Formula T10 and Prolexin IGF-1 Review – WTF?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 5-9-2018

Testosterone boosters appeal greatly to any man who is putting in a high amount of work in the gym but not seeing the results that he could be due to the natural decline in testosterone that will take place with aging.
If you are beyond the age of 25, your testosterone level will be starting to plummet.
Sooner or later, muscle building will feel next to impossible. Unless, of course, you do something to increase your testosterone levels back up.
This is the main mission of the testosterone boosters that you’ll come across in today’s market. But, which deliver and which fall short?
That’s the big question to ask yourself.
One product that you may come across is Formula T10, which contains a number of ingredients to jumpstart your testosterone levels.
But will it deliver? Let’s take a look at what you should know.
How Does Formula T10 Work?
Formula T10 was specially developed by doctors and is produced in an FDA certified facility.
It’s main aim is to offset the natural and normal decline of testosterone that takes place with age or due to other bodily issues that may compromise production.
The product contains vasodilators as well as ingredients to increase natural testosterone generation, so together these may assist with increasing performance along with your ability to build up lean muscle mass.
The Ingredient Listing
When looking at the ingredients in Formula T10, we see quite the line up.
This product contains L-Arginine HCL, Long Jack, DHEA, Sarsparilla Root, Saw Palmetto, Damiana Leaf, Muira Puama Extract, Jamaican Ginger Root, Eleuthero Root, Stinging Nettle Extract, Tiechi Ginseng Root, Lycopene, Oat Straw Extract, Licorice Root, Nutmeg seed, Withania Sonnifera Root, Mucana Pruriens, Tinospora Corditolia leaf, Tribulus Terestris, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and zinc.
The problem is that no dosages of these ingredients are listed, so you may end up with a lot of filler in this product.
Not all of these ingredients are documented to be very effective testosterone boosters, so if you have more of the less effective ingredients and less of the more effective ones, you can imagine what your results will be like.
Does Formula T10 Have Any Side Effects?
Generally speaking, supplements that contain all natural ingredients are fairly safe for the average healthy individual. Like any supplement however, there is always the potential for side effects, and Formula T10 is not excluded from this. Judging by the ingredients list, possible side effects may include dizziness, headaches, rash, increased blood pressure, and nausea. It’s best to consult with your doctor before taking this supplement.
Should You Take Formula T10 with Amino Prime or Prolexin IGF-1
There are numerous blogs floating around saying that if you combine formula t10 and prolexin IGF-1 that you’ll receive numerous benefits. They even go on to say that it’s some secret celebrity combo that’s been used for decades and that it’s finally been released to the public. You’ll also see other popular combos including supplements like amino prime and ripped muscle X along with Prolexin IGF-1, so which one are you really supposed to take?
Well, I’m here to tall you that its a load of B.S. What is really going on is their are marketers out there that use this tactic to get you to sign up to what’s referred to as an auto-rebill scam. Basically what that involves is luring in the unsuspecting consumer with the promise of a free sample, when the reality is far different. What they REALLY end up doing is getting you enrolled in an auto rebill and auto shipment program which will charge your credit card a massive amount in 14 days if you don’t cancel.
And what’s worse is even the company itself brands this as a free sample, check it out below:
but then when you get to the order page…
There are alot of guys that fall for this same scam, check out my related post to see what I’m talking about. Of course Formula T10 is available for sale without going through a free trial, so I recommend if you really want to buy it that you search for a merchant on google.
- May boost the metabolism increasing the rate of fat burning taking place
- Can increase energy level over time
- May enhance sexual desire and performance
- May increase strength and performance in the gym
- Will take up to 2 months for full benefits to be seen
- Full ingredient dosage is not shown on bottle
- Due to lack of ingredient concentrations, you’re unable to assess side effect risk
The Verdict
All in all, while Formula T10 contains one of the longest ingredient listings that you’ll come across, don’t let this fool you into thinking that it’s far superior than other products on the market.
Sometimes simpler is better – especially if it means you know what you are putting into your body.
There are just too many questions with this product to really trust it and invest in. Find a product that contains powerful ingredients that is backed by science and where you know exactly what it is that you are putting into your body.
Have You Used Formula T10? Leave Your Review Below!
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User Questions and Answers
Im looking to gain weight and muscle will this protein help? -Ben
I don't recommend you try these. Instead, check out the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack and stack it with creatine. You can use the meal and workout plans in my free "getting strong" ebook.- Rob
I’m not sure. I tried to find their website, but the free trial offers just lead to other products.
It looks like the company may have moved on to “bigger and better” things. That’s one of the reasons I recommend you stay away from these products.
They leave the scene just as quickly as they come on.
I got Nitro Cut and this spray at the same time. 3 days before deployment canceled it all they asked me to return what pills i didn’t use. Then for this spray bs.
They said it was all taken care of. Get home yesterday and what do I see?? 8 Boxes totaling 700.24. Just called and oh well we show no record of you calling you we just F&@KED you. But if I have my cancellation number FROM 8 MONTHS AGO???
Really Get Way To Run Your Business Guys. One more thing put your call center in the USA and help our people
Before your 14 day trial period is up, call the company at 1 (877) 298-6856 and let them know you want to cancel, and you don’t want any more charges. They may require that you return the trial bottle.
Some companies do, some don’t.