Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus Review – Does It Work?
By: Rob Miller
Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus Overview
Just when you think you have a handle on the pre workout supplement market, you realize there are still hundreds out there that haven’t even shown up on your radar yet.
They all have their strengths and weaknesses, but in the end we hope to narrow it down to the best of the best.
The one we’re looking at today is called Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus.
It claims to help you build muscle like you’ve never done before.
Without stimulants, it provides energy, pump, strength and endurance within minutes.
Customer feedback is mixed but mainly positive, so we’ll take a closer look at the ingredients to see if Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus can be expected to deliver on its promises.
Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus Ingredients and How They Work
Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus works differently than what you’re probably used to.
The ingredient list is long, but there are a few primary components that we’ll talk about.
- Citrulline Malate which raises the pH level of your muscle cells.
With an acidic (low) pH level, your promoting less muscle mass and less of the growth factor IGF-1. You want a higher pH to provide a more optimal environment for muscle building.
The Citrulline Malate helps remove the buildup of ammonia, while also being converted to Arginine for increased nitric oxide and better blood flow and pumps.
Studies have shown that Citrulline Malate can increase the number of reps by 52% and decrease muscle soreness by 42%. - Carnosyn, which is the purest available form of Beta Alanine.
It activates enzymes responsible for muscle contractions, improving your ability to perform explosive movements like heavy lifting and sprinting.
It also provides a buffer against the build up of lactic acid which is produced during strenuous exercise and causes muscle fatigue.
Studies have shown that the amount of Carnosyn in Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus improves exercise performance by 34%. - L-Leucine which is one of the Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) that improves post workout muscle recovery.
It encourages muscle building as opposed to muscle burning, by stimulating muscle synthesis.
The recommended dose is 1-2 scoops with water taken 5-15 minutes before training.
Alternatively, you can drink it as an intra-workout because absorption takes place very quickly.
Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus Pros and Cons
Advantages of Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus
- It uses clinically studied ingredients, proven to perform.
- There are lots of favorable Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus reviews from users who are impressed by the energy and endurance you get even without stimulants.
- Reviewers even say the taste is great, which helps if you want to use it as an intra-workout.
- It’s relatively inexpensive.
Disadvantages of Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus
- It doesn’t contain stimulants, so if you only like stimulant pre-workouts, you won’t like Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus online through the Magnum Nutraceuticals website or a few other retailers.
I’ve seen it for as little as $35 and as much as $50 for a 48 scoop tub, which will last 24 days if you use 2 full scoops.
It’s great to see ingredients in clinically tested doses, and that’s what you get with Magnum Nutraceutica The reviews even back up the claims.
If non-stimulant pre workouts are your thing, definitely give Magnum Nutraceuticals Opus a try.
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