goes on to explain how their active ingredients are aimed at expanding the actual size of your erectile tissue as well as boosting your testosterone levels.

Sounds great on paper for sure, but there is little to be found in the way of statistics and numbers besides the testimonials provided on their own site.

Massive Male Plus Ingredients

Massive Male Plus is made up of several ingredients, many of which you may recognize if you have experience with or have researched male enhancement supplements.

So, what exactly is Massive Male Plus made out of and how does it contribute to penis growth and/or sexual performance enhancement?


This is a naturally occuring substance that includes nitric oxide.

The benefits of nitric oxide include vasodilation which allows increased blood flow to the penis, thus making better sexual performance and penis growth (Source)

Entengo and Mkongoraa

These substances are found originally in Ghana and Congo, but they are quite interesting because there is a large amount of Vitamins B3 and E.

These are Western African aphrodisiacs and have been proven to make a penis longer and helps men sustain erections for a longer duration (Source)

Horny Goat Weed

This is a common remedy to enhance sex and the reason being is that it’s proven to increase stamina for a longer sexual duration.

It also allows greater blood flow which means your erections will have greater size as well (Source)

Maca Root Extract

Men with premature ejaculation issues swear by Maca Root Extract.

In a study with 50 men, this was shown to provide significant improvement in sexual performance and more satisfying erections as well (Source)

Tongkat Ali

This is a substance that has been long respected for its ability to boost libido.

It is also excellent for reversing erective dysfunction, and the reason is that it allows blood to flow more freely to the penis (Source)


This is one of the most famous substances to open up the blood vessels and get the blood to flow that much more into the penis.

This will lengthen the penis and allow you to have a greater erection and sexual function (Source)

Each of the ingredients in Massive Male Plus hold their own reputations as natural libido and/or erection remedies, some of which have been used for hundreds and hundreds of years.

It is important to remember that while these ingredients have earned their reputations as male enhancement supplements, there is no absolute sure-fire guarantee that it will work for you.

Everyone’s body is unique and reacts to supplements differently.

Massive Male Plus Reviews

So, you’re probably wondering what customers have to say.

Well, the thing is, it can be a little tricky to discern whether many of the reviews you find are from verified customers, or if they it is simply an extension of the promotion of the product.

With a quick Google search, you will find both reviews that applaud the Massive Male Plus for its effects on libido, stamina and erectile health, as well as reviews critical of just how well it actually works.

Ultimately, results for male enhancement supplements are going to vary from person to person.

One common result that is hard to deny is the boost to testosterone that Massive Male Plus provides.

There is less evidence as to the size gains that are to be had as far as penis growth, but Massive Male Plus does seem to carry a good track record in regard to increasing testosterone levels.

That is important because although that does not necessarily work as an indicator as to whether or not it boosts penis size, it can do a lot in the way of showing that is does work as a testosterone aid.

With that being said, when you are considering purchasing a product, especially one as sensitive as a male enhancement aid, there are certain things to look out for to discern whether or not what you are reading is indicative a typical user’s results, or just simply another advertisement by the manufacturer.

For instance, say you do a quick Google search for “Massive Male Plus reviews”.

A wealth of results are going to come up, and it can be tricky to know where to start.

massive male plus google results

One of the first things that you will notice is that several of the article headings reference the doubt that may be in many prospect customers minds as to the validity of the product.

When you click further and explore some of these articles, the first thing you will see is a whole rundown of information worded similarly to the language of Massive Male Plus’s official advertisements.

That can be a clear indicator that the review that you are reading is just another facet of their marketing.

If you want to get a more accurate portrayal of what customers like yourself are actually thinking about their experience with it, you are better off looking into customer reviews.

The user reviews section of Amazon can be a great litmus test for what a wide range of customers have experienced and can do a lot to tell you whether or not it is worth trying out for yourself.

As you will notice in the picture below, the verified customer reviews on Amazon run the gamut from overwhelmingly positive to downright scathing and negative.

This should not come as a surprise, as all humans are different and even wholly natural remedies will affect each and every one of us in a unique way.

I would caution you to read as many reviews as possible, as some users report negative side effects lasting up to a full 48 hours.

Double check the ingredients to verify that you do not have any allergies or are on any medications that would have an adverse interaction with any of the active ingredients.

Where To Buy Massive Male Plus

You can find Massive Male Plus through their official website, as well as Amazon.

They offer their male enhancement supplements in three sizes, no pun intended.

Their “basic” package includes a one month, one bottle supply ringing up at $69.

For a two month, two bottle supply, their “standard” offer comes in at $59.

If it really strikes your fancy and you are confident that Massive Male Plus will help you make the gains that you desire, they offer a “premium” selection which features a four month supply with four bottles for $49.

All of the options that they provide offer free shipping within the US, within packages being shipped out of the US carrying standard shipping fees.

With the price of a one month supply being so high, it can be tempting for a first time user to be drawn towards the standard or premium option.

I can understand that sentiment, but I would urge you to exercise caution and decide if it is worth plunking down hard-earned money on a 2-4 month supply of something you have yet to try.

However, if the user reviews and information that you come across is a clear indicator that it will work for you, I can understand that urge to do so.

The “Guarantee”

Massive Male Plus, like several other male enhancement options, makes several promises and guarantees.

Perhaps the most glaring guarantee that you will find is that you will see results after one pill.

Now, I have not come across any information that indicates that is true, but I cannot speak to the validity of that statement.

Perhaps more important to potential customers is the 60-day guarantee that you will be reimbursed your money in the event that you do not find Massive Male Plus useful.

Giving credit where credit is due, such a guarantee is not only a good business practice in general but is a sign that at the very least the people behind Massive Male Plus are confident in their product.


  • 60-day money back guarantee makes for a less risky purchase.
  • All-natural herbal ingredients that are easy to find information about.


  • The very limited real, true, verifiable customer reviews that you can find are largely negative not only about the results, or lack thereof, but point to possible adverse side effects.
  • Their claims ranging from the company history to the efficacy of the supplement itself are impossible to verify and use extremely bold language that could be construed as being misleading.
  • A quick watch of their video or read through of their website frivolously states facts about penis size, sex life, infidelity, relationships and how they are all related that are unsubstantiated anywhere else online. They even contradict statistics in regard to spousal infidelity and penis size within the same page.
  • Massive Male Plus makes promises of noticeable, instantaneous penis growth which is simply and scientifically impossible.

Use Caution

There’s nothing as humans that we should be more cautious of than what we put inside our bodies.

Every time that we ingest something, we are trusting that what we are taking in will have the promised and desired effect, as well as being safe and beneficial.

Unfortunately, in the world of male enhancement supplements, among other things, it is hard to pin down and get a hold of a product that you can know with certainty will work for you.

And that is okay.

The fact of the matter is, whether a male enhancement supplement is made up of entirely 100% natural herbal ingredients, or a concoction of lab-born chemicals, there is no guarantee that it will work for you.

Even Viagra doesn’t work for everybody, and furthermore, Viagra was never even intended as an erectile dysfunction drug in the first place.

What it ultimately comes down to is judgment and scrutiny.

No one is a better judge of what is good for you than yourself, but I cannot urge you enough to do the necessary caution and spend as much time thinking as possible before making your decision.

What Matters Most

My mind is made up on Massive Male Plus, and that is, don’t even bother taking it.

There is such a wide range of negative and positive reviews, all of which are hard to verify and contradictory.

Contrary to their bold and confident statements, it seems hard to believe that it is the cure-all miracle penis growth supplement that they boast about so freely.

Couple that with the fact that it’s super expensive, contains very low levels of the ‘right’ ingredients, and it’s impossible to find accurate reviews of the product, and I say give it a hard pass!

Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure

#1 Rated – Vigrx Plus

#1 Rated - Vigrx Plus

Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.

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#2 Rated – Bathmate Hydromax

#2 Rated - Bathmate Hydromax

The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.

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#3 Rated – Phallosan Forte

#3 Rated - Phallosan Forte

Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.

Click Here To Learn More »

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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