10 Libido Gummies That REALLY Do Work In 2022

By: Rob Miller

Home » Male Enhancement » 10 Libido Gummies That REALLY Do Work In 2022

Do you have a partner that is in the mood, but are struggling to get aroused?

Libido gummies really do work and can revolutionize your performance in the bedroom as a result.

These gummies usually contain natural ingredients (including CBD) that are designed to reduce anxiety and stress, as well as improve libido.

As a result, libido gummies have the potential to revive a decaying sex drive and loss of sexual arousal.

Learn more about the 10 Libido Gummies that REALLY DO Work in 2022.

#1. Elm & Rye Libido Gummies

elm and rye make one of the best libido gummies on the market

Are you looking for the best libido gummies of 2022?

It’s difficult to ignore Elm & Rye Libido Gummies as the very best.

First, Elm & Rye only delivers powerful, all-natural ingredients in their libido gummies.

These gummies are engineered to increase libido and stamina, along with erection quality.

Secondly, Elm & Rye Libido Gummies follow honest, responsible business practices.

The transparent company believes in designing supplements that are led by science.

Accordingly, the libido gummies go through a strict and rigorous testing process to verify potency, efficacy, and consistency.

For this reason, customers can feel confident they are buying pure and high quality CBD gummies.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case with other suppliers that mislead customers into buying cheap or artificial products.

Elm & Rye Gummies completely transform your sex life and, even better, are not something you need to take immediately prior to the “act”.

Rather, the gummies are something you digest daily like any other supplement.

Elm & Rye Libido Gummies feature natural ingredients including tongkat ali, L-arginine, muira puama, and ginseng.

These ingredients have been utilized in many cultures for centuries as natural aphrodisiacs.

The libido gummies are available in multiple sizes, as well as designed for men and women.

As a result, don’t hesitate to shop with Elm & Rye (free shipping for orders over $75).

#2. Maude Libido Gummies

maude libido gummies

Maude Gummies are another popular option for improving libido and sex drive.

The libido gummies have been featured on prominent publications like Rolling Stone and advertised to enhance sexual desire.

Therefore, the benefits of Maude libido gummies include improved blood flow, more testosterone, and less stress.

Maude Gummies, like Elm & Rye, are designed for men and women.

The edibles include natural ingredients like tribulus terrestris, pine pollen, and ocean minerals.

Moreover, S7 features a blend of 7 plant ingredients that are designed to improve nitric oxide – crucial to better blood flow.

And, since nitric oxide is a vasodilator, it may also resolve some issues related to erectile dysfunction.

Maude Gummies are available in delicious, passion fruit flavors and should be taken daily for best results.

The one disadvantage to Maude Gummies are that they are currently only available to customers within the United States.

#3. Dame Desire Libido Gummies

dame desire libido gummies

Dame Desire offer 2 ingredients that are common in libido gummies: Ashwagandha and L-Theanine.

For starters, ashwagandha is widely recognized for helping people relax and experience less stress.

On the other hand, L-theanine is noteworthy for promoting relaxation, too.

Dame Desire Gummies feature other beneficial ingredients like mucuna which is considered a building block for dopamine.

Dopamine is a powerful molecule in the brain that is known for influencing mood and stress levels.

Accordingly, Dame Desire Gummies offer the rare opportunity to finally relax and enjoy the sex with a partner you’ve been craving.

Those that have supplemented Dame Desire Gummies agree that they really do work.

In general, users noticed substantial improvements in mood, arousal, and sexual desire.

Dame Desire Gummies, like most supplements, works best when you make a point to consume daily.

The good news is that the gummies are friendly to vegans as well as free of any artificial colorants or dyes.

Finally, Dame Desire Gummies are endorsed by clinical professionals – just like Elm & Rye Libido Gummies.

#4. King Cobra Gummies

king cobra libido gummies

King Cobra Gummies has the type of name that gets your attention.

Of course, anything that promises to improve sex drive along with male enhancement is going to get noticed.

For starters, King Cobra produces a formula that is loaded with natural ingredients.

Additionally, the supplement is designed to increase testosterone as well as develop size and girth for erections.

Third, the potent formula is equipped to remove your body of harmful toxins and stored fats.

Those that utilize King Cobra gummies will notice vast improvements in energy and stamina.

Of course, these benefits translate well into the bedroom if you are struggling to satisfy a partner.

King Cobra Gummies offer a lot of potential if you are willing to supplement each day.

#5. House of Wise Sex Gummies

House of Wise Sex Gummies for libido

House of Wise Gummies are specifically designed for women.

Unfortunately, there are several products that improve the sex drive of men, but not nearly as many for women.

For this reason, House of Wise developed these gummies for “better sleep, less stress, hotter sex, and more strength”.

These are generally the qualities that all men suffer from with age yet females are no different.

They also need something that makes sex more rewarding and enjoyable.

First, House of Wise Gummies are organic, non-GMO, gluten-free CBD gummies.

The full-spectrum CBD gummies are high strength and promise to deliver impressive results.

House of Wise highlights Horny Goat Extract as its essential ingredient thanks to its ability to improve blood flow and energy.

Secondly, the supplier utilizes CO2 extraction which allows House of Wise to obtain a range of cannabinoids, terpenes, essential oils, and other beneficial phytonutrients.

The company is very serious about verifying the quality of all its products through third-party testing.

As a result, consumers can feel confident they are getting a consistent, potent, high quality product.

#6. Everest’s Full-Spectrum CBD Gummies

Everest's Full-Spectrum CBD Gummies for libido

Everest’s Libido Gummies are another common full-spectrum remedy for low libido.

In general, “full-spectrum” CBD is considered the strongest form of the supplement since it also contains trace amounts of THC (less than 0.03%).

However, the amount of THC is not enough to produce a “high”, rather, delivers faster results.

As such, you may or may not find a need for full-spectrum CBD gummies.

Regardless, it’s difficult to ignore Everest’s Full-Spectrum CBD Gummies which feature an updated formula with increased potency.

Now, the libido gummies are 100% vegan as well as grown organically.

Therefore, you’ll appreciate the taste of Everest’s gummies compared to other brands.

Everest’s Full-Spectrum CBD Gummies are manufactured in the United States and lab-tested at the University of Kentucky.

It’s why Everest touts their gummies as being made from some of the highest-quality hemp in the country.

The gummies are expensive for a 30-pack and ultra-strong (25mg CBD / 5mg THC).

#7. Charlotte’s Web CBD Gummies

Charlotte's Web CBD Gummies

Charlotte’s Web offers a wide range of CBD products.

For starters, the CBD gummies are noteworthy for improving sex drive and arousal.

The gummies are only produced with natural ingredients (like most of the CBD gummies on the list).

Charlotte’s Web CBD Gummies are notorious for helping you relax, stay calm, and experience better sleep.

Accordingly, some of these benefits also translate into better sexual performance, even if these gummies are not specifically designed to improve libido.

Customers that value shopping from organic, sustainable companies will appreciate Charlotte’s Web.

The company takes pride in manufacturing organic CBD gummies and features a diverse catalog.

In fact, if gummies are not your thing, you can also shop for high-quality CBD oil and capsules.

Charlotte’s Web has CBD products for sale with and without THC, so make sure to take a look depending on personal needs.

#8. Leaf Remedys Gummies

Leaf Remedys Libido Gummies

CBD gummies may look like candy, but they are actually loaded with health benefits.

Nevertheless, buying from the wrong supplier can result in the contrary.

It’s really important to purchase from a reliable, trustworthy manufacturer since many CBD products are not what they advertise.

Accordingly, Leaf Remedys is seeking to change the reputation of CBD, forever.

The company stands behind its business practices which includes third-party testing and money-back guarantee.

Leaf Remedys gluten-free gummies are produced in the United States and contain natural ingredients.

What’s more, the 1,500mg of full-spectrum CBD is among the strongest in the market.

Therefore, if you are seeking an extremely potent CBD remedy, it’s hard to argue with these gummies.

Leaf Remedys Gummies are a little pricey for the value (30-pack), but endorsed to work.

#9. R&R CBD Gummies

R&R CBD Gummies

R&R Meds is another company with a stellar reputation for producing high-quality CBD.

The online retailer features a wide variety of CBD products including softgels, gummies, creams, and tinctures.

Even better, R&R Meds recently introduced a new version of the CBD gummies that are THC-free.

R&R Meds has an outstanding reputation and is USDA Certified Organic.

The sugar-coated gummies are infused (not sprayed) and therefore deliver optimal results.

R&R Meds develops their gummies with a broad-spectrum blend that includes natural terpenes, flavonoids, and antioxidants.

As such, there is optimism in the future that CBD provides even more health benefits we are currently unaware of since many of these phtyonutrients are under-researched.

Lastly, R&R Meds has pet CBD products for sale if your furry friend could also use a supplement boost.

#10. Colorado Botanicals Libido Gummies

Colorado Botanicals Libido Gummies

Colorado has emerged as one of the leading states for CBD production since it was one of the first states to legalize cannabis.

Therefore, many customers rely on CBD products that are made in Colorado for potency and quality.

As a result, Colorado Botanicals is one of your best sources for libido gummies.

Colorado Botanicals CBD Gummies feature all-natural fruit flavors like orange and strawberry.

Therefore, they are easily some of the best tasting CBD gummies available.

Moreover, the libido gummies are affordable and guaranteed to deliver results with regular supplementation.

Colorado Botanicals CBD Gummies can substantially lower stress and worry – finally allowing you to relax.

Of course, this can also help in the bedroom where you are more prone to get anxious, especially if you are not performing right.

Accordingly, these gummies (like the others on the list) are capable of vastly improving sex drive and arousal.

Colorado Botanicals Gummies are extremely healthy (no artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols, etc.) yet still taste delicious.

How do CBD gummies work?

Libido gummies are a type of edible that usually contain Cannabidiol (CBD).

CBD is extracted from cannabis yet not psychoactive like other compounds found in the plant, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Therefore, CBD does not produce a “high” and safe for daily consumption as a dietary supplement.

Nonetheless, it’s crucial to rely on trustworthy sources since not all CBD gummies are produced with the same high quality ingredients.

Thus, we have created a list of the 10 most reliable suppliers for libido gummies (more details, below).

Libido gummies are designed to revive your sex drive.

As such, these gummies feature natural ingredients which reduce stress and anxiety, as well as address low libido.

For example, the best libido gummies for 2022 usually include ingredients like L-theanine and Ashwagandha, which are renowned for improving arousal.

In fact, one should understand the distinction between arousal and libido when considering what supplements are appropriate for their needs.

In general, arousal describes the stimulation of libido and the physiological changes that it causes (maintaining an erection, better orgasms, etc.).

Meanwhile, libido refers to a complex interaction of multiple neurotransmitters and hormones, which – in turn – control the sex drive.

Low libido contributes to many frustrating issues such as erectile dysfunction (ED).

Consequently, libido gummies feature ingredients that are ancient, notorious aphrodisiacs that generate short-term arousal while boosting long-term libido.

Even better, CBD gummies have several other benefits including the ability to reduce inflammation and pain management.

Benefits of CBD Gummies

There are numerous benefits to taking CBD as a supplement.

For now, research is limited to support using CBD for low libido.

However, many individuals stand by personal testimonies experimenting with libido gummies.

Thus, the reported benefits of CBD / libido gummies include:

  • Reduced Anxiety & Stress
  • Improved Sex Drive
  • Improved Sexual Arousal
  • Better, Stronger Erections
  • More Energy & Stamina
  • More Satisfying Orgasms
  • Improved Lubrication
  • Prevent Premature Ejaculation

Moreover, CBD gummies are linked to reducing pain and swelling, improving sleep habits, as well as eliminating acne.

Currently, the FDA has approved CBD for treating seizures with more acceptance expected here in the near future.

Until then, research remains limited yet support for CBD supplementation is clearly on the rise.

If you have any doubts or concerns, it never hurts to speak with a physician before starting any new supplementation.


Yes, CBD gummies really do work for improving libido.

However, you need to know where to shop for the best libido gummies.

As such, we created this list to give you an idea of what you are searching for in a reliable and trustworthy supplier.

The top suppliers should third-party lab test their products, use organic ingredients, and provide a money-back guarantee.

While there are many excellent CBD products to consider, our personal favorite are Elm & Rye Libido Gummies.

The company features has an incredible reputation with gummies that really work for improving libido and sexual arousal.

Shop Elm & Rye products on their official website.

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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.