GH Flex Review – Does It Work?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-27-2020

GH Flex Overview
If you want to get big, use steroids. Right?
Well, sure, if you also want to spend all your money on either doctor shopping or the black market.
And if you want roid rage and bitch tits.
And if you want to lose all your gains when you realize you can’t keep taking steroids forever.
But we live in an age where natural components can work if not as well as steroids, then pretty close.
It’s just a matter of finding the right ones.
There are several companies out there that call their products “legal steroids,” and the name can be confusing.
Guys ask me all the time if these products are steroids or not, will they pop on a piss test of not.
The answer to both questions is no. (Well, there are different standards for different testing organization, but generally these legal steroid products don’t contain banned substances).
There’s a company called Top Legal Steroids that makes a few of these products, 3 to be exact.
You can stack them together or use them individually, depending on your needs.
The one we’re looking at today is GH Flex.
What is GH Flex?
GH Flex is an alternative to getting HGH (Somatropin) injections.
The older we get, the less HGH our bodies produce.
HGH keeps us young, it keeps out muscles lean, and it keeps our metabolism running high.
It stimulates growth in kids and repair and rejuvenation in adults.
GH Flex claims to give you the same benefits of HGH injections, but without the extreme cost and inconvenience of doctors and injections Those benefits include:
- Decreased body fat
- Increased lean muscle mass
- Increased strength
- Improved recovery
Better sleep - More skin elasticity
- Boosted sex drive
Sounds pretty great, but let’s take a look at the formula to see if it’s likely Top Legal Steroids can deliver.
GH Flex Ingredients and How They Work
The formula for GH Flex is all natural and includes Arnica Montana, Carduus Marianus, Liver Extract, Korean Ginseng, Phosphoricum Acidum, Pituitary.
Unfortunately, the official product webpage doesn’t explain how each of these ingredients work individually, but they mention that there have been several clinical studies performed on them, showing that they provide a perfect environment for muscle growth.
GH Flex comes in a spray bottle and recommends a dose of 2 sprays, 3 times a day.
Using a spray under the tongue allows the ingredients to be absorbed quickly and directly into the bloodstream, so you get the full benefit, without losing a significant percentage of effectiveness to your digestive system.
GH Flex Pros and Cons
Advantages of GH Flex
- The ingredients are all natural, yet they provide similar benefits to Somatropin injections.
- GH Flex is endorsed by several professional bodybuilders, like USA Heavyweight Champion Will Harris and USA Lightweight Champion Erik Bui.
According to the website, these athletes turned pro only after using GH Flex and the other products in the stack. - You can stack it with the company’s other products, Test Flex and Winnie Flex for best results.
Disadvantages of GH Flex
- The ingredient list is full of a lot of unfamiliar ingredients and while the website is very informative in many ways, it doesn’t shed any light on how they work.
This is usually a red flag. - I couldn’t find any GH Flex reviews from regular customers besides the testimonials on the website, another red flag.
- They mention clinical studies on the website, but don’t provide details or links so we can check them out ourselves.
- It can get pretty expensive, especially when you’re using the stack.
Where to Buy
GH Flex is available on the Sprayflex website.
One bottle is meant to be a one month supply and costs $89.95. You can spend as little as $59.95 per bottle if you buy in bulk.
GH Flex makes a lot of promises, but I’m not convinced by the formula.It also raises some suspicions when they claim there are all these studies done on the ingredients, but can’t point to them directly.
With that said, I’ve been skeptical and proven wrong before, so it’s certainly possible this could happen with GH Flex too.
If you want to try GH Flex, the one month supply is pretty expensive so you may want to go with the bulk supply to save some money.
Red flags aside, GH Flex certainly has the possibility to have good effects, I am just not totally sure if it is enough to justify its high price.
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Top 3 Hgh SupplementsAffiliate Disclosure
HyperGH 14X is a potent HGH releaser which works to help with recovery.
Read more in our review.
HGH Elite series is another one of the best HGH supplements we’ve ever tested.
While it is very expensive, Growth Factor 9 has proven that it indeed does WORK.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
It does not work as advertised
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
It does not work, it’s a waste of money. No wonder there’s no reviews from users online. I still tried and it does not do anything. Garbage please don’t waste your hard earned money.
1 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
is this product safe for your liver and can you take this if you are a diabetes. -ken
It is generally safe, but because you have particular concerns, you should check with your doctor before starting any new supplement.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
I have spent so much money on supplements over the years I probably could have bought a new truck or house in cash by now!
I have tried the GH Flex products, Anabolic Research( Legal Steroids site), Primal Muscle, etc. and so forth. All I want to know is truth and what will work without risking my health, hair, sexual prowess, or losing a job over it.
I am 46, all I want is to be the best I can be. I want to be strong, look great, and take care of myself best I can.
I eat pretty descent, not perfect, but good. I work out hard, cardio, always pushing myself as best I can.
For all I do no matter what supplements I take to me I look at best average. I go to the gym, am strong, but I don’t have “the look” you know what I’m saying?
Is there anything you can suggest or recommend. I am not trying to win contests.
I am just tired of you know 20 pills rolling around my dresser every day.
I totally appreciate it and I imagine I speak for many, many men thinking the same.
I hear you, and you’re certainly not the first guy to come to me frustrated with this stuff. I’ve been writing about / testing supplements for close to 15 years now, and I know the feeling. Obviously at 46 it’s a bit of an uphill battle.
With that said, there are a few supplements out there that really do work. It sounds like you’re looking to tone up, maybe build a bit of muscle, and just overall look better? If that’s the case, I would recommend you stack a testosterone booster called Prime Male along with a fat burner called Instant Knockout.
I think your biggest hurdle right now is probably Low T, and the Prime Male will fix that. The IKO on the other hand will help to get you revved up for your workouts, as well as help to shred fat. You can read my reviews of each below:
Prime Male –
Instant Knockout –
Also, for your convenience I’m sending you my free “How To Get Ripped Quick” ebook. I have a suspicion that you’ve hit a bit of a plateau, and the exercises / diet tips on the ebook should help you break through them. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
Just sent you an email.
For anyone else looking for the free ebook, click here to sign up for your free ebook.