Karmaganics Review

By: Rob Miller
Fact Checked On: 4-17-2019

Kargmaganics is a new kratom company, having been started about 7 months ago.

Despite this lack of experience they have already garnered a very positive reputation among the kratom community.

Why is that?

It’s simple really, they care about the quality of their products and want to provide their customers with the best supplements.

Throughout this review, we’ll discuss who Karmaganics is, what they sell, and my own personal experience with 2 of their kratom strains.

karmaganics kratom review

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What Is Kratom?

Kratom is a tree in the coffee family that grows in southeast Asia where it has been used by local cultures for centuries due to the many health benefits it offers.

In southeast Asia, it is popular among farm workers who chew the leaves as they work since it helps to give them more energy and focus.

In recent years the benefits of Kratom have begun to become more widely known and its popularity has exploded as a result.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Kratom?

As mentioned above, Kratom has long been used by the people of southeast Asia because it helps them to remain focused and increases their energy levels.

kratom as an alternative to opioids

While native people chew the leaves, as the supplement has become more popular around the world it is most often found in liquid, capsule, or tea form.

Kratom is especially beneficial for people that have jobs that require a high degree of focus and performance.

By using Kratom you can work harder, longer, and with more focus than you would normally be able to.

If you have a job that can be repetitive and monotonous, Kratom can help to keep your mind from wandering so you can stay focused on the task at hand.

Kratom For Pain Relief

Kratom is also an excellent supplement for pain relief.

The alkaloids it contains act on the opiate receptors in your nervous system to help people that suffer from chronic or acute pain.

kratom capsules vs hydrocodone and vicodin

While Kratom acts on the opiate receptors in your nervous system it’s important to note that it is not an opiate.

Unlike opiates, it has not been shown to be addictive.

In a day and age where opiate addiction is a major problem, having a supplement that can help with pain relief while not being addictive is hugely beneficial.

Kratom For Anxiety

Kratom can help to soothe your nerves and eases symptoms of anxiety as well.

When you use it, it causes your body to increase serotonin and endorphins, which helps to elevate your mood.

If you suffer from occasional anxiety or are just having a particularly trying day, Kratom can help you to calm down and focus, so you can get back to the task at hand.

Top kratom researcher Chris McCurdy

The compounds in Kratom have also been shown to help promote heart health.

Specifically, it can help to lower blood pressure while keeping your arteries and blood vessels healthy.

Since it helps to calm your mood and reduce anxiety as well, it also helps to reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease.

Kratom also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

A lot of people suffer from various joint disorders that cause inflammation, which then leads to a decrease in mobility as well as pain for the person in question.

If you suffer from any type of long-term joint inflammation, such as arthritis, Kratom can help you to control the inflammation, reduce your pain, and improve your overall quality of life.

Benefits Of Ordering From Karmaganics

1. All Product Is Mold / Yeast Free

Karmaganics ensures that all of its products are mold and yeast free.

Kratom grows well in wet climates, and whenever you have moisture mold and yeast are a concern.

Karmaganics goes above and beyond when it comes to ensuring that mold and yeast are not present in their supplements.

In fact, after ordering their first shipment from the manufacturer they spent the money to have it independently tested by a private lab.

After discovering yeast and mold they threw out the shipment, then contacted the manufacturer to help them to correct their process.

Now after being harvested the Kratom is vacuum packed and shipped with silicate gel packs to ensure that there is no moisture, which means no mold.

After receiving their shipment they then individually vacuum pack each package, a step that no other supplement company takes.

2. High Potency

All of the products that they offer are high potency products.

You don’t get any additives that dilute the effectiveness of their products, you get 100% organic products that are extensively tested to ensure their quality.

3. No Heavy Metals or Alkaloids

Karmaganics also ensures that their products are tested for heavy metals and alkaloids.

4. Free Shipping

Karmaganics offers free shipping on all orders over $10, and they provide a tracking number to you as well.

5. Child Resistant Bags

All of their products are shipped in child-resistant bags.

My Personal Results

I was contacted by one of the co-owners of Karmaganics about testing some of their product, and happily obliged.

They sent me over 2 strains free of charge, Green Malay and Green Maeng Da.

For those of you who aren’t aware, there are some pretty remarkable differences between the two.

Here’s a quick summary of each:

Green Malay

karmaganics green malay review

Provides an assortment of benefits, including:

  • Increased energy and euphoria
  • Increased mood enhancement
  • Mild pain relief
  • Increased focus and motor function
  • Enhanced motivation

Green Maeng Da

karmaganics green maeng da review

Also provides quite similar benefits, including:

  • Increased focus and concentration
  • Enhanced memory, both short and long term
  • Increased stamina and enthusiasm
  • Anti-depressant like effects
  • Lessened fatigue, especially when doing boring tasks

The biggest difference between Green Malay and Maeng Da can be characterized by the following sentence:

Green Malay is perfect for those that are looking for some enhanced motivation, focus, mood improvement, and mild pain relief. Maeng Da is perfect for those that are looking for a huge burst of physical energy, euphoria, and increased stamina and enthusiasm.

If you’ve read any of my other reviews of kratom related vendors, you’ll know that I’ve seen mixed results.

Some brands, like Coastline and Happy Hippo, make very high quality kratom that truly does work.

Other brands, not so much.

I set the bar pretty high for Karmaganics, and I have to say, they easily met my criteria as being one of the best kratom vendors in the US.

The effects of both the Maeng Da and Green Malay came on fast, but not too strong.

There was a noticeable reduction in pain, a very visible increase in mood, and my motivation to get things done went through the roof.

Note that this was with a smaller dose, as larger doses tend to be less stimulating, yet more euphoric.

See the graphic below to learn how to take Kratom:

kratom dosage guide

I would easily put Karmaganics in my top 5 vendors list, assuming I had one 😉

Where to Buy It

You can find Karmaganics kratom exclusively on their official website, https://karmaganics.com/.

Unlike a lot of other vendors, apart from the Green Malay and Maeng Da, they only sell one other strain: Red Bali.

The prices are the same for all 3, and range from $17.99 – $34.99, depending on what size you order.

The one downside is, kratom is not legal in every state.

See the map below for details on this:

where is kratom legal - illegal


If you’ve been looking for a high quality kratom vendor, Karmaganics is it.

What I like best about Karmaganics is that they really seem to care about their customers.

Unlike a lot of other kratom vendors, who sometimes have you jumping through hoops to get their product, this was not the case with Karmaganics.

You can immediately tell that their kratom is high quality, most noticeably by the lack of any real side effects.

Bad kratom has a tendency to give me an upset stomach, and while it might still technically “work”, it’s usually not worth the headaches.

Again, this was not the case with Karamaganics.

If you’ve been on the fence about ordering from them, get off it and place a small order.

You’ll ultimately be happy you did!

Have You Used Karmaganics?Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 KratomAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Koko Kratom

#1 - Koko Kratom

Koko Kratom has the highest quality kratom at affordable prices.

Read my review here.

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#2 – Happy Hippo

#2 - Happy Hippo

Coming in at a close 2nd, Happy Hippo delivers the goods, albeit at a slightly higher price tag.

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#3 – Kraken Kratom

#3 - Kraken Kratom

We have more reviews of Kraken Kratom than any other brand on our site.

Read more here.

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded SupplementCritique.com over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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