Elevacity PURE Review – Heavy Metal Detox Drops
By: Rachel Vrabel
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Elevacity PURE 2.0 Review
How to Detox from Heavy Metals – 5 drops a day for 90 days
What prompted me to write this review of Elevacity Pure?
Because staying healthy in a world full of toxins can be challenging!
Just think of all that we’re exposed to in our water, air and food.
Throw in some 40+ year old cavity fillings (which leak), cooking with aluminum foil for years (guilty because I don’t want to clean a pan), and using deodorant with aluminum that plug the very sweat ducts that are made to release the toxins from my body!(even though I’ve known for a decade that it’s bad for me)!
And did I mention beauty products?
Many lipsticks and other cosmetics contain lead, and anything with added fragrance is made up of 1,000’s of chemicals, not to mention the parabens and phthalates used as preservatives.
This is what got me thinking about my own health and is exactly why I decided to try PURE.
I wanted to give myself that needed boost to rid some of those toxins from my body that I’ve been slowly exposing myself to over decades.
The truth is, many people may have alarming amounts of heavy metals stored in their body which could be contributing to health issues that you’re not even aware of.
So far I’m 30 days in to my 90 day PURE detox.
If you told me how energized it would make me feel, I don’t think I would have believed you!
What is Elevacity PURE?
PURE is a Magnetic Ionic Mineral Blend
PURE is a patented dietary supplement in a tincture form that is designed to help remove heavy metals and toxins from the body.PURE is made from an extract called “mica” which is part of the zeolitefamily of minerals.
In a nutshell, a zeolite has a natural (-) negative charge and is shaped like an absorbent honeycomb.
When it’s ingested into the body, it attracts and removes all the (+) charged heavy metals and toxins, and these harmful chemicals bond with the zeolite and flushed out of the body.
Good bye toxins!
Its particles are microscopic so its able to permeate fat cells where toxins are stored in our body.And yes, we’re also talking some fat blasting of cells here, so there can be a “fat flushing” side effect!
PURE also revs your metabolism so weight loss may be a side effect.
However if weight loss is your main concern, Elevacity is the maker ofSmart Coffee aka Happy Coffeeeveryone raves about, specifically “The D.O.S.E.” which is a nootropic stack.
Something that pairs nicely with the Smart Coffee or the Pure is Elevacity’s new Hemplevate Full Spectrum Hemp Oil (CBD Oil).
Hemplevate helps relax you for more restful sleep and promote homeostatis within the body and with our endocannibinoid system.
Benefits of Elevacity PURE
PURE maysafelyhelp with the following things:
- Removing heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, uranium and others from your cells, tissues and brain
- Removing bio-toxins such as Lyme spirochetes and black mold spores
- Removing environmental toxins such as fluoridated, chlorinated and brominated compounds and pesticides
- Increase the absorption of essential nutrients and minerals from foods, essential oils and herbs
- Increase cell membrane efficiency, cell hydration, energy and vitality!
- Reduce body fat and increase metabolism and lean mass
- Inhibit the replication of rapid abnormal cell production
- Decrease inflammation
- Increase of mental focus and energy
- Promote restful sleep
- Memory improvement
Elevacity PURE Ingredients
Micronized clinoptiolite suspension extract, ascorbic acid, citric acid, magnesium citrate, potassium sorbate.
How to Use Elevacity PURE
Shake bottle gently.
Add 5 drops per 8 oz glass, 20 drops per quart or 1 teaspoon per gallon of water.
For contaminated water, shake/stir well and let stand for 60 minutes.
Elevacity PURE Testimony – My Experience
Let’s get to the fun stuff!
The first day I tried it, Iadded 5 drops to the half cup of water I had leftover on my nightstand from the night before.
I just said to myself, let’s do this!
My last sip I could taste a hint of something sweet, but it vanished.
Then I read the directions again, you’re supposed to add 5 drops to 8 oz of water – whoops!
So I just drank some additional water…no big deal.
Once I started adding the 5 drops to 8 oz water, I couldn’t taste anything, it’s just like you’re drinking fresh water.
So anyone with issues of taste, you will have no issues!
What surprised me most about starting the PURE was the energy I felt, which started the very first day.
I thought to myself that it MUST be a placebo effect.
But the energy has been there every single day!
It’s almost like I can “feel” my metabolism being revved up!
Normal things like getting laundry done, dishes, cleaning bathrooms – I am getting it all done earlier in the day instead of procrastinating.
I have energy to make my husband dinner without it feeling like such a chore and cleaning up without slugging through it!
Another thing I’ve noticed is an increase in mental focus and less brain fog.
I’m a blogger so obviously my job is to write, but sometimes I just don’t have the motivation or the focus to sit down and do it!
I’ve noticed it’s much easier to sit down, put my phone aside and just have the brain energy and focus to get things done.
Not only just for writing, but for getting bills paid, taxes worked on – all that stuff that is normally a hinderance has been easier.
As the days go by (as I mentioned I’m on day 30 of 90) my increase in productivity has definitely been a nice side effect!
I’ve been sleeping very well this past month.
I have not woken up in the night like I sometimes do, or have trouble falling back asleep.
I also haven’t had any major night sweats.
Could be unrelated to the PURE but it’s just something I’ve noticed.
Well, this would be hard for me to quantify, because I never had any heavy metals testing done prior to starting the PURE.
I just had the belief that since I’m 46 years old and have been exposed to so many things over the years and on a daily basis, what could it hurt?
I’ve spent many years using toxic underarm deodorant with aluminum, used beauty products loaded with toxics, drank and stored foods in plastics, used toxic sunscreens, eaten plenty of non-clean foods, the list goes on.
Our environment is full of toxics and pollutants, soI feel like it’s been beneficial so I have no regrets!
I’m all about health and wellness and love to cleanse the body when I can.
There are some at home tests you can buy to test your levels, or you can visit your Dr. and get a blood test.
Elevacity PURE – Should you Try it?
I have had bouts in the past where I’ve felt sluggish, lethargic, sometimes some feelings of depression but nothing major, all of which “could” be a sign of toxic buildup.
Frequent headaches can also be another sign of toxicity and I do get those sometimes.
Using something to help rid you of these ailments is something that I highly recommend and you will be glad to have tried something.
This is just one of those things where you could be having health issues that you don’t even realize, and exactly why I wanted to give this product a try – to create a PUREified environment!
I’ll come back after my 90 days is up and let you know the rest of my detox story!
Where to Buy PURE and How Much Does it Cost?
A 2.0 ounce glass bottle of PURE contains 240 servings and costs $60. If you do smartship, it’s only $40.
What I’ve been doing is just changing my smart ship product each month so I can try more of Elevacity’s products at the discounted price.
Their most popular product is the Elevate Brew Smart Coffee for weight loss, and they also have some fun skin care!
So far I’ve tried both the Timeless Serum (which is an awesome tightening serum and you only need a little), the Elier Cream for moisture and brightening, and the Elier High Organic mud mask – my sister and I LOVE these!
Thank you for reading my Elevaticy PURE review, I hope you’ve enjoyed it and I would definitely recommend this product if you’re looking to detox your body!
Visit the Elevacity Website
Learn more about Pure Detox Drops www.Elevacity.com
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