HexaTEST Review – Should You Use It?
By: Rob Miller
HexaTEST Overview
HexaTEST is a testosterone booster made by MuscleTech.
They claim the formula is built around a “calculated dose of university-studied carnitine” and that it significantly enhanced testosterone receptor concentration in 21 days in test subjects.
We weren’t able to find any record of this university studied carnitine or clinical testing, so we’ll take that information with a grain of salt.
Probably one of the most important things to know about HexaTEST is that it’s been discontinued by MuscleTech in favor of a couple of their other testosterone boosting products, though we found no indication of why this is the case.
HexaTEST reviews were very mixed, however. Some guys said they felt a real T-boost. Others said it was pure junk.
HexaTEST is still available through some third party retailers, and that’s why we chose to go and review it.
HexaTEST Ingredients and How They Work
The primary mechanism of action for HexaTEST is to increase the number of Androgen receptors in your muscles so you can use more testosterone to gain more lean muscle, because without a decent level of androgen receptors, all the testosterone in the world won’t help.
The primary ingredient, therefore, is L-Carnitine Fumarate.
It’s been studied and shown to increase the amount and the sensitivity of androgen receptors.
Then to up testosterone levels, the HexaTEST formula uses Aspartic Acid, Zinc, and Fenugreek, which have all been shown to boost testosterone.
The recommended dose is 4 capsules before breakfast and another 4 before lunch.
That would make the 168 count bottle last about 3 weeks.
There’s no information offered about how and whether to cycle HexaTEST.
HexaTEST Pros and Cons
Making a list of the good and bad aspects of a product is always a great help in deciding whether or not to use it.
Advantages of HexaTEST
- It aims to increase androgen receptors as well as testosterone levels to give you an all around testosterone advantage.
- It’s fairly cheap at this point.
Disadvantages of HexaTEST
- It’s been discontinued by MuscleTech.
- HexaTEST reviews from customers are very mixed.
Some guys say it works and others say there’s no benefit at all. - HexaTEST may get difficult to find now that it’s been discontinued.
- There’s no money back guarantee because it’s only available through whichever third party retailers stil have inventory.
Where to Buy
MuscleTech no longer sells HexaTEST.
You can however, still get it at Amazon for less than $20 a bottle.
Given all the testosterone boosting supplements available on the market, we see no reason to get involved with HexaTEST.The reviews were very mixed, and you gotta figure MuscleTech discontinued it for a reason.
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