Erect on Demand Review – One Big Reason It’s Not Worth It
By: Rob Miller
What is itWho Developed it
What is Included with the Purchase
How it Works
What’s The Cost
Why Choose
The Bottom Line
User Reviews
Around here, we mostly review supplements, but there are exceptions, mainly in the male enhancement area.
Over the years, we’ve tested and reviewed several enlargement devices, and today, we’re reviewing a program that promises to put an end to your erectile dysfunction woes for good. No pills, ointments, or devices.Just natural techniques and simple lifestyle adjustments that’ll free you from your worries without the need to take pills every day or anything so cumbersome as that.
Note: This review is for Erect on Demand, NOT Erect At Will (a completely different program). Click Here to read my review of the latter.
What is Erect on Demand?
Note: I received a hard copy of Erect On Demand when I ordered the Peruvian Brew supplement. I actually didn’t even know I was getting it, so that was a nice surprise. Usually it comes in PDF format.
This complete program covers all the bases and takes you step by step through everything you need to know to get your sex life back where you hoped it would be at this stage in your life (no matter what stage that is).
The program includes information on the predominant causes of Erectile Dysfunction, as well as a history of treatment through the years.
It offers nutritional support so you know which foods help you get stronger erections and which foods hinder your efforts.
It offers exercises, both penile and for your whole body, that foster the improvements you want.
It recommends certain herbs you can use to increase blood flow and libido.
And it all comes to you directly and immediately, with a money back guarantee.
Who Developed the Program?
The Erect on Demand program was developed by Josh Harding.
Josh is a history professor at a mall college who was tired of the toll ED was taking on his life.
It had gotten to the point where is marriage was struggling and his self-respect was at an all-time low.
He knew it was time to do something, but he didn’t know what.
While on vacation in Peru, he discovered that the combination of 4 specific herbs could and should be called “Boner Brew” for what they did for his erection.
That’s when Josh decided to come home, expand on what he’d learned, and share his newfound confidence with everyone he new.
He also created the “Peruvian Brew” system, which I talk about in this review.
Except, “Josh” Really Isn’t Josh
Josh Harding is actually a pen name. The real owner of the erect on demand official site is a guy named Alex Williams.
As you will see here in Alex Williams profile, he is the registered owner of all websites associated with Erect on Demand and the Pervuian Brew, which includes Fairlight Scientific.
So when I saw a picture of “Josh Harding” in the ebook, I had to perform a reverse image search.
Just like I expected, this is stock picture that can be purchased for $12.50, or likely just pirated, in this case.
to jump to my personal review of Erect On Demand.
This really isn’t a big deal, or even a surprise to be honest. If I were selling a book like this I would probably want to conceal my identity.
What is Included with the Purchase?
Let’s go over all you’ll get if you choose to order Erect on Demand.It’s basically a 127 page guidebook divided into chapters that includes:
- A list of all the foods you need in your diet to combat erectile dysfunction (and the ones you need to avoid).
- Specific guidelines to exercises you need to help you reach and maintain your hardest erections when you need them.
- Recipes using the listed ingredients that will increase blood flow for your absolute best erections.
Included in the list of recipes is the Boner Brew where it all started.
This concoction will ensure the sustained hardness you want.
It is a concoction of 4 herbs for 30 cents a day, 1 amino acid for about $10 a month, and 2 This is the heart of the program. It’s the recipe everyone wants.
Or so Erect on Demand would have you believe. - A chart of all the essential enzymes, proteins, and amino acids that will help you maintain optimum erectile help.
- 5 bonus ebooks including: Text Her Panties Off, Titan Stamina, Instant Orgasm, MR.
Big, and 33 Innocent Words That Turn Her On.
How Erect on Demand Works
Erect on Demand is an online program.
The way it works is that you sign up, pay your fee, and receive instant access to all the included information.
As far as the nitty gritty of how the herbal cocktail works, they say it uses 2 mechanisms of action.
- First, it increases blood flow to the genitals.
An erection occurs when the penile cavities (corpus cavernosa) get engorged with blood.
The more blood it can hold, the better the erections.
If this cocktail can successfully increase blood flow, then you’ll have better erections. - Second, it increases sensitivity.
This is especially of concern if you’ve done a lot of masturbating, which toughens up the skin, decreasing sensitivity.
You’re not going to get an erection if you can’t feel anything.
Erect on Demand fixes that issue.
The Erect on Demand website doesn’t reveal what ingredients are in the cocktail. Why would they?
Who would buy the program if they already know the most important information and they got it for free?
And it’s definitely promoted as though the herbal cocktail is the most important feature of the program.
What’s The Cost
In order to sign up for Erect on Demand, you need to input your credit card information and pay $69.95.Once you do, you get instant access to everything the program offers, including the erectile support cocktail which is touted as the biggest benefit of the program.
There is a 60 day money back guarantee, however.They say all you do is email the company within 60 days of your purchase, and they’ll refund the entire amount.
Why Choose Erect on Demand
With all the natural supplements and devices available to fix your erectile problems, what’s the hook for Erect on Demand? Why would you choose it over a simple pill?
The website gives several reasons, each of which do actually have some merit… assuming the program works.
- The program is safe and natural.It allows you to avoid expensive procedures and medications.
- It saves you money.
Most ED solutions require you to spend money continually on supplements and/or medications.
It’s true that an extender device to increase your size is a one-time expense, but those cost way more than Erect on Demand. - You can feel confident that you’ve done all you can do to improve your relationship and be the man you want to be.
- It helps with premature ejaculation too.
Not only will you get those hard erections, but you’ll be able to hold off as long as she needs. - Your romantic problems will be a thing of the past.
Erect on Demand Marketing
The program is promoted through their official website, which is presented as a long and complete sales page for Erect on Demand.
It starts off talking about the woes of a man with ED issues:
Then it goes on with a few more images like that one, making sure you understand just how serious your problem could get.
Then it presents Erect on Demand as the solution:
Complete with happy, satisfied faces.
When they get to the bonus reports, they give each of them a value:
- Texting Secrets – $29.97
- MR Big – $49.95
- 33 Innocent Words – $39.95
- Titan Stamina – $47.97
- Instant Climax – $29.97
These are really just arbitrary values, and they just want to be able to state that they’re giving you a $197.81 value for FREE!
Which is totally fine. Every site does it, even mine with my free ebook (which really is free, no strings attached).
Then they move on to customer testimonials, as most websites do:
Of course, notice the disclaimer at the bottom stating that these results are not typical.That’s because you know they’re not going to put unfavorable reviews on the website they use to promote their product.
Ordering Erect on Demand
Throughout the webpage, there are buttons that link to the order page, and it’s relatively simple to proceed.You enter your personal information and credit card number, and they give you instant access to the materials.
This actually helps them benefit from the impulse buying mentality.
A guy who’s sick of dealing with this situation, and just had another episode last night will order something that promises to “fix it now”.
My Personal Review
So I finally got a chance to purchase the Erect On Demand system, and here’s a basic breakdown chapter by chapter:
Chapter 1
This chapter basically highlights the science behind ED and different ways to treat the problem. Anyone who knows the basics of ED can probably skip ahead to chapter 2.
However, this chapter is pretty useful because it helps to identify the root cause of your ED.
He lists the 2 most common causes as:
- a problem with blood flow, and
- a drop in penile sensitivity
These are pretty obvious SYMPTOMS of ED, but are they really the “root cause”? I agree with the blood flow part, but the drop in penile sensitivity thing can be attributed to a lot of different factors, which he ultimately gets in to.
He correctly points out that most doctors completely skip over the root cause, and are quick to just throw a prescription for Viagra at you.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 of Erect on Demand jumps right into the Peruvian Brew formula. In a nutshell, the Peruvian Brew contains Dong Quai, Ginkgo Biloba, Horny Goat Weed, Korean Red Ginseng, Maca, Yohimbe, Black Pepper, Pineapple, and L-Arginine.
The combination of L-Arginine and Yohimbe is actually VERY common, and can be found in hundreds (if not THOUSANDS) of male enhancement pills, testosterone boosters, and even pre workout supplements.
The reason why?
Because it REALLY does work. I know this because I’ve personally tested it. It’s basically natures Viagra.
The other ingredients, like Horny Goat Weed, Gingko Biloba, and Ginseng are usefull, but the Yohimbe and l-Arginine is where it’s at.
Throughout this chapter he basically describes in great detail the origins of each specific ingredient, and how it helps with ED.
Chapter 3
The next part of the ebook talks about living a healthy lifestyle in order to regain erectile function. Again, this is basic information to anyone who realizes that smoking is bad for male health, exercise is good, and you should have a clean diet.
Nothing revolutionary here, but I guess worth the refresher.
Chapter 4
The book then discusses basic techniques used to fight ED, like penile pumps, pills, and penile implants.
He talks about the benefits, drawbacks, and cost of each, as well as assigning a “desperation meter” to each.
This desperation meter is basically a scale from 3 to 9, with 3 being the least desperate and 9 being the most desperate.
Basically, if you’re considering anything 7 and above, you should be trying everything else first.
I tend to agree with him here. For instance, he rates Penile implants as a 9 on the desperation meter, and I agree.
If you’re considering getting a penile implant, the cost alone could end up being well into the thousands of $.
There are A LOT more options, especially cheaper ones, out there that you should be considering before jumping right into penile implants.
After that, supplementing with basic minerals like zinc, selenium, and magnesium are discussed, as are various amino acids.
Next, a wide range of penile exercises are described that can improve ED, including:
- PC muscle exercises
- Various types of stretches, including the wrist stretch, big seated stretch, and the big squeeze.
- Testicle messages
- Jelqing
He does a pretty good job at describing how to do these exercises, although I can tell you from experience that some of them are easier said then done.
Chapter 5
This chapter is kind of weird, because he seems to jump around from topic to topic without any gradual transition.
For example, the title of the chapter is “Mood Lighting – Rekindling the Flame of Passion With Sex and Relationship Tips, Including Sex-Drive Boosting Supplements”.
So from that, what would you infer?
That he’s probably going to talk about how to get your girlfriend / wifes panties shaking again, right?
Well, that’s not what happens.
In the first part of the chapter he talks about Testosterone and it’s function in helping with ED. Then he talks about how GABA helps to relax you without inhibiting libido.
Ah, now I see what he’s doing.
He’s basically setting you up, priming you if you will, to potentially purchase his Spartagen XT supplement.
Spartagen XT is actually a fairly decent supplement that I’ve used in the past. For me, it seemed to work well for the first few weeks, and then the effects seemed to taper off.
You can read more about it in my review here.
Anyway, back to the chapter.
So, we’re left off with a clever run up to a supplement he’s selling, and then jumps on to the importance of Pine Pollen, Penis Curvature, getting rid of premature ejaculation, and improving your sperm count and ejaculation.
Like I said, kind of weird that he jumps around the way he does here.
Bonus – Proven Sex-Drive Diet
In this bonus section of the book, certain foods, mostly vasodilators and food high in zinc content are discussed. I agree with most of what is contained in this part, as watermelon and beetroot, among other foods like oysters, can improve male virility.
Bonus – Pleasure Centers
After this, the notoriously impossible to find G-spot is considered and sexual positions that target it are revealed. Josh talks about certain positions, including Doggystyle and Cowgirl, that seem to target the Female G Spot more accurately.
He moves on to the male G spot, which basically involves you or your partner sticking a finger up your ass.
No thanks, I’ll pass on that one lol.
Bonus – Blow Games
This bonus section is all about how to get a blow job by playing “Blow Games”. Actually, some of these games seem to be worth playing. What’s the worst that can happen, right?
He also identifies some of the factors that turn women off when it comes to fellatio, including hygiene, and the taste of sperm.
Fairly obvious stuff.
The Bottom Line
If you want a step by step guide, you may be glad you ordered this.For most guys, though, I think Erect on Demand will be a disappointment.
$69.95 is not chump change, and the truth is you can find all or most of the information this guide offers online for free.
You just have to be willing to do a little legwork.
As a matter of fact, most of the information in the guide is strikingly similar to that of which I have in my free “Enlargement Exercises Ebook”, which you can find here.
If you have the time, find this information on your own for free.
If you have the money to spend, go ahead and buy it.
I still think you’ll be disappointed, but at least you won’t be hurting like someone who isn’t in a position to throw away $70.
If Erect on Demand cost $9.99, I think we’d have a different conclusion.But $70 for a 127 page ebook with somewhat unrelated bonuses is just too much.
I give it a 4 out of 5 stars for it’s content, but a 2 out of 5 stars for it’s price.
Have You Used Erect on Demand?Leave Your Review Below!
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