Get Roman Review
By: Rob Miller
What Do You Want To Know About GetRoman?
Who makes it?How does it work?
Is GetRoman Legal?
What do the reviews have to say?
GetRoman Vs. For Hims
Something else.
If you haven’t noticed, there’s a new wave of erectile dysfunction brands sweeping the male enhancement market.
I recently wrote an in-depth ForHims review, and now there’s another guy on the scene that’s kicking arse and taking names.
And that product, my friends, is GetRoman.
Have a look at their hilarious advertising. . .
Today you’re gonna learn everything you need to know about Get Roman, or just ‘Roman’, and whether or not it’s right for you.
So buckle in and let’s get this thing started.
Alright, just a few days ago I stumbled upon THIS ad. . .
It might seem simple, but there’s an important message for ALL men here.
That is, only 30% of us who have ED are seeking treatment.
That’s nuts!
But. . . that’s exactly what these new sex enhancement brands are all about.
They want to eliminate the potential embarrassment of you having to pull out your wang at the doctors, and instead offer a totally discreet, online (cloud) pharmacy for men who suffer with erectile dysfunction. . .

Which, by the way, happens to be upwards of 50% of all men!*Gasp*
Needless to say, companies like Bluechew, For Hims, and Get Roman are probably here to stay.
So what is GetRoman, and what can it do for YOU?

Update! 1-3-2022
If you’re looking for a REAL solution to your ED issues, check out the guys over at Hims.
They sell a highly effective erectile dysfunction tablet that is by FAR the best ED remedy on the market.
Click Here to read my full review.
1. About GetRoman
The official GetRoman website ( waxes poetic about their mission.
They say, “Men’s health, and more precisely the relationship men have with their health, is broken: how we diagnose it, how we talk about it, how we feel about it, how we communicate it, how we suffer with it, how we ignore it, and how we deal with it.”
And here’s what they’re trying to do about it. . .
“So we’re fixing things.
Because, as society has proclaimed, men like fixing things.”

Like SO many startups, the company is headquartered in New York City.
They were founded just last year in 2017, so they’re a new fish in a BIG pond.
But that’s not stopping them from trying to take over the ED scene.
Here are the founders of Get Roman. . .

Now, these fellas don’t exactly have proper medical backgrounds.
Rather, their past lives seem to have been mostly in entrepreneurship and marketing.
It’s no wonder the GetRoman branding and advertising is on point.
As for the medical side of things, they’ve covered their bases and brought a legitimate team of doctors into the mix. . .

And yes that lady’s name is Dr. Pepper (best. name. ever.).
They go on to list 7 more pretty high profile doctors, mostly urologists.
In what capacity do these doctors actually serve or guide the company?
Unfortunately, it doesn’t say.
Finally, they have a certain style of communicating with their audience.
They’re taking a straight-line, serious approach and not pandering to a younger (hipper) crowd.
In fact, according to Racked, “In a revolt against overly chummy copywriting. . .
Roman has an entire page in its style guide dedicated to names it won’t call its customers: dude, homie, champ, hotshot, duke, chief, bro.”
First off, who calls anyone ‘duke’?
Also, I guess this next article wouldn’t fly. . .
Overall, the company seems pretty legit.
I’m sure they already have tons of funding and a deep roster in every department.
Good for them, but will all of this give you bigger, better erections?
Let’s find out.
2. What is GetRoman and how does it work?
While there is a lot to know about GetRoman, the concept is really quite simple.In a nutshell, here’s how GetRoman works. . .

Step 1:Medical History and Symptoms
First, they run you through the gauntlet, asking every conceivable question about your medical history, allergies, sexual activity, etc. We’ll talk more about this rigorous (and perhaps necessary) on-boarding process in a bit.
Step 2: Prove Your Identity
You’ll have to take a photo of yourself and then show your photo ID.
Better hope they match!

Step 3:Doctor Visit with a Real Doctor
This happens fast!
A U.S. licensed physician will go through your profile, and within two hours you’ll be talking to them “viasecure chat, phone, or video.” At which point they’ll write you a prescription of GetRoman if it’s “safe and appropriate.”
Step 4: Free Meds Delivery
Once you complete the online visit, and are prescribed a medication, the Roman Pharmacy Network will “ship your medication in [their] discreet packaging and refill automatically monthly or quarterly.” You pick your pharmacy.
3. Is GetRoman even legal?
In a nutshell yes, but not everywhere.
Basically it works like this:
In order to prescribe medicine, a doctor HAS to be licensed in the state where you’re located.
So for example, if you live in Florida and they don’t have an online doctor that can prescribe ED meds, you will NOT be able to get it.
With that said, if you DO live in a state where they have a prescribing physician, they CAN prescribe you ED meds.
Here’s a list of states where GetRoman is NOT available:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arkansas
- Delaware
- Idaho
- Kansas
- Maine
- Minnesota
- North Dakota
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Vermont
There are several other companies that have jumped at the opportunity to ship ED meds right to your door, including ForHims.
Click hereto see a list of states where GetRoman is available.
4. What’s with the GetRoman online doctor’s visit?

As I mentioned, the Get Roman on-boarding process is quite rigorous.
But it’s also streamlined through a well-designed app.
I went through the ENTIRE process for you.So here’s what you can expect…
The online visit only costs $15, which is fairly cheap considering.

But wait!First make sure you have everything in the following checklist.

And now you have to legally consent to the online visit. . .

And enter all your juicy personal info, like age, birthday, email, and gender.
But don’t worry, your answers will only be reviewed by a licensed physician.
Then they ask how often you’ll be having sex. . . now be honest.

And then it’s time to pick your poison, er, medication!
Do you have a preference?

Note how much cheaper the generic “Sildenafil” is compared to the Viagra and Cialis formulas.
We’ll get to the reason behind this.
It’s important.

Then you get to choose how often you want your medication shipped.
You can save money by going with quarterly billing and shipping instead of monthly.

At this point in the process, they tell you a GetRoman licensed physician will be reaching out within 2 hours for your online visit.

They go on to ask you things like “Have you ever been treated for ED?
Do you have a problem getting or maintaining an erection?
And if so,
how did it begin?”

Now the sorta uncomfortable questions, like “when do you get erections?” And “what areyour erections like?” Awwwwkward. Hey, but at least it’s an online form and not a real-life, face-to-face with a doctor.

They also want to know about any recent physical exams or checkups, and what those were like. . .

This next series of questions I found to be really telling of the professionalism that Get Roman brings to the table.
They genuinely seem to care.

You get the sense they’re not just trying to make a buck.
Unlike SO many companies out there, they want to be sure that prescribing you erectile dysfunction meds is safe and appropriate.
OK — moving right along.
Now, how about your libido?

The next series of questions covers any preexisting conditions, prior surgeries, allergies, etc. Yep. . . very “doctor-appointment-like.”

To round out the on-boarding process, they ask about any medications you’re taking that might interfere and/or react with Get Roman ED meds.
And of course, nitrates top the list, as this can be a deadly combination according to WebMD. Source

Oh, and let’s not forget that you cannot take recreational drugs and Get Roman erectile dysfunction medication at the same time!
As death may occur here too. [1]

They’ll ask if you’d like to share anything else not covered in the on-boarding questions.
And you will need to confirm your pharmacy.

Finally, why not disclose some more personal info for good measure?

You can see what I mean when I say Get Roman puts you through the gauntlet just to get in the game. BUT. . .
I think it’s a good thing, and certainly no more of a hassle than seeing a doctor at a physical location.
Alright, at this point, hold tight and they’ll ring your phone soon enough.

GetRoman FAQ’s
5. What are the ingredients in GetRoman?

Depending on your needs, Roman will contain the following ingredients:
- Sildenafil
- Tadalafil
- and Vardenafil
I really go into detail about these different ingredients, how they work, and their side effects in our Bluechew review.
But let’s do a quick recap.
Sildenafil is the active ingredient in Viagra. [2] While it’s fast-acting, its effects begin to fade 2-3 hours after taking it, so you have a pretty small window to get it on.
The good thing is it doesn’t remain in your system all the time.

Tadalafil is the active ingredient in Cialis.
It’s also fast-acting, but is meant to be taken daily and has a much bigger window of effectiveness (up to 24-36 hours).
This one remains in your system. [3]
Vardenafil is the active ingredient in Levitra.
It takes 30 minutes to kick in like the others, and will last approximately 5 hours, which is just a touch longer than Sildenafil on average.
Vardenafil is significantly more potent that sildenafil, but sildenafil is still considered more effective overall. [4]
Now, remember how Roman offers a “Sildenafil” as low as $6 bucks per dose?

Well, that’s because last year Pfizer gave one company the rights to make generic Viagra (Sildenafil). [5] And so now they can do it on the C.H.E.A.P.
On a related note, many companies are now illegally injecting counterfeit Sildenafil into their “all-natural herbal supplements,” includingXXXplosion, Rhino 69, and Black 3K. . . just to name a few.
And guess what, upwards of 80% of all “Viagra” bought online is counterfeit! 80%! So going with a legitimate erectile dysfunction treatment like GetRoman is a good alternative to buying Viagra online.
6. How do I take it?
Some say to take it one hour before sex, but 30 minutes should do the trick.This goes for all three medications (Sildenafil, Tadalafil, and Vardenafil).
7. How long does Roman take to start working?
As touched on above, you should experience an erection (if aroused) within 25-30 minutes after taking GetRoman or similar male sexual enhancers.
8. Are there any side effects with Roman?
According to, the most common side effects of erectile dysfunction medications like Roman are:
- Headaches
- Body aches
- Digestive problems
- Dizziness
- Vision changes
- Flushes
- Congestion
- Severe side effects

9. Can I take it with alcohol?
To answer this, we have to look at the individual ingredients in Get Roman.
You shouldn’t drink alcohol while taking Sildenafil, as “alcohol thins the blood, and can lead to [Sildenafil] being broken down faster than normal.” Source
Same goes for Tadalafil.
In fact, says, “Tadalafil can lower blood pressure, and combining it with alcohol may further increase this effect.” Source
And finally, you shouldn’t mix Vardenafil with ‘excessive’ alcohol.
The folks at Everyday Health say, “When taking Levitra [Vardenafil], you should not drink alcohol excessively.
Too much alcohol can increase the risk of side effects such as headache, dizziness, and low blood pressure.” Source
Sorry gents, the prognosis isn’t good if you’re a heavy drinker. . .
BUT. . . if you really want a male enhancement pill that works immediately and one that you can take with alcohol, check out this article.
10. GetRoman reviews
I wasn’t able to find any reviews outside of their official website.
When searching on YouTube for real user stories, you’ll come across blatant advertisements and sponsored videos like this one.
And then you’ll find videos like the one below, which is an unbiased and legit review. . . of the on-boarding process. . . which we already went over in detail!
C’mon people, tell us about your erections already.
Which brings us to the reviews listed on the company’s website.
I always like to include these user reviews, but with the usual disclaimer of ‘take them with a grain of salt.’ They probably are real reviews, but there’s always the chance they’re not.

This fellow is enjoying sexual intercourse for the first time in years.
PS — who says “sexual intercourse?” That’s just uncomfortable for everyone.

Roman has got this guy having sex several times a day. . .

This guy is cancelling his subscription, but only because Get Roman was so awesome and helped him to get where he’s at today. 😉

And. . . ’nuff said.

But at the end of the day, I would imagine most men are enjoying the privacy and convenience of Roman’s online pharmacy.
And if they have a solid understanding of the different ingredients, there’s really not a whole lot to complain about.
11. GetRoman vs. For Hims

So there’s another company called For Hims that people want to know about.
So what’s the difference between Roman and Hims?
Which is better for erectile dysfunction?
Well, it’s really apples and oranges.
I may do a thorough review on Hims pretty soon, because it is for some men, but it’s probably not for you.

First off, For Hims doesn’t specialize in erectile dysfunction like Roman does.
In fact, Hims sells everything from hair, to skin, to sex, to mouth merchandise.
They even sell shirts and candles and matchbooks.
Also, Hims is clearly going after a younger audience.
Just have a look at their messaging and imagery. . .

But what really differentiates the two companies is that Hims allows you to drop your (probably generic) Sildenafil into your cart before going into your online doctor’s visit.
Very much UNLIKE Get Roman, this makes you feel like they’re just trying to sell you something, whether or not it’s right for you.
Also, who knows what this “doctor’s visit” even entails?!
At any rate, Hims seems only a fraction as professional as Get Roman.

12. Where to buy GetRoman?
You can only buy Roman erectile dysfunction medication on their official website.
Also, because GetRoman doesn’t have a ‘Roman licensed physician’ in every state just yet, it’s not available in some states.

Here is the full list of states that GetRoman is currently available in (as of July 2018):
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- Nevada
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
If it’s not available in your state yet, fear not. The company says, “If we’re not available in your state, please email and we’ll put it on the top of our list.”
13. How much does GetRoman cost?
The cost will depend on which medication the doctor deems right for you.
It can range from $8-$300 per month, after the $15 online visit.

To give you a better idea, here is the price breakdown depending on which product is a good fit for your needs.It’s very affordable.

Also, Roman is not covered by insurance.
14. Does Roman offer a Guarantee?
Well, since Roman is less of a product, and more of a service, they don’t really offer a guarantee.
At least I didn’t see anything about it on their website and in my searching.
Which. . . is a bummer.
I mean, I get that they wouldn’t accept returns, as it is prescribed medication.
But they could at least offer your money back if you’re dissatisfied with the results.
Bluechew does this, which is nice.
15. Recommendation
The bottom line is, GetRoman is NOT a scam.
Everything they do is 100% legal, and in my opinion is worth giving a shot.
Compared to other similar products that don’t offer much of anything for results, GetRoman is highly effective especially considering that it is over the counter and easy to get.
Overall, I like what GetRoman is doing for men with erectile dysfunction.
I would say it’s a good alternative to going to the doctors’s for Viagra or Cialis.
Not to mention it’s much less embarrassing.
If you don’t want to have to have an awkward talk at the doctor’s office or if you don’t want to jump through the hoops of getting a prescription, then GetRoman is a high quality alternative to one of those elusive medications.
But. . . it is quite the production.
So I would say if you have the patience to get past their (ridiculously thorough) on-boarding process, then it’s definitely worth a try.
Here’s what I really like about GetRoman:
- It’s cheaper than going to the doctor’s and getting a prescription
- You can do it from the comfort of your own home
- Their branding is awesome
- Although the onboarding takes patience, it really shows they care about getting you the right erectile dysfunction meds for your specific needs
Have you tried GetRoman?
If so, write your review in the comments below!
Additional References
Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure
Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.
The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.
Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.
Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings
Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.
Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
I ordered sildenafil from Roman for ED problems. The order process was easy but the product is inferior, low potency. Gave me a headache but no boner (erection).
14 out of 16 people found this review helpful.
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
Is GetRoman legit? -Mike
Yes. They are a reputable company and sell a premium quality product.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
And how much do they cost by the pill
The cost of GetRoman can range from as little as $8 a month to $300 per month. It all depends on what size pills you get (25 mg, 50 mg, etc), which drug you get (Viagra, Sildenafil, or Cialis), and at what frequency.