Ejaculoid Reviews
By: Rob Miller
Ejaculoid Overview
When you look at male enhancement products, it quickly starts to feel like they are all the same.
Larger penis, longer erection, you know the drill.
Not only do most of these products not work, but none of them seem to offer anything that even distinguishes them from one another.
Even many of their formulas offer the same old same old who’s who of ingredients that you can probably rattle off faster than they can.
With Ejaculoid, we have to admit that the name was the first thing to attract our attention.
This supplement actually claims a huge host of benefits in addition to the traditional fare, however, including greater control, more orgasms, increased semen production, and a generally increased sex drive.

While anyone can make big claims (and it seems like almost every product does), it’s another thing to actually create and market a sex supplement that truly works.
So does Ejaculoid bring something new to market that delivers on its promise?
Or is it just another money-making scheme that’ll leave you high and dry in the bedroom?

We’re gonna dig in and learn exactly what you need to know about Ejaculoid.
What are the ingredients and side effects?
What are men saying about their experience with it?
And is it the right sex enhancer for you and your needs?!
What is Ejaculoid?

Although Ejaculoid sounds like a robot that runs around involuntarily ejaculating on anything and everything…

…It’s actually not.
Rather, it’s a natural semen volume enhancer that also helps to “maximize stamina, enhance sexual performance, and promote strong blood flow.”
In other words, taking Ejaculoid supposedly gives you explosive orgasms and ‘ropes’ for days.
The makers of the product claim that you’ll experience an increase in all-around sexual pleasure.
And who doesn’t want that?

Ejaculoid’s all-natural formula comes in bottles of 60-pills and is made in the good ol’ USA, in Kingston, New York.
The manufacturer is called Goliath Labs.
Something that stood out to me about this product is the ingredient profile, and how they give buyer’s the option of choosing Ejaculoid with or without a certain ingredient.
This isn’t something you see very often, but with this particular ingredient, I think it makes LOADS of sense.
And I honestly believe more supplement companies should consider following in Goliath Labs’ footsteps on this one.

But that aside, do the ingredients found in Ejaculoid really work together synergistically to bring the results the label promises?
Let’s have a look…
Ingredients in Ejaculoid and how they work

The ingredients in Ejaculoid are all herbal and are fairly well known and studied.
The well-known ingredients include:
- Maca Root
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Horny Goat Weed
- Longjack powder extract
- and Yohimbe
In addition to these ingredients, Ejaculoid also contains lesser-known ingredients such as:
- Jujube
- Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa extract
- and Cnidium Monnieri extract.

These ingredients in Ejaculoid are formulated to help offer the most benefit possible and are designed to increase libido and testosterone levels as well as to increase blood flow to the penis to help combat ED.

How does that work exactly?
Well, let’s break down the main ingredients and briefly touch on how they work.
Maca Root…
This is an herbal ingredient that prostate.net says was traditionally used to increase libido and treat ED.
They go on to say, “Maca has been found in several studies to improve sexual desire and improve sexual function.” (Source)
According to one such study on Maca Root, after two random clinical trials researchers “assessed the effects of maca in patients with erectile dysfunction using the International Index of Erectile Dysfunction-5 and [the men] showed significant effects.” (Source)
Tribulus terrestris…
A natural plant traditionally used by the Chinese for thousands of years, and is another ingredient found in many male sexual enhancers.
One study found that Tribulus “may be useful in mild to moderate cases of ED.” (Source).
While another study “validatedthe traditional use of T. terrestris as a sexual enhancer in the management of sexual dysfunction in males.” (Source)
Tribulus terrestris for the win.
Horny Goat Weed… (the name says it all)

Cred: tinderbox.com.au
This herb, according to WebMD, is commonly taken for sexual performance issues, ED, and low-libido (Source).
And the folks atHealthline.com share that the active ingredient in HGW is called Icariin, which “inhibits the activity of the PDE5 that’s blocking dilation of the arteries in the penis.” This means you get better blood flow, which of course means a bigger, better erection. (Source)
Longjack powder extract…
Also called Eurycoma Longfolia, Longjack is a shrub-tree native to southeast Asia that is “commonly used orally for treating erectile dysfunction, increasing sexual desire, treating male infertility, and boosting athletic performance.”
WebMD claims there is some evidence this ingredient can help with sexual desire and male fertility, but there is “limited” evidence to support the other uses of Longjack.(Source)
And finally, the wild-card ingredient…
This ingredient comes from the Yohimbe tree in western Africa, and is said to have many uses — with one of the most common uses for treating ED. (Source)

Studies have found it to be effective in “restoring and sustaining erections” in men, with one study in particular finding that upwards of 34% of patients treated with Yohimbe experienced a positive outcome. (Source)
While many praise Yohimbe for increasing sexual performance, this ingredient is not without its critics.
In fact, Yohimbe has become quite controversial.
I recently learned that it is illegal in the US to “market an over the counter product containing yohimbine as a treatment for erectile dysfunction without getting FDA approval to do so.” (Source)

Because it can be dangerous.
Even fatal…

BUT, before you get scared straight, there’s good news.
Ejaculoid actually offers the product with OR without Yohimbe.

Now paint me purple and call me Barney!
That’s a helluva offer!
If you think your body can take the Yohimbe, then go for it.
But if you’d rather play it safe and still get the positive results of Ejaculoid, simply choose “without Yohimbe.” No shame my friends, no shame.
One last note about the ingredients…
While the formula seems A+ for supporting sexual performance (erections, libido, etc.) in the bedroom, I just don’t see how the individual ingredients help with increasing semen volume.
And this is a big emphasis of Ejaculoid… you know… “All-Natural Male Explosions!”
In other words, if you don’t experience bigger loads of semen, don’t be too surprised.
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Side effects of Ejaculoid
Before taking any male enhancement supplement, it is encouraged that you do some research. After all, side effects of some of these supplements can range from annoying and painful, to health and life-threatening.
Ejaculoid was very carefully designed and was created to avoid all of the side effects that occur when you take pharmaceutical male enhancement drugs.
In fact, the most commonly reported non-sexual effect of the supplement has been increased stamina outside of the bedroom as well, and this has certainly not been a complaint.

The active ingredients in Ejaculoid don’t raise any red flags, so the side effects should be minimal.With that said, if you choose the option that contains Yohimbe, you could be in for a wild ride and experience anything from upset stomach and sleep problems, to anxiety and death.
OK, you likely won’t die, but it’s not out of the realm of possibilities (Source).
Just be smart and maybe choose “without Yohimbe.”
Ejaculoid User Reviews
Ejaculoid gets an underwhelming 3.1 stars on Amazon.com…
But a visit to VitaminShoppe.com and you see it gets a solid 3.7 stars.
Not bad.
Those who are satisfied with Ejaculoid mostly agree it’s “a lifestyle change.” That is, you have to be patient and wait for the formula to settle in your system before it starts working.
And then consistency is key.
Now jumping over to Vitamin Shoppe, those fellas are having a much better time with this volume and sex enhancer.
They’re feeling a lot like full-on movie stars!
Lights. Camera.
Finally, another delighted customer had this to say:
“I have used Ejaculoid for about 2 months now, and I can honestly say that I do feel a lot more confident in the bedroom after taking it.
I used to have a hard time staying erect and when I would drink it was like non-existent.
Now I can get it up, and keep it up, for a minimum of 20 minutes if I want too.
My girlfriend loves it, she says if I stop taking it she’ll leave me.
Haha!” –Tom, Virginia
But let’s not get too carried away.
Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as a miracle pill that works for everyone. And Ejaculoid is no exception.
While the majority of users experience at least some results, there are others wanting their money back…
Ejaculoid vs. Ball Refill

Ball Refill is another contender in the male volume and sex enhancer arena.
It’s made by the company Vigor Labs, and is marketed as the “Extreme Semen Volumizer.” The makers of the product say you can cash in on the Ball Refill benefits in just about every area of the bedroom.

The ingredients are more or less the same as you find in Ejaculoid.
But there are a few differences.
First off, Ball Refill includes Panax Ginseng, which is an Asian Ginseng that is thought to be an aphrodisiac and helps promote blood flow to the penis for harder erections. (Source)

Next we have Saw Palmetto, an ingredient that may help regulate testosterone and improve libido in men. (Source)
And finally, the last ingredient that Ball Refill includes that stands out is Gingko Biloba extract.
Healthline.com cites a study where a trial of GBE “saw improvement in sexual function in 76 percent of the men…” (Source)

Image: vigorlabs.com
Also, Ball Refill includes Yohimbe, and does NOT have an option to purchase the product without this ingredient.
So that’s something to think about.
All in all, the differences in the two formulas are very slight.
But if you want to really be swayed, head over to the Ball Refill website, and you can watch a handful of videos where adult film stars are endorsing and promoting Ball Refill.
On second thought, hang in there, we’re almost done.

As for price, Ejaculoid is a bit more expensive, coming in at $32 per bottle.Whereas you can purchase a bottle of Ball Refill for about $20. Again, not a huge difference.
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Ejaculoid FAQ’s
Who makes it?
The company behind Ejaculoid is called Goliath Labs.

They specialize in “sports nutrition, bodybuilding supplements, and workout tools.”
And I have to say, unlike SO many fly-by-night companies out there just trying to scam you out of your money, Goliath Labs seems pretty legit.In fact, I feel like if I had a complaint or an issue, their customer service team would be on it FAST.

They say…
“Put us to the test.
We welcome any comments, questions, and concerns you may have and invite you to contact our customer care team now for more information regarding wholesale orders or online purchases of our dietary supplements and fitness equipment.”
Now I’ve been doing this a LONG time, and I can say with authority… you don’t see that everyday.
Thanks Ejaculoid. 😉

How do I take it?
The label says to take two (2) capsules daily, preferably before sexual activity.
And do not exceed 3 capsules in 24 hours.
How long does it take to work?
These pills typically take 1-3 weeks to really become effective. So you gotta be in it for the long-game.
Patience and consistency is what it’s all about.

Is it safe?
If you choose the option without Yohimbe, then the product is very safe.
However, as we touched on in the Ingredients section, if you choose the formula that contains Yohimbe, you can expect to have at least some side effects.
Yohimbe is fast-becoming known as an unsafe ingredient… especially for those with heart or blood pressure problems.
I would say that if you have any family history of health problems are take medications that affect your heart at all, avoiding anything that contains yohimbe is probably a good idea overall.

Can I take it with alcohol?
You should definitely NOT take the Yohimbe version of the formula while drinking alcohol, as this could be a dangerous combination.
If you really want to drink and perform in the bedroom, check out my review on male sex supplements that are fast acting and you can take with alcohol.
That should get you sorted.
Will it help me get my wife pregnant?

No, this is not a fertility drug.
While the product claims it can help increase the quantity of your semen load, it can do nothing to help you in the quality department.
Where To Buy Ejaculoid?
You can buy Ejaculoid on the company’s official website.
You can also get the product on Amazon.com, VitaminShoppe.com, Walmart.com, and other online retailers.

How much is it?
You can score a one-month supply for $32.49 from the company’s This is actually a pretty decent price.
If it works for you, it wouldn’t break the bank taking it over the long-term.
Also, right now Goliath Labs is offering 20% off your order with a discount code, making the product even cheaper.

Is there a guarantee?
Goliath Labs does not offer a guarantee on this product.
Ejaculoid is certainly a product we can recommend.
Very few male enhancement supplements can back up even their most basic claims, yet this one seemed to live up to every claim made on the label and the company website.

Users seem pleased with the product, and the science behind the ingredients is fairly sound.
Overall, the herbs are standard with herbal ED supplements, but the simple fact is that they work.
I would recommend trying the product without Yohimbe first.
It just might do the trick, and this way you can avoid any nasty Yohimbe side effects.
The price isn’t bad at about $32 for a month’s supply, and heck, isn’t the name Ejaculoid just a blast to say?!
RELATED:Volume Pills Review – Do They Increase Semen Volume?
Have You Tried Ejaculoid?Leave Your Review Below!
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I’d say keep it in always with ya like condoms