ForskolinFit Pro Review – 5 Big Reasons to Avoid It
By: Rob Miller
What is itIngredients
Clinical Studies
Side Effects
Free Trial
The Big Reasons to Avoid
The Bottom Line
User Reviews
When a new weight loss product first hits the market, it’s tough to tell whether it’ll really catch on or just fizzle out.
One way supplement producers have tried to ensure success in the recent past is by getting a celebrity on board.
Over the last decade or more, the hottest celebrity you could get in the weight loss business was Dr. Oz.
If you could get him to push your product, you could pretty much take his endorsement to the bank.
He did it with Garcinia Cambogia, and more recently he did it with Coleus Forskohlii, or Forskolin.
Maybe Dr. Oz is nothing but a shill.
After all, he did get called before a Senate Committee for potentially making false claims about products he promotes.
But whether you believe him or not, he has a lot of influence over what sells and what doesn’t.
So, with Dr. Oz pushing its primary ingredient, we’re looking at ForskolinFit Pro today.It’s been advertising all over the internet lately.
You’ve probably seen it on your Twitter or Facebook feeds. It looks amazing, but does it work? Will it take the weight off? Are there side effects? What about the company?
We looked at all of it, so read on for the answers.
What is ForskolinFit Pro?
ForskolinFit Pro is a natural weight loss supplement that contains only one active ingredient – Forskolin.
We’ll get into more detail about what that is a little later.
For now, let’s talk about what it promises to do for you.
ForskolinFit Pro is said to help you burn fat and lose weight.According to its official website, it works like a vicious, fat burning cycle:
Here’s how the steps work:
- ForskolinFit Pro activates cAMP, an enzyme that signals for the fat burning process, or lipolysis, to use fat stores as energy.
- It releases fatty acids from stored fat, breaking down some of the most stubborn fat.
- It boosts natural testosterone levels which helps you retain your existing muscle mass, so your body is using up stored fat, not muscle.
- By boosting metabolism and increasing lean muscle, ForskolinFit Pro is preventing more fat from forming, so you’re losing fat and at the same time preventing new fat from being stored.
According to ForskolinFit Pro, that’s it, that’s how it works.
Take 2 capsules per day, preferably post workout or secondarily pre workout, and watch the fat melt off.
ForskolinFit Pro Ingredients
The only active ingredient in the ForskolinFit Pro formula is 250 mg of 20% forskolin.Forskolin comes from the root of the Coleus Forskohlii plant, a member of the mint family.
Like a lot of herbal ingredients, it’s been used in Eastern medicine for centuries, in this case for asthma and heart disease.
But once its potential effect on weight was discovered, this little known herb became the belle of the ball.
Clinical Studies
When Dr Oz talks about Forskolin, he cites a double-blind placebo controlled study as evidence that this stuff helps you lose weight.
The funny thing is, even though it’s true that there was a study that fits this criteria, the results were very different than what Dr Oz would have you believe.
First of all, the study was extremely small.There were 30 obese men participating over a 12 week time period, 15 used Forskolin (250mg twice a day at 10% concentration) while 15 took a placebo.
Second of all, the men in the study did not lose weight.
They did experience a favorable change in body composition however.
Their lean muscle mass increased in comparison to body fat. This is a good thing.
But it’s not weight loss. Free testosterone levels were also increased.This small study is perhaps promising, but it’s not evidence that Forskolin is a magic weight loss elixir.
Interestingly, there was a another small study involving only women where no weight loss or body composition changes were noted.
What was noted was that the women taking Forskolin didn’t gain weight.
Again, good but not weight loss and not a miracle.
It should also be noted that in the “successful” study, the dose used was 250 mg Forskolin at 10% taken twice a day.
The dose in ForskolinFit Pro is 250 mg Forskolin at 20% taken once per day.
It may seem like it works out the same, but that’s not how ingesting substances works.
If you’re not following the same protocol as a study, then you really have no idea if you’ll even get the close to the cited results.
Side Effects
Forskolin is generally considered safe when taken by adults orally.
According to WebMd, the only known side effects occur when taking Forskolin in other ways.
When taken intravenously, low blood pressure and flushing can occur.
When inhaled, throat irritation, cough, tremors, and restlessness can occur, and when given as eye drops (as a potential treatment for glaucoma), it can cause stinging.
ForskolinFit Pro Free Trial
Oh boy, here we go. This is another free trial scam product.
You see the little pop up ad at the side of your laptop screen, you click it, and you find the weight loss miracle pill you’ve been searching for.
Looks amazing but it’s probably not affordable.
You read on and find out it’s FREE, and you’re in!
Hold on a minute though, don’t go there.
ForskolinFit Pro isn’t free.
Well hold on just a minute.
When it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, and that’s definitely the case here. ForskolinFit Pro is not free.
If you sign up for the free trial, you are really signing up for the monthly autopay program.
They make you pay $5 in shipping just so they can get your credit card number, and once they have it, they will use it.
Here are the terms, hidden way at the bottom in fine and light gray print:
If you don’t want an ongoing subscription with autopay, you need to call and cancel within 15 days of the day you placed your order.Now I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound free to me. This free trial is the only way to order ForskolinFit Pro.They’re not really interested in reaching out to a broad base of customers.
They’re more about the quick buck – get in, get out, get their money, and move on.
Don’t feel bad if you missed it.
They use this business model because it works.
I’ve heard from hundreds of guys who’ve been taken in by these fake free trial offers.
ForskolinFit Pro Reviews
Because ForskolinFit Pro is only sold through their website, most of the customer feedback we found is there.
But I always advise readers to take these with a grain of salt since the company is trying to put their best foot forward and probably not willing to publish anything negative.
We did find another source of feedback, and it told a completely different story.
This website has collected feedback about ForskolinFit Pro independently and here’s some of what these people had to say:
Lots of negative feedback about the company, so we went and checked them out at the Better Business Bureau website, and if you thought it was bad already, hold on because it gets much worse.
Here are just a couple of the numerous complaints:
They are not accredited and they don’t have a rating, but there is a note on the page saying that the company is out of business.
They came to this conclusion because they are unable to reach them. This may or may not be the case.
You can still place orders through their website, so I think the “out of business” designation is a bit premature.
But judging from the complaints and the fact that each and every one of them has gone unanswered, I’d say it won’t be long before they do go out of business.
The Big Reasons to Avoid ForskolinFit Pro
There are some good effective supplements out there. Believe me, I use some of them. But there’s a lot of junk too.
Here are some of the big highlights putting ForskolinFit Pro in the junk category:
- The science behind forskolin for weight loss is iffy at best.
There may be some promise for the stuff, but it’s no miracle. - The ForskolinFit Pro formula uses nothing but forskolin, which we just established, is no miracle drug.
- They make you sign up for a free trial.
Sure it sounds good, but it’s a scam.
They just want to lock you into monthly autopay.
Don’t let them. - The actual price is $99.00. That’s $99 for a month’s worth of a single ingredient supplement that may or may not be effective.Think about a single vitamin pill or a even a multi-vitamin supplement you’d pick up at the grocery store or CVS.
Would you pay $99 for it?That’s what they’re asking you to do here.
It’s a single ingredient pill that you might get some small benefit from.
That price makes no sense and is further evidence that this product and this company are just a scam. - Check the Better Business Bureau complaint page for ForskolinFit Pro.
It’s long and they all say the same thing.
This company offers horrible customer service after the sale and will do whatever it takes to get and keep your money.
That’s what this is about – not weight loss.
The Bottom Line
It’s pretty hard to dispute those reasons to stay away.
Believe me, I’d give you the positives if I saw any. ForskolinFit Pro is likely to be safe. That’s a positive. Unfortunately, it’s the only one.
There’s really no reason to buy or try ForskolinFit Pro.By reading this review, you’ve given it all the time and attention it deserves.
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