Enlarge Quick Review – Should You Use It?
By: Rob Miller
Enlarge Quick Overview
Most male enhancement formulas come in the form of pills.
Generally speaking, the ones that promise actual penis enlargement are taken every day so your penis grows over time.
Enlarge Quick Extra Strength Liquid Male Enlargement is a little different in that it comes in the form of a liquid.
The advantage here is that the ingredients begin to absorb into your blood stream almost immediately through your mouth, then continue the process quickly as the liquid moves through your digestive system.
Successful and speedy delivery is important, but what really matters is results, so let’s talk about what Enlarge Quick promises in terms of results.
As the name suggests, the primary promise is that this formula will grow your penis.
They say you will see up to 4 inches in length increase and that this length increase will actually be permanent.
They also promise an increase in libido, stamina, erection strength, and performance ability, but the main reason for using Enlarge Quick is clearly the size gains.
Next, we’ll look at what’s in that Enlarge Quick formula.
Enlarge Quick Ingredients and How They Work
The primary ingredient in focus is Yohimbe.
What Yohimbe does is enlarge the blood vessels that carry blood to the penis during an erection.
The more blood that flows into your penis, the bigger, harder, and stronger your erection is.
The idea of permanent enlargement comes from the notion that if your penis is consistently being forced to hold more blood, it will grow to accommodate this increase.
Unfortunately, this method of enlargement is unproven and pretty much thought to be false.
Another thing to note about Yohimbe is that the FDA recommends against using it and some countries have banned it because it can cause some pretty serious side effects, mainly for people with high blood pressure or heart conditions.
Other ingredients in the Enlarge Quick formula include:
- Epimedium for more increase in blood flow.
- Cnidium Monnieri as an herbal aphrodisiac to boost libido.
- Tribulus Terrestris to increase the body’s natural production of testosterone.
- Ginkgo Biloba to improve circulation throughout the body and brain.
Directions for use are to ingest half a dropper-full daily.
Enlarge Quick Pros and Cons
Advantages of Enlarge Quick
- It comes in the form of a liquid which has two advantages.
People who have trouble swallowing pills can use it, and it absorbs more quickly. - The ingredients are all natural.
- It contains ingredients to increase blood flow for better erections.
Disadvantages of Enlarge Quick
- It promises permanent penis growth which is just not supported by the evidence.
Enlarge Quick can probably improve your erection and your sexual performance, but it won’t give your penis a permanent size increase. - It contains a significant amount of Yohimbe, which could be dangerous for some guys.
- I haven’t been able to track down any Enlarge Quickreviews written by actual customers.
Where to Buy
Enlarge Quick is available online. A single 2 ounce bottle should last about a month and costs just about $50.
When a product’s primary promise is something that you know it just can’t do, it’s hard to get behind that product and choose it as a viable option, especially when there are so many others out there to choose from.Add in the fact that it relies on Yohimbe as its main ingredient, and I would not recommend using Enlarge Quick.
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