Legal Steroids at GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart and More
By: Rob Miller
If you’ve been taking supplements for any length of time, you know they can’t work miracles. While many of them boast about being the next best thing to steroids, often they can provide very little in the way of results.
REAL Legal Steroids, on the other hand, CAN and WILL produce rapid results.
If you can get your hands on them, of course.
Special Update!! The Most Effective Legal Steroids
If you’re looking for an effective and LEGAL alternative to steroids, you need to check out our review of Chemyo here.
Chemyo is a company that sells a therapeutic compound called SARMS, which are well known to be highly effective steroid alternatives.

The best part about SARMS is the fact that they are nearly side-effect free, making them a highly desirable alternative to dangerous steroids.
Click Here to read our full review and learn more.
If you already know what you’re goal is, click on the below links to see my ultimate recommendations:
Click Here if you’re looking to shed excess fat and build lean muscle (i.e. Cutting)
Click Here if you’re looking to build muscle mass and strength (i.e. Bulking)
Click Here if you’re looking to bulk first, then cut
Unless you live on the border of Mexico, it’s unlikely that you’ll find them very easily.
I’ve had a few guys ask me whether or not I knew of any legal steroids for sale in GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, and other stores, so I decided to do a little research.
I decided to visit a few GNC and Vitamin Shoppe stores and interview some of their employees to see what they would recommend.
The first store I visited I got a pretty blunt answer, and that was “we don’t sell legal steroids”, plain and simple.
I can’t say I was surprised to hear this.
Why Doesn’t GNC sell legal Steroids?
The obvious answer is…they can’t.
Because they are not a pharmacy, and because to obtain real steroids you need a prescription, GNC and other stores cannot legally sell them. Additionally, you can’t even legally buy anabolics, as most of them have been banned for use in the US since 1990 when the Anabolic Steroids Control act was passed.
They do have some products that are marketed as steroid alternatives, but they are not ACTUALLY the real deal.
In general, avoiding products that claim to be steroids when they really are not is a good practice and one that I would highly recommend.
Most of them are simply just mass gainers, amino acids, and protein shakes, but they seem to do a pretty good job of promoting them as legal anabolics. Here’s a couple of them they recommended as the closest thing to legal steroids at GNC:
#1 – GNC Pro Performance AMP Amplified Mass XXX#2 – Growth Factor 9
#3 – Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex Gainer
What about Legal Steroids in Vitamin Shoppe and Walmart?
#4 – APE Alpha Performance Enhancer
#5 – HGH Dopa
What are my online alternatives?
Testosterone Boosters
HGH Releasers
Final Thoughts
#1 – GNC Pro Performance AMP Amplified Mass XXX
This is basically a powder that contains a MASSIVE amount of protein (50 grams per serving) as well as a number of other ingredients like creatine, Beta Anhydrous, L-arginine, L-Glycine, and L-Methionine.
The few reviews I got from the rep told me that the vast majority of guys using Amplified Mass XXX were getting great results from it, but a number of them noted that the taste was, at best, TERRIBLE.
After browsing around the forums and reviews, I noted the most guys saw significant increases in muscle gain, faster recovery times, and increased energy.
As far as side effects, a few guys reported acne breakouts, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, and the fact that it was hard to gulp it down.
It’s also not cheap…a 6 lb tub will run you $76.99, with discounts of about $12 if you are a gnc member.
They offer some coupons from time to time, but you can expect to pay top dollar for it.
Related Article: Best Testosterone Boosters at GNC
#2 – Growth Factor 9
Growth Factor 9 is a VERY highly rated steroid alternative at GNC that utilizes the power of synthetic HGH production to help increase endurance, stamina, and lean muscle mass.
While Growth Factor 9 is not actually a steroid (or real HGH for that matter), it CAN help to mimic the effects of real HGH.
In fact, it’s actually been clinically tested here in the US, and the science shows that it can support mean, serum blood growth hormone levels.
Manufactured and sold by a company called Novex Biotech, Growth Factor 9 uses a blend of ingredients like L-Lysine, L-Arginine, and L-Glutamine to help promote better sleep, which in turn will help improve your recovery times.
You can read more about how it works in my full review here.
Growth Factor 9 retails at GNC for about $100 a box, with a $5 discount applying to those with a membership card.
#3 – Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex Gainer
This was another protein supplement that is heavily marketed as a mass / weight gainer. Unlike the AMP Amplified Mass XXX, it contains dozens of different ingredients (too many to list here) that are supposed to help deliver essential nutrients, amino acids, and carbohydrates to give you a massive energy boost both before, and after your workouts.
There was a very limited amount of reviews on this one, but the vast majority of them (think 95%) said nothing but good things about the Pro complex gainer.
However, it should be noted that this supplement is used to help gain mass and strength only.
It will not help you shred down (Check out Instant Knockout fat burner here to do that) and it certainly will not give you overnight results.
Just like the above products, it also comes in at a hefty price of $136 for a 10 lbs. bag.
The available flavors include Double rich chocolate, banana cream pie, strawberry cream, and vanilla custard.
What about Legal Steroids in Vitamin Shoppe and Walmart?
Looking To REALLY Get Ripped?Click Here to download my FREE "How To Get Ripped Quickly" eBook!! |
Same deal with these stores, guys. I spoke with reps at both Vitamin Shoppe and Walmart, and got the same answer that I got with GNC…”we don’t sell legal steroids, period”. I got a few recommendations from them as far as steroid alternatives, much like the ones I got from the GNC rep.
Related Article: 14 Best Weight Loss Pills At Walmart
Unlike the GNC reps, though, I was heavily recommended the use of a wide variety of testosterone boosters and HGH supplements instead of weight gainers. Just like the supposed bodybuilding supplements that work like steroids at GNC, these testosterone boosters and hgh products do not ACTUALLY increase testosterone or growth hormone.
Rather, they are intended to produce a “similar” effect as if you were taking the real thing.
Here’s a couple I was recommended:
#4 – APE Alpha Performance Enhancer
This is actually a supplement I’ve taken in the past, with modest results. Alpha Performance Enhancer promises a 22% greater increase in free testosterone in only 12 hours, but does that even make a difference. For instance, free testosterone only accounts for 2% of your total testosterone, which means that only 2% is available to help in the muscle building process.
My results with this supplement were mixed. On the one hand, I actually felt a little more energetic, and definitely felt like I had gained a bit of size / mass. However, for me this came at a cost. For some reason, I had a really hard time falling asleep while I was taking Alpha Performance Enhancer. I looked over the ingredients to try and pinpoint which one was keeping me up at night, but I was at a loss.
There are no stimulants like caffeine or yohimbe in it, so my best guess was it is probably the Fenugreek that was the culprit.
#5 – HGH Dopa
Another one I was recommended was a supplement called HGH Dopa. This supplement apparently uses only one ingredient, called Mucuna Pruriens, to help stimulate the secretion of growth hormone released by the pituitary gland. I’ve never actually used HGH Dopa, but I have used supplements that contain Mucuna Pruriens with satisfactory results.
Most of the reviews on the Vitamin Shoppe website are VERY favorable, with many noting increases in strength and mass, as well as improved sleep. It should be noted that while Mucuna Pruriens contains L-Dopa, which is a precursor to dopamine, it has not been successfully shown to cross the blood brain barrier. (1) This essentially means that any increased in dopamine will likely not result in any significant clinical changes.
Looking To REALLY Get Ripped?Click Here to download my FREE "How To Get Ripped Quickly" eBook!! |
What are my online alternatives?
Well, there are some supplements on the market that can actually help to “mimic” the effects of steroids, without actually being one. These legal steroids are NOT sold in GNC, Walmart, or Vitamin Shoppe, but you CAN find them for sale online.
For example, the Crazy Mass line sells a number of different stacks that work very similarly to legal steroids, but uses healthy all natural ingredients instead of pharmaceutical compounds.
I have actually personally tested many of these, including their Bulking Stack and Cutting stack, and they both worked great. If you are a guy that’s struggling to pack on weight (hard gainer) then I would definitely recommend you check out the Crazy Mass bulking stack. It’s packed with 4 different supplements that help ectomorphs like yourself gain the necessary amount of mass and strength.
Read my review of the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack here:
If you’re a guy that’s looking to trim down, then I definitely recommend you check out the Crazy Mass cutting stack. Unlike the bulking stack, this stack works to help guys that are having a hard time melting off the excess weight, as well as retain lean muscle.
Read my review of the Cutting Stack here:
Testosterone Boosters
I’ve personally used dozens of testosterone boosters over the years, and can tell you with absolute certainty that the vast majority of them are shit.
Almost ALL of them claim that they will make you huge overnight, and you won’t have to even lift a weight.
Of course, that’s complete B.S., but some guys fall for it.
With that said, some of them show real promise.
For example, my top choice Testofuel gave me amazing results, in terms of lean muscle growth and fat reduction.
I’ve actually proven that it works by getting my testosterone checked with a home test kit.
Testofuel uses a combination of steroid like ingredients such as D-Aspartic Acid, Fenugreek extract, and Oyster extract that have been proven in clinical studies to act on male hormones.
I personally used Testofuel for a period of 6 months, and packed on some HUGE gains. Check out my review here:
Another very powerful testosterone booster I’ve personally used is Nugenix.
You’ve probably seen some of the ads, and you may have even tried it.
Nugenix takes a slightly different approach to boosting free testosterone levels. Instead of using the traditional herbs and extracts like D-Aspartic Acid and Boron, it’s comprised of a blend of ingredients which include a patented version of Fenugreek extract called Testofen.
Made by a company called Gencor, Testofen has been clinically proven to to increased muscle building when combined with exercise.
On top of that, it’s also a VERY powerful sexual enhancer, which is a nice “side effect” to have.
Click Here to read my full Nugenix review.
HGH Releasers
If you’ve been doing any research about steroid like supplements, you undoubtedly have come across something called Human Growth Hormone (HGH for short).
I actually talked about it briefly above, but it warrants a bigger discussion.
Commonly also called Somatotropic, HGH is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration in humans and other animals. (
In short, it’s the real deal.
It will get you big, REALLY fast.
However, just like with steroids, it’s illegal to use them unless you have a valid prescription.
With that said, there ARE supplements available online that can help to mimic their effects.
One of the closest over the counter steroid alternatives I’ve EVER used is a product called HyperGH 14X, which is FAR more powerful than Growth Hormone 9 OR HGH Dopa.
HyperGH 14X uses a potent blend of safe, LEGAL amino acids and peptides to help LEGALLY maximize pure muscle gains.
No trips to the doctors office, no painful injections, and it’s totally legal.
Check out my review of HyperGH 14X here:
Final Thoughts
Using steroids is potentially very dangerous, and I never recommend that you use them in the first place.
They carry a slew of potential side effects that in all honesty are more likely to set you back further than you originally started leaving you worse off than in the first place.
That being said, there are millions of guys out there that will continue to search for legal steroids in an effort to get an edge on the competition. As noted above, however, there are some decent legal steroid alternatives out there that can give you similar results, without all of the nasty and unwanted side effects.
As always, if you need a specific product recommendation by all means shoot me an email and I’ll try to point you in the right direction.
Top 3 Body BuildingAffiliate Disclosure
HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works great for bodybuilding. Read more in our review.
Testofuel is the most effective testosterone boosting supplement on the market that ive tested. Read my review to learn more.
Ostarine is the poster boy for SARMS, and will promote lean muscle tissue growth dramatically.
Want To REALLY Get Bigger? Click Here To Download My FREE
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
Does the crazy mass bulking have anything in if that would make me pop a drug test? This might be a stupid question but I don't know enough to know any better. -Nathan
It's got DHEA which is banned by the NCAA, but it's not illegal.- Rob
27 out of 31 people found this question helpful.
What are the names of the alternative steroids that last can order on line without the nasty said effects -Larry Lee foon
I think you're looking for Crazy Mass Supplements.- Rob
23 out of 27 people found this question helpful.
i sprained my wrist and it's healing slowly. Is there a supplement j can take to speed up the healing process? -Steve
Go with a multivitamin.- Rob
14 out of 17 people found this question helpful.
I am trying to lose the spare tire and belly fat that I have. I workout 3 times a week and walk about a mile each day. Your thoughts? -Dan
Sign up for my free weight loss ebook for tips and plans for meals and workouts to help you reach your goals. You should also check out a great fat burner called Instant Knockout.- Rob
10 out of 12 people found this question helpful.
Is nugenix free testosterone booster a steroid? -James
No, not at all. It's natural ingredients meant to stimulate your body's natural testosterone boosting process, so you make more than you did before you taking it.- Rob
11 out of 14 people found this question helpful.
It’s either “get big, then get cut”, or “get cut, then get big”. Personally speaking, I think it’s easier to get big first and then do a cutting cycle.
I currently weigh 223 lbs. Any suggestions? Also without breaking the bank….
I personally like combining an HGH releaser called HyperGH 14X along with a fat burner called Instant Knockout. The HyperGH 14X will DRAMATICALLY improve your quality of sleep (which will lead to bigger gains), and the Instant Knockout works well as both an effective pre workout AND fat burner.
Check out my reviews of each below:
HyperGH 14X –
Instant Knockout –
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
Obviously you’d want to clear any supplementation with your doctor, especially considering you have kidney issues. With that said, the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack would be the right choice for you. Here’s my review in case you haven’t seen it:
There are lots of different choices designed to get different results. Let me know what kind of benefits you’re looking for and I’ll recommend a great choice for you.
Idc what store its from, just need some help.
Well, none of these stores sell anything remotely close to steroids. If you’re looking for a real deal alternative, check out the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack. It’s perfect for bulking, is completely side effect free, and is the best bulking stack I’ve ever used.
Check out my review here:
Alternatively, you may want to look into the use of a SARM called Ostarine. SARMS are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, and are great for both cutting and bulking. I have a detailed guide on Ostarine, check it out here:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
I know your site addresses men specifically but I am a 30 year old woman, height 5’6″ and weight 119lbs. From my research I have found a couple of articles on water weight gain alone, although the advice is for a temporary weight gain solution only. I know that boosting the female testosterone levels serve a few health benefits, but can you recommend a more permanent option for gaining weight and maintaining this weight (around a 15-20lbs increase) afterwards.
Thank you in advance for your time and help.
I actually think your best bet would be creatine. Creatine will cause a bit of water retention, but it will also help you gain a healthy amount of lean muscle mass. My personal favorite is Muscle Advance Creatine, it comes in capsule format so it’s real easy to take along with you on the road.
Here’s my review:
Alternatively, if you prefer a powder check out the creatine over at Absorb Your Health. It’s great quality and about half the price of Muscle Advance, here’s their site:
Check out a supplement called the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s comprised of 4 powerful supplements that work to give you solid, lean muscle gains. Here’s my review:
I don’t have a strict diet (which I know would help) and I do drink beer on weekends (I know doesn’t help). However, I have attempted to reduce my ‘crappy’ intake at lunch – switching from fried rice, fast food or buffets to mainly a sandwich and chips.
My exercise regime has been fairly steady of 3-5 times a week at the gym consisting of cardio and free weights. I am looking for something that gives me that little edge to increase a little bit of mass and to get more defined and cut.
What do you recommend?
Yeah I know the feeling, man. You’re 100% on the money when it comes to diet, it’s totally key if you want to shred down. For your convenience, I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quick” ebook, as well as some bonuses. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help guide you in the right direction regarding diet and exercise.
Supplements wise, I think you would benefit most from the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s comprised of 4 supplements that will help you cut up, as well as add strength and muscle. Here’s my review:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
I’m trying to overcome a muscle strain from swimming a little more quickly. I’m not especially interested in size gain, just rapid recovery.
Could you please suggest one of these that might affect that?
Check out an HGH releaser called HyperGH 14X, it’s perfect for helping with recovery issues. Here’s my review:
Well, there really isn’t anything that will magically pack on muscle, but you can certainly pack on mass. Check out a supplement called HyperGH 14X, it’s an all natural HGH releaser that works really well for building mass, and you could keep the working out to a minimum.
Here’s my review:
Can you be a little more specific? It sounds like you’re looking for a stack.
What kind of benefits are you looking for. Let me know and I’ll make a great recommendation for you.
I went?to another doctor and they said I am question for you is what over the counter product would you recommend to help boost my testosterone.tyvm.
Check out a supplement called Testofuel. Out of the literally dozens of t boosters I’ve tested over the years, it was by FAR the best. Here’s my review:
Also, for your convenience I’m sending you my free “How To Boost Testosterone NAturally” eBook. It’s loaded with tips on diet and exercises you should be doing to maximize your testosterone boosting results.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
And intense train for months and years on end. And in the long run nothing really worked even with a good diet regimen. I can’t put weight on I stay the same weight maybe gained 5 to 10 pounds but some of that is gut and butt.
What can I do I’m really thinking of giving up. I’m 31 5″5 140 PDS soaking weight.
I wish I had that problem haha. In your case I would go with a supplement stack called the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack. It’s comprised of 4 separate supplements that will help you pack on mass, size, and strength. Check out my review here:
Also, for your convenience I’m sending you my free “How To Get Larger, Stonger, and More Powerful” ebook to this email. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help you bulk up fast. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s loaded with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you on track for your weight loss goals. Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s made up of 4 high quality supplements that will help boost your energy levels, improve libido, and shred belly fat.
Use it in conjunction with the ebook for the best results, here’s my review:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Any recommendations?
Stack a fat burner called Instant Knockout along with a testosterone booster called Testofuel. The 2 combine great and will give you a huge boost in energy, fat loss, and endurance. hEre’s my reviews of each:
Instant Knockout –
Testofuel –
It took 3 days to kick in and now I’m down to 1 day left of them,
He said that’s not a long term problem solver and we will half to find solveromething else to replace it when the time comes,
But when I was reading on them they help with alot of problems that I’ve had,
I have thyroid disease, and have lost some of my hair,
I’d like to know if there’s something that I can take for a replacement,
I don’t really care about building my muscles because I’m a woman,
I do work out but not like that,
Can anybody recommend anything that I can take that’s safe and natural?
Unfortunately I’m afraid nothing on this page will help you like that. I’m not real experienced in Migraines, so it’s tough for me to recommend anything. Check out this post, it may help you:, we discuss natural workout supplements that mimic anabolic steroids, not corticosteroids. Check out LiveStrong; they have an article that may help:
I’m getting ready to start the Cutting Stack from CrazyMass. Was just wondering on what you thought about workout routines.
Should I stick with a straight cutting workout routine, or could I get away with a more heavy bodybuilding lifting routine, with just cutting like cardio?
I’m 6’4, around 215 lbs, with some excess lbs on me. What would be for best results?
Looking to lose the extra tire, but not lose much mass.
Good questions. In your case I would say go right into the cutting workout routine.
Just make sure you lift heavy and watch your diet closely to keep muscle and burn the fat.
I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook, which is packed with tons of info on diet and exercise to help you along.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
I’m active, workout 4-5 times a week, and play sports with friends. I am on a calorie count, and eating cleaner to try and get rid of this extra mass around my lower abs and waist.
I am losing weight, but it’s very little by little. I have some muscle mass from being a three sport athlete in high school, but now being 21 years old, and in college, I’m looking to focus on weight training and getting in great shape.
I’d love to continue to lose my love handles, but also gain muscle mass. I know thats hard to do.
But i wanted to know what you thought, since I’m not obese trying to shed a lot of weight. Really just trying to lose weight in that focused location, but also see physical change (muscle gain) in regions like my chest, arms, thighs, back, etc. I’m looking at the Crazy mass stacks, but wanted to know what you recommend I try first.
The Cutting Stack, or the Bulking Stack? What would give me the best transformation with the info I have given?
Yeah I know what you mean, I’ve been there many times before. I have a great article piece on this, check it out here:
It sounds like you would benefit most from The Lean Bulk section, and as far as supplementation I would actually recommend you skip the Cutting and Bulking stacks and go right for the CrazyStack Ultimate Stack.
It’s specifically designed to maximize fat loss and muscle gain during the Lean Bulk plan. Here’s a link to the stack:
I have good muscle structure from youth till now just hidden under stubborn surface fat. being in age i know it gets difficult to loose but i haven’t had a problem getting in shape when determined.Please help me get what i need to accomplish what i’d like.. #50thenew20….Thank you.
First off, I’m emailing you my free “How To Get Ripped Quick” ebook, as well as some bonuses. It’s packed wit tons of tips on diet and exercises you should be doing to achieve your goal.
Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s comprised of 4 powerful supplements that will help you not only cut up, but also retain lean muscle. Here’s my review:
Just started back working out and I’m a natural athlete and in good shape. Quick smoking last February.
Just gaining weight now from not being able to do much. I want to cut up and really hit the gym hard.
I go every day during lunch for about an hour and have a good workout plan but I want supplements that will help me rip up for my fiancé.
Yeah go with the Crazy Mass cutting stack ( It’s perfect for those looking to shred down and build lean muscle, here’s my review:
Also, for your convenience I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook, as well as some bonuses. I know you said you have a pretty good workout plan, but you may be able to pick up a few tips and tricks to help you get faster results.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
What would you recommend we take to bulk up without resorting to things like D-Bal(alternative to Dianabol)
Glad I could help! Yeah definitely check out the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack, it’s the closest legal thing you will find and is completely safe. Here’s my review:
Also, for your convenience I’m sending you my free “How To Get Larger, Stronger, and More Powerful” ebook. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help you bulk up quickly.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
Check out a fat burner called Instant Knockout, it can give you extraordinary boosts in energy. Here’s my review:
I’d take the real stuff if I could get it.
Short of ordering something off of the black market (which I have no idea how to do), I’m afraid you’re a bit out of luck. However, the Crazy Mass line ( is the closest natural supplement to steroids I’ve ever tried, and I’ve tried DOZENS of these products.
If you’re looking to gain mass than I would specifically recommend the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack ( It’s comprised of 4 different supplements that help to push through plateaus, and would be perfect for someone like yourself.
Here’s my review:
Lastly, I’m sending you my free “How To Get Larger, Stronger, and More Powerful” eBook. It’s packed with tons of free info on diet and exercise routines you should be doing to get the most out of the stack.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.
You don’t need them exactly, but they could help. Let me know what your stats, goals, and plans are, and I’ll recommend something that’ll work for you.
I’m 58 so yes I know steroids, what can I get without the side effects
This article mentions several supplements. Which one are you referring to?
Check out the Crazy Mass Bulking stack, it’s GREAT for guys like yourself looking to bulk up. Here’s my review:
Also, I’m sending you my free “How To Get Larger, Stronger, and More Powerful” ebook. It’s got great tips on how to bulk up and lean out, use it in conjunction with the stack to get the best results.
My blood test when from over 1000 units to less than 450 units.
I only want to use legal substances. In addition, a have a rotator cuff inquiry in my right shoulder, tornon ligaments in my left shoulder,left and leblowsee.
Need help; maybe stem cell injections or “platter rich plasma (PRP). Spots players use this method and is perfect I’ve lyrics legal since the stem cell are extracted from the patients own body.
Check the WEB for more details and local Doctor specializingredients in this format of treatment.
If it’s not methylated then it doesn’t work within the prohormone world.
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s loaded with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you on track with your weight loss goals. As far as supplements, check out the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s made up of 4 high quality supplements that will help boost your energy levels, improve libido, and shred belly fat. Use it in conjunction with the ebook for best results.
Here’s my full review:
There are several listed in the article above. What kinds of result are you looking for?
Let me know and I’ll make some recommendations for you.
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s loaded with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you on track for your weight loss goals. Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s made up of 4 high quality supplements that will help boost your energy levels, improve libido, and shred belly fat.
Use it in conjunction with the ebook for the best results, here’s my review:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
I haven’t checked it out yet, but I’ll put it on my list and get a review up in a couple weeks.
I want to feel confident taking my shift off, especially with Summer coming up. Which supplement do you suggest I take and how should I use it each day of the week?
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s loaded with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you on track for your weight loss goals. Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s made up of 4 high quality supplements that will help boost your energy levels, improve libido, and shred belly fat.
Use it in conjunction with the ebook for the best results, here’s my review:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
Regarding the Crazy Mass cutting stack: If I buy this, how many do I have to take each day for each supplement? Or how does it work as far as the amount I have to take per day before I do my work out?
The stack is 4 different pills. You take each pill twice or three times a day will meals.
I find that twice a day is usually enough, taken with breakfast and lunch. But you can adjust if necessary after you try it for a week or so.
If I take each pill (4 pills) twice a day, evrry single day. how long would the 4 supplements last?
If I take these 4 supplements, would it really give me the necessary stamina to do the workouts that I want to do for a longer period of time? (Running on Treadmill/Elliptical) The thing that kills me and stops me from doing as much exercise is I get tired/exhausted so quickly and it takes me an eternity just to barely have enough stamina to last any long cardio exercise.
So would these supplements really solve those problems for me? Or are they for other benefits?
Each bottle contains 90 pills so at 2 a day, they’ll each last 45 days. As far as the energy and stamina goes, the Clentrimix (one of the supplements in the stack) will help with that right away, and the other supplements help build muscle which will increase stamina over time.
I usually use a pack before the gym.
A buddy of mine recommend Force Factor Test X180 for muscle mass & Performix Iridium as a Leaner. He’s pretty much a fitness guru n I kinda knows his stuff but I still thought I cud use a second opinion.
What do you think?
I just answered your other question and recommended you check out the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s still my recommendation, but yes, your buddy’s stack is a good choice as well. I haven’t tried Iridium, but the formula looks good and the feedback I’ve seen looks good.
Sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook for tips and guidance on meals and workouts to help you get in the shape you want. As for supplements, go with the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. Here’s my full review: Crazy Mass Cutting Stack Review And here’s a link to their website where you can order it: Crazy Mass Cutting Stack
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quick” ebook. It’s packed with tons of info on diet and exercise you can use as a good starting point. Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack.
It’s comprised of 4 quality supplements that work great to help shred the fat and build lean muscle. Here’s my review:
And what should I use as a supplement ? Would crazy mass work or?
In order to give you the best advice, I’m going to ask a few questions about you first. What are your height and weight now, and what are you goals?
Also, let me know what you do for your workouts and what kind of diet you eat. Knowing those, I’ll be better able to come up with something that works best for you.
Most of what’s legal in the US is also legal in Canada, with a few exceptions. Let me know what you’re specifically looking at, and I can try to answer more precisely.
Yeah, they’re legal in Canada, and Crazy Mass will ship there.
Next, I am 47 years old and in the Army, 146 lbs and have a bit of a tire that I can’t seem to loos. gym every morning, Lots of cardio and free weights. I have mild tennis elbow so I can’t do much. so I am looking get cut.
I am looking at the cutting stack. Would that be a good choice for me and is there any thing in that that would make me poop hot on the urinalysis test?
I am an affiliate for Crazy Mass, which means if you purchase through my link I do get a small commission. However, you don’t pay a dime more, I personally tested it and wouldn’t recommend it if it didn’t work, and I use the proceeds to purchase other supplements to give you guys honest and reliable information.
To lose your spare tire, you can do all the exercise in the world but if you’re not doing the right types of exercises that you’ll never loose it. Click Here to sign up for my free “Get Ripped” ebook, it’s packed with tons of info on the right types of exercises and diet you should be following for the best results.
Personally speaking, I think the cutting stack would be right for you. It does contain DHEA, but as far as I know it’s cleared for use in the military and they don’t test for it anyway.
It’s really a matter of personal preference. I’ve written an article to help you make the choice. You can read it here.
I can’t seem to loose my love handles or my chest fat? I’m in serious need of help
I think the problem is that you’re trying to gain muscle weight and lose fat at the same time. It’s very hard to do, especially as you get closer to your goals. If losing your love handles is your priority right now, up your cardio, make sure you’re at a calorie deficit, and take Instant Knockout. When you’ve lost the fat you want to lose, go back to putting on more lean muscle.
Don’t do it. They contain DHEA, and at your age it could interfere with hormonal development. Try muscle advance creatine, works great.
I jeard about ultimate muscle, nitrocut, and not sure if any of those are true to what they say a lot of the protien shakes ive taken havent reqlly worked so im look for a pill thats safe for my age that really works on gettin big. And yes i hit the gym all the time let me know what u think are some good suppliments, thanks
Unfortunately, I can’t recommend those supplements to you at this time. Many of them may contain ingredients that could stunt your growth or cause hormone abnormalities. That said, they only thing I would recommend would be creatine. I took it when I was your age, and it works great for packing on muscle.
Here’s my top choice:
What are your thoughts on that?
Here’s our review of Ultimate Muscle Black Edition. It’s probably fine in your case, though it’s nothing special. I’d avoid the free trial, though. If you don’t call to cancel within 14 days, they’ll charge you almost $90 per bottle and keep sending you a new one every month. Better to buy it through amazon for a little more than half the price.
Like I mentioned before, you shouldn’t be using a pre workout at your age. Just protein and perhaps creatine if you want to bulk up.
Well, it really depends on your goals. But in general, it’s best to go with the bulking stack first, get as big and strong as you can, and then use the cutting stack to shed down and retain your lean muscle mass.
The Crazy Mass Bulking Stack works great. Check out our full review:
I’m not a big fan of NO2 Blast, mainly because of their “free trial” that turns into a monthly subscription. I haven’t reviewed Meta Boost, but it looks like my opinion would be pretty similar.
Im getting a little bit of energy and a little more pumps but not really seeing any results. I could use some recommendation to some other supps thanks !
Add the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack to your supplement regimen for more specific focus on building muscle. You should also look to tune up your diet and workout plans. For that, sign up for my “getting strong” ebook. There’s a lot of great advice in there to help you achieve your goal.
Try GNC Pro Performance AMP Amplified Mass XXX. Take that twice a day that will 1900 calories you must take in over 3000 calories a day to put on weight.
Your metabolism like mine is faster that what your taking in.
I wake up tired. Is there something “over the counter” that could give me some energy?
I haven’t researched supplements that are purely for energy, but you may want to try a nootropic called Optimind. It’s meant to provide cognitive help, but it does also help you feel more alert.
I eat but don’t workout. I’ve been looking into the cps offer muscle 1 and 2. But I’m afraid I’m to little to cut any weight. I just want to gain weight, and be toned.
It’s getting depressing. Can you offer any advise or recommend anything.
It’s definitely possible for you to gain weight, even though you’re a hard gainer. The right diet and workout routine are the most important factors, so sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It’s got just what you need in that area. As for supplements, check out the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack and a post workout protein shake. You should also take creatine to really pack on the muscle mass.
I have about 50 lbs that I want to lose as long as it’s fat and not muscle. What do you recommend?
First off, sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped” Ebook. It’s packed with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help guide you in your weight loss question. Second, check out the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s specifically designed for guys like yourself looking to lose a dramatic amount of weight as well as help build muscle.
Use the supplements in combo with the ebook and you should be good to go.
I did a quick search and it looks like you can buy Vyotech 17HD at Amazon. You may want to stock up.
Go with Nitrocut. It’s my top non-stimulant pick.
Works great and there’s no danger of popping on a drug test.
I think you’d be fine with Mr. Hyde too, but Nitrocut would be your best bet.
I’m 43 yrs old. I run, cycle, weight lift & do cross fit.
I’m interested in entering a physique Competition. Id also like to have more energy strength & endurance for running events.
I’m long & lean right now & might need a little more size for a show. Based on what information I’ve given you what crazymass supliments are helpful for my interests?
Also what do you think of the hgh by crazymass?
Thanks 🙂 B
Go with the Crazy Mass Strength Stack. It’ll cover all that you need in terms of gaining muscle as well as adding strength and endurance. Definitely pick up the HGH Elite Series while you’re there. It’ll help a lot with mood, sleep, energy, and motivation.
I have a little more time now and would like to basically gain more muscle. However I have recently been diagnosed as pre-diabetic so I have to watch my carb intake.
What do you recommend I do.
Sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It’s got meal plans and workouts designed to help you put on lean muscle weight. The meal plans are very flexible so you can adjust for your special needs. Make sure you get complex carbs (like oatmeal and brown rice), rather than simple ones, (like sugar and white flour). As for supplements, go with the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack, and make sure you get plenty of protein. I like 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition.
Now I work in the oil fields. I need to find help with gaining strength.
I have worked out and have not gained anything. If you could help I greatly appreciate it.
Wow, glad to hear you’re better, but it can definitely be a long road back. My “getting strong” ebook offers a lot of great tips as well as meal and workout plans that can help you build your strength back up. As for supplements, check out the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack. It’s 4 supplements specifically designed to work together to help you work out harder, recovery better, and get stronger.
I’m not trying to sound like a dumb young teenager that is wanting to get big . I eat a complete no carb all natural diet my matablysom is so low if eat any carbs or gluten I gain weight like a pregnant lady .
I’m highly allergic to gluten . A take in extreme amounts of protein everyday and I’m in great shape but im ready to get very big but in a healthy why without fucking up my hormones because I’m still young .
I cannot take mass gainers with a lot of dairy products . I weigh 220 lbs and im 5’5″ .
I have alittke fat around my waste that I’ve never been able to lose after doing this for about 5 months . I know that’s hard to Beleive .
I’m not looking to trim down and be cut but looking to bulk up even bigger and get even stronger . Without carbs gluten dairy products ect.
What ever advice you have would be very appreciated thank you .
At your age, I don’t recommend many supplements. I’ve got a great “getting strong” ebook you should sign up for. It takes you through workouts and meal plans to help you put on muscle weight. Of course, you’ll have to alter the diet to fit your restrictions. As for supplements, keep getting enough protein, and add some Muscle Advance Creatine to the mix. You’ll see the results when you can push harder than ever at the gym.
I’m taking whey, L-carnitine, BCAA’s, Amino acids, Creatine, c4 preworkout, but i feel as if there are better supplements that would be a bit faster for me. I appreciate the help!
For the diet and workout side of things, I definitely recommend you sign up for my free “getting strong” ebook. It lays out a program for putting on lean muscle weight. I generally don’t recommend most supplements for young guys. Believe it or not, you probably still have some growth left in you, and you don’t want to mess with your potential. Stick with whey protein, BCAAs and Creatine for now. Work out hard and you’ll get big, i’m sure of it.
That’s a question you’ll have to ask your doctor. I really can’t tell you what will react with prescription medications.
In fact, most supplement labels provide a caution that you should consult with a physician if you’re taking any prescription medications.
Thanks for your info on crazass. I have another question.
If I start the crazy mass cutting stack how long do I have to run the cycle and how much of the product will I need. Also can I take amino acids while taking this stack.
You would either run a 4 or 8 week cycle depending on how far away from your goals you currently are. You would be safe taking your amino acids, but you might not need to, as you’ll get them with the stack.
I am about to start a round of P90x. I want to try P-Var from crazymass.
Is this product legal? Do I have to cycle this product and take a PCT after.
I already take protein shakes and have cleaned up my diet.
Not a problem at all. Crazy Mass products are not steroids.
They’re natural supplements that mimic the effects of steroids. P-Var is legal, it’s safe, and it doesn’t require post cycle therapy.
At your age, it’s not smart to get involved with too many supplements because most of them haven’t been tested for how they affect bodies that are still growing. The exception is creatine, which actually has been tested extensively and shown to be both safe and effective for teens. Got with Muscle Advance Creatine, and also use a protein shake to make sure you’re getting all you need there. My recommendation is 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition. One more suggestion I have for you is my free “getting strong” ebook designed for guys like you who want to gain muscle weight.
I’ve got a free ebook you should sign up for. It’s got tips and advice for how to eat and work out to put on muscle weight. As for supplements, you would definitely benefit from using the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack, it’s great for hard gainers looking to pack on solid muscle mass.
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Larger, Stronger, and More Powerful” ebook. It’s loaded with tips on diet and exercise to help you bulk up quickly.
Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass bulking stack. It works great for guys like yourself looking to bulk up / add on serious muscle mass.
Here’s my review:
Yeah pretty much any steroid (including Dianabol) will have some sort of negative effect on the kidneys, that’s why I don’t recommend taking it. Try the Crazy Mass line (, it works very comparably to steroids without actually being one.
I haven’t worked out in 4 years. Prior to that I worked out 5 days a week, played football till I was 40 in farm leagues and kept in pretty good shape.
Now I am 5 10 and 190 sloppy. My girls r 19 now and I need to get me back.
How can I cut 15 pounds and gain back muscle mass at the same time?? What products can help me. I will train hard behind them!! I want results!! Please advise!!
First off, click here to sign up for my free “How To Get Ripped Quickly” ebook. It’s loaded with tons of tips on diet and exercise to help get you on track for your weight loss goals. Supplements wise, check out the Crazy Mass cutting stack. It’s made up of 4 high quality supplements that will help boost your energy levels, improve libido, and shred belly fat.
Use it in conjunction with the ebook for the best results, here’s my review:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.