Fit Affinity Review
By: Rob Miller
Fit Affinity For Her Overview
If you want to lose weight, the advice is to eat less calories than you use on a day to day basis.
This leaves you in a ‘negative energy balance’ or ‘calorie deficit’.
Most people will start a diet and exercise regime, hitting the gym and watching what they eat.
However, it is easy to lose focus if you are not seeing results as fast as you would like.
This is where ‘fat burners’ come in.
Related Article: 11 BEST Female Fat Burners
These supplements claim to give you a helping hand in losing inches, usually by boosting calorie burn so you reach fat burning zone quicker.
Sometimes it feels as if there are a million different fat burners out there, all telling you they can solve your weight loss problems.
It can be almost impossible to know where to start.
One fat burner that caused some excitement when it was released is Fit Affinity For Her.
In this review, we are going to jump in and investigate Fit Affinity For Her in closer detail, to let you know if this is the right choice for you.
What is Fit Affinity For Her?
Fit Affinity For Her is a fat burner that is supposedly designed specifically for female biology and the female market.
The bottle is transparent with a very chic pink and black label, complete with the almost inevitable photo of some ripped abdominals.
The pills are colored pink and black too.
For some this might add to the feminine appeal.
Fit Affinity For Her is a blend of 11 natural ingredients which they say gives you the following effects, even without exercise:
- Boosts Metabolism
- Increases Fat Burning
- Elevates Energy Levels
- Lifts Mood
- Helps Carbohydrate & Fat Breakdown
Does Fit Affinity For Her Work?
Fit Affinity For Her appears to have a large customer base, and a large number of reviews on their website where users submit their own photos of results.
Making a decision on this female fat burner however really comes down to the substances found in this product.
A quick scan of the label does show a whole host of the best ingredients are missing from this supplement.
Parking that disappointing fact for a moment let’s investigate whether or not this product actually has the potential to work.
Ingredients In Fit Affinity For Her
- Biotin
- Cayenne powder
- Caffeine
- Cocoa Seed Powder
- Citrus Aurantium
- Alpha lipoic acid
- Green tea
- Choline
- Guggul powder
- Acetyl l-carnitine
- Pantothenic acid
Biotin is usually found in supplements that promise to give you beautiful skin, hair and nails.
It is also referred to as ‘vitamin H’ because of the beneficial effect it can have upon hair health.
In reality, biotin is one of the family of B vitamins that play many roles, but most notably help you to absorb nutrition from the food you consume.
There is some evidence that biotin may also be helpful in regulating blood sugar levels, although this is not accepted by everyone and requires further research.
In all honesty, we are not bowled over by the inclusion of this ingredient.
Most people get enough biotin from their diets and it seems unlikely to us that this ingredient is going to provide any tangible benefits.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is a spicy ingredient that adds a kick of heat to your favourite Indian dishes.
It has such a heat producing property due to the compound ‘capsaicin’.
This is found across the chilli and pepper family, and is what makes your lips tingle and forehead sweat when eating something spicy.
The scientific definition for this is ‘thermogenic’, essentially ‘heat producing’.
Thermogenics like cayenne pepper speed up your metabolic rate for a while after consumption and help you to burn through calories much quicker.
They also can help to reduce your appetite and defend against troublesome cravings.
We think cayenne is a great choice of ingredient for use in a women’s fat burner, and are pleased to see it included here.
Caffeine is probably one of the ingredients you will immediately recognise and be familiar with.
Consumed by many of a daily basis in tea and coffee, caffeine is the most widely used drug on the planet.
It is also found in fat burning supplements due to its metabolism boosting and fat burning effects.
But while it may be effective, it is a strong stimulant that can also make people feel unwell, anxious and have trouble sleeping, especially women.
There are other effective, non stimulating ingredients that we think could have been used in place of caffeine.
For this reason we are quite disappointed to see it used in Fit Affinity For Her.
Cocoa Seed Powder
Cocoa seed powder immediately makes us think of chocolate.
The cocoa seed is the raw ingredient from the theobroma cacao tree.
This is the starting point in life of all the chocolate you have consumed.
It seems odd to be talking about chocolate and weight loss in the same breath, but cocoa seed powder contains a stimulating chemical called ‘theobromine’, which is responsible for the bitterness of dark chocolate.
It is allegedly similar in its effects to caffeine, having an elevating effect upon the metabolism, increasing alertness and focus.
There is a little evidence that cocoa seed powder can help you lose weight, but we still think it is quite strong for a women’s supplement.
We would have preferred to have seen a stimulant free metabolism booster such as turmeric.
This is effective but without the potential for nasty side effects.
Citrus Aurantium
Citrus aurantium is a fancy name for bitter orange extract.
It contains an active chemical called ‘synephrine’, which has been shown to increase calorie burn and weight loss.
There are some studies that suggest it can improve energy and exercise performance.
We think this is an ok ingredient but are not especially excited about it.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a antioxidant that acts alongside mitochondria, the organelles in our cells that are responsible for the production of energy.
There is some evidence that taking ALA can help accelerate the metabolism and weight loss, although the results are not always consistent.
It is perhaps most well known for studies regarding its benefits for diabetes sufferers.
However, the dosage in this supplement is too low for this to really be relevant.
Green Tea
Green tea is an ingredient that has become almost famous in the health and fitness world of recent years.
This popular tea contains caffeine, but in much smaller amounts than coffee or theobromine, so it is less likely to cause side effects.
Caffeine is known to boost metabolism and fat loss.
Green tea also contains antioxidants known as catechins, which have been proven to reduce excess body fat.
Choline is a less well known nutrient that is essential for our health.
We can synthesise small amounts in our bodies, but not enough, so we must consume adequate amounts via diet or supplementation.
There is clinical research that has found choline to be effective at promoting rapid fat loss when used in combination with exercise.
However, once again Fit Affinity For Her uses a much smaller amount than in the above study.
Guggul Powder
Guggul has been used as a traditional ayurvedic remedy for a wide range of health issues.
In modern times, guggul has shown promise as an effective supplement for weight loss.
This is because it appears to support the health of the thyroid gland, which is essential to efficient metabolism.
It has also shown some benefits at improving mood.
Acetyl L-Carnitine
This is a processed form of the amino acid l-carnitine which is more easily absorbed by the brain.
Acetyl l-carnitine is still capable of having the almost the same weight loss effects as l-carnitine, it is not as powerful or effective as the pure, unadulterated amino acid.
It is more likely this ingredient has been used to boost mood rather than contribute to weight loss.
Acetyl l-carnitine is known to have beneficial effects upon low moods and depressiveness.
Pantothenic Acid
Pantothenic acid is also called vitamin B5.
We need this for the manufacture of energy and to support the effectiveness of our immune system.
One of the weight loss benefits of pantothenic acid is the way it contributes to the breakdown of key nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
It is incredibly rare that anyone requires supplementation with pantothenic acid though.
Many foods are already rich in this vitamin, so we are not sure why it is used in Fit Affinity For Her.
Fit Affinity For Her Dosage And Instructions
The directions for use are to take two capsules per day.
When you take these two capsules depends upon whether or not you are going to be working out that day.
Fit Affinity For Her recommends that you take 2 capsules after breakfast on a non exercise day, or 2 capsules before your workout with food on an exercise day.
In our opinion two capsules per day is unlikely to be strong enough to produce a tangible effect.
The best fat burners we have seen require a much more regular dosage, sometimes as much as 4 times per day.
This keeps your body under constant influence of the active ingredients and usually brings better results.
Side Effects Of Fit Affinity For Her
Fit Affinity For Her is comprised of 100% natural ingredients.
While this often means a lower risk of dangerous side effects, it does not rule them out entirely.
The ingredient most likely cause of side effects is going to be caffeine.
There is quite a high dosage across a number of stimulating ingredients in this product.
Side effects from consuming large amounts of caffeine are:
- Shakes,
- Headaches
- Anxiety
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Rapid or irregular heartbeat
- Insomnia
- Stomach cramps
We are sure you’ll agree that doesn’t sound much fun.
Women also tend to be more sensitive to the effects of caffeine, so are more likely to experience symptoms.
If you decide to take this product and feel unwell, stop use and have a chat with your physician before continuing.
Remember, a healthier lifestyle is supposed to make you feel better, not worse.
Where To Buy Fit Affinity For Her
Fit Affinity For Her can be purchased on their official website or from Amazon.
We had a look and it seems you can also get it from Walmart and some other health stores.
However, Fit Affinity is NOT available in CVS, Wagreens, or Rite Aid as of this review.
The usual price for this supplement is rather expensive.
A 45 day supply is priced at $80.00, although it was on sale for $39.99 when we checked.
Fit Affinity For Her Reviews on Amazon
The Amazon reviews are rather mixed.
Some people said they really benefited from this product.
Like this lady below…
Others said they loved the energy boost and would be happy to purchase again.
There were many negative reviews though.Lots of people said they didn’t experience any results at all..
Overall, there are more positive than negative reviews on Amazon, but only marginally.
Fit Affinity For Her Recommendation
After looking at the facts and reviews, it is our opinion that Fit Affinity For Her will likely help you to lose weight, but shouldn’t be used as a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise regime.
Many buyers are happy with their results, but there are those who say that they didn’t feel the difference.
But the biggest issue for us was the lack of appetite suppressants.
The best ingredients for stopping cravings include Konjac fibre and Garcinia, which aren’t used in this supplement.
Also, Fit Affinity For Her is quite expensive for what you get.
We expect lots of people will struggle to justify spending $80 every month for a fat burner.
If you want to try this product then it’s impossible to say whether it will help boost weight loss.Certainly don’t expect it to be a magic fat melting pill.
Have You Used Fit Affinity Fat Burner? Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 Female Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure
Hourglass Fit Female Fat Burner is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested.
Read our review here.
Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.
Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs.
Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.
I am eating a 1200 calorie diet and drinking half of my body weight in ounces a day. I have gained 40 lbs in 1 year due to medication.
What do you recommend?
Check out a supplement called Lean Bean. It’s a female fat burner that my wife tested out a few months back with GREAT results, here’s my review:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.