iSatori Bio-Gro Review – Does It Work?
By: Rob Miller
iSatori Bio-Gro Oveview
It’s tough to keep up with all the bodybuilding supplements as they hit the market.
But you don’t want to miss something that calls itself a game changer.
That’s what we’re hearing about iSatori Bio-Gro.
It’s not a pre workout or a post workout.
It’s not even technically a protein, but it is closely related.
What iSatori Bio-Gro claims to do is improve the way the body produces proteins, so you’re building muscle more efficiently and making post workout recovery that much easier.
iSatori Bio-Gro Ingredients and How They Work
The primary ingredients in iSatori Bio-Gro are Bio-PropBio-Active Peptides (BAPs) These are actually protein fragments taken from high grade bovine colostrum.
The BAPS in iSatori Bio-Gro are smaller molecules than other peptides.
What they do is turn up the volume on the body’s natural protein synthesis process, helping to make gaining lean muscle and recovering from intense workouts that much faster and easier.
The idea is that you can consume all the protein you want, but it’s not going to get you the results you want until your body is using it efficiently, which is what iSatori Bio-Gro does.
iSatori Bio-Gro comes in powder and capsule form.
For the powder, the recommended dose is 2-3 small scoops taken twice daily.
You can mix it with your protein shake or pre workout drink, or you can mix it with soft food like oatmeal or yogurt.
For the capsules, take 5-7 pills with a glass of water or other liquid.
You can take the capsules with or without food.
iSatori Bio-Gro Pros and Cons
Advantages of iSatori Bio-Gro
- It’s cutting edge supplementation.
- There are lots of great iSatori Bio-Gro reviews from customers who say it makes their muscles feel full and helps make recovery quicker and more painless.
- It’s made by a reputable company.
Disadvantages of iSatori Bio-Gro
- Some reviewers say they felt absolutely nothing.
- The powder is gritty and hard to mix.
- It’s expensive. There are 60 scoops in a tub.
You need to take 4-6 scoops per day, so a tub will only last you 10-15 days.
Where to Buy
iSatori Bio-Gro is available through the iSatori website as well as some other retail supplement websites.
The 60 scoop tub, which will last 10-15 days if taken as directed, costs about $30.
It’s tough to tell whether or not iSatori Bio-Groreall Some reviewers love it. Others say it’s worthless.
And there’s not much to go on in the formula.
Colostrum can be a very effective supplement for protein synthesis, muscle growth, and overall health. Whether or not iSatori Bio-Gro takes this to a new level remains to be seen.
Have You Used iSatori Bio-Gro?
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I just wanted to thank you for ur awesome advices!
You suggested that i should stack nitrocut, testofuel and instant knockout together and its been working pwrfect with me so far!
I was wondering if u think it would be a good idea to giv thatbio grow a try to that current stack and give it a try or it will be redundant and will mess up with what I am currently taking?
Thanks a lot?
Great to hear you’re doing so well! I haven’t tried it myself, but from what I’ve heard, BioGrow is a pretty solid product for post workout recovery.
No worries about it interfering with what you’re already taking. There’s really no overlap or interference.
Thanks for your prompt response!
I ended up getting krealklyne (creatine)instead of bio grow. Is it still ok to be used with testo,nitrocut and instant knockout?
And what do u think about krealklyne since i ddnt find a review here!
Thanks a lot!
No problems there either. I like Kre-Alkalyn.
It’s creatine, which is great for building mass, but it absorbs much better.