Fitmiss Tone Review
By: Rob Miller
There seems to be a million fat burners and weight loss pills out there to choose from.
For those of you who are tirelessly searching for the best supplement for the job; it can feel like an endless struggle.
It’s because I understand the woes of locating a effective fat burner, that I have written this review about Fitmiss Tone.
This product claims to help you slim down and tone up fast.
So, relax.
You are in safe hands here…
I am going to tell you all you need to know about Fitmiss Tone, so you know whether or not this is a contender, or simply a waste of everyone’s time.
Let’s face it.
No one has the time to waste when it comes to getting in shape.
Your reason for wanting to drop those excess pounds doesn’t matter.
It could be a school reunion or an upcoming prom, either way the end goal is the same.
To look as fit and hot as possible.
So many people have tried those useless starvation diets, cabbage soup and juices for a month or whatever.
And, yeah.
Of course you lose weight when you are just eating cabbages.
But it doesn’t last, does it?
It never does.
What you really need is a product that can have your back.
One that can help you melt away that unsightly fat and keep it off.
For good this time.
Basically, you want to get your hands on a fat burner that actually does what it promises to do.
Not much to ask, right?
I don’t think so.
So, regardless of your reasons for wanting to slim down – let’s find out whether Fitmiss Tone can walk the talk.
Fitmiss Tone is made by a company who call themselves “Muscle Pharm”.
Kinda catchy I guess.
They are based in sunny California.
According to their website, they are known as “the athletes company” within the sports nutrition world.
We are not sure that is true, but we guess it doesn’t matter.
Their products are sold in over 100 countries globally, which is pretty impressive.
They have a male centric product range, as well as the female centric range “Fitmiss”.
Of course, this is where our subject for the day, Fitmiss Tone, finds itself.
The company website is a little garish, lots of acid greens and bright pinks, depending on which range you are viewing.
To be honest, it started to give us a bit of a headache.
But it’s time to move on anyway.
Let’s dive in and find out what exactly Fitmiss Tone is and whether it can help you lose weight!
What Is Fitmiss Tone?
Fitmiss Tone is a fat burning supplement which is marketed exclusively toward women.
It claims to be able to help you:
- Burn fat
- Maintain lean muscle mass
- Charge up metabolism
Sound familiar?
Of course it does, this is what every other supplement you have looked at say’s it can do!
Related Article: 11 BEST Fat Burners For Women
By now, you should know that, just like superheroes, a supplements’ real power comes from within.
It’s what’s inside that counts – the formula.
It doesn’t matter what these pills say they can do.
They must have the ingredients to back themselves up.
So what are we waiting for?
Let’s take a look at what is inside Fitmiss Tone.
What Are The Ingredients In Fitmiss Tone?
The blend of ingredients in Fitmiss Tone are quite unusual.
They are:
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Avocado Oil
Two of those ingredients are fats, right?
But, the immediate problem we come up against is that Fitmiss Tone use what is known as a “proprietary blend” called “CLA Fit Blend”.
Essentially, they list the ingredients under one dosage, so we have no idea how much of each one we are getting.
We don’t like proprietary blends all that much, but that’s not to say we haven’t seen any good supplements which use them.
We are told that the CLA Fit Blend of the above ingredients totals 1000 mg altogether.
Of course, that could be 900 mg of olive oil for all we know.
Olive oil is an unusual ingredient in a fat burner.
But after a little research, we found that olive oil contains oleic acid, which is known to help prevent hunger pangs and burn away belly fat.
Then we have avocado oil.
This is another healthy fat which has numerous health benefits, but not much that we could see regarding fat loss.
Finally that brings us to Conjugated Linoleic Acid.
What is Conjugated Linoleic Acid and how does it help with weight loss?
Conjugated Linoleic Acid or CLA is a popular supplement with bodybuilders looking to cut those last shreds of fat.
In fact, we’ve reviewed several CLA products, including FDS 3000 and CLA Extreme.
Studies have shown that this fatty acid can stimulate fat loss while also protecting lean muscle from being burned as an energy source.
This is super important if you are dieting and restricting calories.
Several studies have backed up the effectiveness of CLA for fat loss.
For example, one study with Chinese participants found that CLA supplementation over 12 weeks reduced BMI and body fat percentage with no adverse effects. Source
Another study showed that CLA over 6 months could reduce body fat and reduce the amount of weight gained over the holiday season. Source
This does sound appealing.
The big problem is that we can’t see how much CLA is in this supplement, there could be next to none of it for all we know.
Fitmiss Tone FAQs
How Do I Take It?
Fitmiss Tone should be taken three times per day; morning, noon and night.
One capsule with a glass of water and a meal is the best method.
There are 60 capsules in each bottle, which means you will have a month supply.
How Long Does It Take To Start Working?
It is pretty impossible to say how quickly you will see results with Fitmiss Tone.
Just like any supplement, everyone is different and will see different results.
As always, you will see better results if you stick with it for a month or two and take good care of yourself.
We know being patient is tough, but seriously, you need to give these things time to see the rewards!
Do I Need To Eat Healthy and Exercise While Using Fitmiss Tone?
Do you really need to ask that question?
The answer is; of course!!
No fat burner in the universe is going to give you your dream body if you sit on your butt and eat pizza all day.
Be mindful of what you eat, get your heart rate up regularly and you are sure to see results.
Are There Any Side Effects?
That is certainly an important consideration when choosing a supplement.
However, we are dealing with a pretty un-threatening supplement here.
Fitmiss Tone contains no nasty chemicals or heart racing stimulants.
Aside from the food oils, there is only CLA left.
CLA is a relatively low dose such as this is very unlikely to cause you any issues.
In fact, the only side effect you may experience is finding it easier to go to the bathroom – due to all those slippery oils.
Can I Take Fitmiss Tone If I Have High Blood Pressure?
Because Fitmiss Tone is stimulant free, you should be all good with taking this product.
However, as always, have a chat with your doctor first.
Better safe than sorry.
The Fitmiss Tone ingredients list is very short and tame.
Therefore, we think you needn’t worry about this too much.
Can I Take Fitmiss Tone With Alcohol?
Well, yes, you could.
But is that really gonna help you slim down?
Probably best to keep the alcohol consumption on the down low while you are trying to cut fat.
Fitmiss Tone Reviews
There are a good few Fitmiss Tone reviews on the internet.
I decided to grab a couple of the best ones and put them in this part of my review for you.
So, let’s take a look at the happy customers first.
As you can see, Amazon has an average star rating for Fitmiss Tone as 3.2 out of 5 stars.
Not mind blowing to be honest.
Here’s our first positive review.
This user was pleased with the results, but made clear that you need to work out too if you want the best results.
Just like we told you.
Then we have this reviewer, who has a pretty similar opinion.
In terms of the negative reviews, we found a few people who said they didn’t see any results at all…
So, overall, it seems like you need to shed some sweat and take care of your diet if Fitmiss Tone is going to take care of you.
We have to say there are quite a number of supplements with better reviews than fitmiss tone.
Where Can I Buy Fitmiss Tone?
Fitmiss Tone can be purchased on their official website, as well as on Amazon.
Some other comparison websites may sell it, but it’s unlikely it will be from their own stock.
Amazon is a good and convenient option because of their fast shipping policies.
We checked, and the listing on Amazon is an official one by Fitmiss brand themselves.
How Much Is Fitmiss Tone?
A one month supply of Fitmiss Tone will set you back $18.99 from the official website.
On Amazon, the price varies from $14.57 up to $17.00. Either way, Amazon is cheaper at the time of writing.
This is a very affordable supplement if you are new to the world of weight loss aids and want to give it a try without spending lots of money.
But it is worth bearing in mind that Fitmiss Tone is cheap because of a lack of ingredients.
Is There A Guarantee?
There is no guarantee to speak of on the Muscle Pharm or Fitmiss website.However, you are allowed to return the product within 90 days of purchase, so long as it is not more than 75% used.
Fitmiss Tone appears to be a lightweight fat burner which can help you burn a small amount of weight, but only if you put some effort in.
Being completely stimulant free, it is a good choice for women who tend to be more sensitive to those kind of ingredients.
The company is well respected and has a large number of products behind it.
Customer reviews were inconsistent so it is impossible to tell whether it will work for you or not.
I like the use of CLA as the active ingredient.
There are definitely harder hitting ingredients out there, but CLA is proven to help with fat loss.
The problem is we don’t know how much CLA Fitmiss includes.
The other big fault with Fitmiss Tone is that it only includes 3 ingredients in total and avoids a whole host of the most proven fat loss ingredients out there.
Overall, Fitmiss Tone is a safe fat burner for females.
It is also cheap!
If you want a weight loss pill which will give you results with less effort, you are probably better off going for one of the more premium fat burning supplements.
Have You Used Fitmiss Tone? Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 Female Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure
Hourglass Fit Female Fat Burner is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested.
Read our review here.
Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.
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