Enlargement Exercises Video Demonstrations
By: Rob MillerNatural Enlargement Exercises Video and Pictorial Demonstrations
Disclaimer! The information provided in these demonstrations was performed by a trained individual. All of these exercises are safe when done appropriately, and it is prudent that you fully understand the exercises before attempting them.
We here are SupplementCritique.com make every effort to give you the most accurate information possible when concerning these exercises.
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The exercises below really do work…I know this, because I’ve done them myself, and experienced the amazing results.
That being said, it takes some time for them to start working.
You’re realistically looking at 6 – 8 months before you start seeing tangible results, possible even longer.
If you’re looking to speed up the process, so to speak, I would recommend combining the exercises below with a supplement called Vigrx Plus.
It’s a very effective male enhancement pill that will allow for increased blood flow during erections.
When combined with the exercises, however, you can expect to see the same results you would without taking a pill, but way quicker.
Think somewhere along the lines of 1 – 3 months, instead of 6 – 8.
If you’re interested, click here now to check out my review.
Or, click here now to visit their official website to learn more.
And now, on to the exercises!
How To Find The PC Muscle
How To Perform A Basic Stretch
Basic Stretching Step-by-Step
1. Grip your penis behind the head andgently pull downward.
Hold the stretch for roughly 30 seconds.
2. Repeat in the following directions and hold each stretch for 30 seconds.
- Right(pictured),
- Left,
- Up,
- Straight Out
How To Perform A Kegel
How to Kegel step-by-step:
- EQUIPMENT: Sit in a chair, preferably a hard chair.
- STARTING POSITION: Sit up straight with your hand in your lap.
- EXERCISE: Contract the PC Muscle (see above to locate the PC muscle)
- Basically you’ll be pretending that you’re about to fart, and then do what you would normally do to “stop” the fart.
- You shouldn’t feel your stomach contract.
How To Perform A Jelqing Exercise
How to Jelq Step-by-Step:
- LUBRICATE:Before you start jelqing, lubricate your penis with baby oil, vaseline, Enlargel, or another penis lubricant (see the list below).
- ERECTION LEVEL: Bring your penis erection level to 50 – 75 percent by slightly stroking your penis.
The penis should be relaxed enough that it’s easy to push blood through it.
Never perform jelqing exercises with a full erection. - OK-GRIP: Use your thumb and main pointer finger to form an OK-grip (see the guide above for an example).
- START AT BASE:Place the grip around the base of your penis, as close to your pubic bone as you can.
- MOVE UP:With light pressure on the grip, slowly move it up your penis.
The ideal jelqing pressure is one that does not hurt, but effectively pushes blood up the penis. - STOP BEFORE GLANS: Stop the grip directly before it reaches your glans. You have just completed one jelq!
Each jelq should take approximately 2 to 3 seconds. - REPEAT:Once you’re done with one jelq, take your other hand and repeat the jelqing process.
Horse Squeeze Demonstration
Horse Squeeze Step-by-Step (You will use both hands for this exercise)
- Hand 1:Form a tight overhand OK-grip at the base of your penis.
- Hand 2:Form a small OK-grip, no larger than a dime.
3.Hand 2:Slowly slide the dime-size grip over the glans and towards the base.Don’t rush this process.
It should take fifteen to thirty seconds for you to get to the base hand.
“Hanging Towel” Exercise
Hanging Towel Step-by-Step
1. Place a hand towel on your erect penis.
2. Kegel to lift the towel up and down.
How To “Pull and Slap”
If you find yourself experiencing any pain or moderate discomfort while doing any of these exercises, STOP what you’re doing and reevaluate.
Some minor pain or discomfort is normal.
As with any kind of exercise, results can sometimes be accompanied by mild discomfort after a session or two, but keep an eye out for any drastic changes.
Writhing pain or feeling severely uncomfortable is not!
Listen to your body.
If you’re a little intimidated by the exercises, all I can say is this is completely natural.
After all, this isn’t something they teach you in 12th grade health class!! If you feel like you may be doing it wrong, or if you need any further info on how to perform these exercises, you can always email me at contact@supplementcritique.com.
I’m here to help!
Looking For A More “Hands Off” Approach???
I realize that there may be some guys out there who may not feel comfortable performing these exercises.
The exercises are not for everyone, and generally speaking it can take a long time to see optimal results.
There are devices available that will literally give you a HANDS OFF approach to penis enlargement.
These devices have been personally reviewed by our team of product testers, and are guaranteed to work.
Take a minute to check them out.
Extender Devices –Phallosan Forte
Another (more preferred) option would be the Phallosan Forte extender. Similar to the Size Genetics extender, the Phallosan Forte uses “stretching therapy” to gradually increase the size of the penis through continuous tension.
However, there are some BIG differences between the Phallosan and Size Genetics…
1.) I personally think it’s more comfortable than the Size Genetics device.
The Phallosan Forte uses a wrapping condom-like mechanism which virtually “grabs” the head of the penis and pulls it. The Size Genetics device uses a similar approach, HOWEVER, if you don’t wrap it with comfort pads it can be very painful.
The bottom line is if it’s not comfortable you won’t want to wear it. And if you don’t wear it than obviously you won’t get any results.
2.) The Phallosan Forte is easier to use.
The first time I attempted to put on the Size Genetics device, it took quite a bit of a learning curve to get it on just right. In fact, it took me close to 2 hours to get it on right.
This was not the case with the Phallosan Forte…
Within 20 min. of opening up the box, I had it strapped on and working within 20 minutes.
3.) The Phallosan Forte is More Discreet
You can wear the Size Genetics device while you’re out and about, but it’s a bit more difficult to hide that you’re wearing it then it is with the Phallosan Forte.
While most guys choose to wear these things at home, sometimes that’s not always very convenient.
With the Phallosan Forte, it’s almost IMPOSSIBLE to tell that your wearing it.
Click Here to read My Full Review of Phallosan Forte
Enlargement Pumps – Bathmate
Another alternative is through the use of penile enlargement pumps.
Enlargement pumps work very similarly to extenders, except instead the draw blood into the penile chambers, allowing for increased length and girth.
The great thing about pumps is that, unlike extenders, you only have to use them for about 15 min. a day.
They are designed to be used either standing up in the shower, or laying down in your bathtub.
The most effective water based pump I have come across is the Bathmate Hydromax X30.
Click Here to read my official review of the Hydromax X30.
Inexpensive Alternative – Magnum Rings
One recent product that shows SERIOUS promise are Magnum Rings.
They use similar principles to that of the Bathmate and Phallosan Forte, but work completely differently.
Magnum Rings use a principle called “clamping”, which essentially restricts blood from flowing out of the penis.
It works by creating micro-tears in the penile tissue, which over time the body will repair and “build on itself”.
You could think of it almost like adding layers of penile tissue, if you will.
It’s not as “Hands off” as the Bathmate and Phallosan, but it’s WAY cheaper (around $30 for a set of rings) and will get the job done.
Click Here to read my full review of Magnum Rings.
How People Found This Review:
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Top 3 Male EnhancementAffiliate Disclosure
Out of the 100+ male enhancement products Ive tried, Vigrx Plus was the best.
The Bathmate is a proven water-based vacuum pump that can help dramatically increase your size.
Phallosan Forte is a GREAT option for those looking to grow both length AND girth, permanently.
Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings
Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.
Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.
Looking To REALLY Get Bigger 'Down There'? Click Here To See How!
Just a short 10 – 15 min. a day should be enough. Obviously the more often you perform them, the better (and faster) your ultimate results would be.
But don’t overdo it, of course.