Dexyfen Review – Is It Safe?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-6-2020

Dexyfen Overview
They always make a diet pill sound like the holy grail, don’t they? Take Dexyfen for instance.
It’s made by a company called Image Sports, and the product page calls it “a weight loss supplement masterpiece” which has a ‘unique compound profile precisely formulated to help deliver what everyone needs most in a true pro-thermogenic supplement.” Sounds pretty awesome right?
But if you’ve ever used a diet pill before, this is probably a familiar description.
And you’ve likely been disappointed.
Ultimately, weight loss is a result of your efforts, and ideally, a weight loss supplement will help you along.
So, let’s look into Dexyfento see if it’s a good choice.
Dexyfen Ingredients and How They Work
One very positive thing about Dexyfen that the ingredient profile is listed and explained.
Not only does that allow us to really know what’s in there, but it also engenders trust in the company.
With so many pills not even telling you what they’re made of, it’s nice that Dexyfen is not one of them.
So what is Dexyfen made of?
- Thiamin which is also known as Vitamin B1. It helps convert fat, protein, and carbs to energy.
It also contributes to a healthy metabolism, good digestion, and increased muscle tone. - Niacin which is also known as Vitamin B3. It helps the body convert carbs to energy, and it also increases blood flow throughout the body.
- Caffeine which increases metabolism and gives you energy.
Dexyfen contains about as much caffeine as 3 cups of coffee.
This is actually quite a lot, and could cause side effects for some people.
As a stimulant, caffeine also helps control your appetite. - Oryza Sativa Seed which is basically rice.
It provides fiber which can reduce your appetite by making you feel fuller. - Mentha Haplocalyx Leaf which is a member of the mint family.
It helps break down fat and acts as a diuretic to reduce water retention. - Zanthoxylum Piperitum which is a Japanese pepper that increases metabolism in the short term.
- Pausinystalia Yohimbe which is a stimulant that can also burn fat.
Yohimbe is a pretty controversial ingredient that can cause both mild and serious side effects, so you want to be careful.
Unfortunately, Image Sports doesn’t reveal how much yohimbe is in Dexyfen, so it’s tough to tell what the effects will be just be knowing that it’s in there.
The recommended dose is one Dexyfen capsule per day taken before breakfast. (on an empty stomach).
They strongly recommend that you don’t take more than one Dexyfen pill per day.
Dexyfen Pros and Cons
Advantages of Dexyfen
- You only have to take one pill per day which is much more convenient than a lot of other options.
- It’s pretty affordable compared with a lot of alternatives.
Disadvantages of Dexyfen
- When you look at all the Dexyfen reviews from customers available online, you’ll see that many many people have suffered side effects like a racing heartbeat, jitters, heart palpitations, tingling and/or burning skin, and anxiety.
- The Dexyfen formula has so much caffeine that you really have to avoid ALL other caffeine sources, which is not realistic for a lot of people.
Not long after I posted this review, I heard from a reader named Justin who had just come off of a 6 week cycle using Dexyfen. he wanted us to know that he lost 20 pounds using it along with his workout routine.
Pretty impressive results!
Where to Buy
Dexyfen was created in partnership with GNC so that’s the primary distributor, though it’s also available through a number of other retailers.
The 56 count bottle is available for just under $60, but keep in mind that with a dose of only 1 capsule per day, this bottle will last almost 2 months.
Given the amount of caffeine, the presence of yohimbe, and the sheer number of negative reviews involving side effects, I would have a hard time recommending Dexyfen.The “trick” to losing weight is diet and exercise.
Find a supplement that complements these efforts, and leave the Dexyfen on the shelf.
Even if you wind up finding a weight loss supplement that is better than this one, which should not be hard, always remember that you will only actually come across good weight loss results from a supplement when it is paired with diligent and consistent exercise routines and a diet that helps you maintain the results.
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
I bought this at GNC. Only the Dexyfen pills.
I am a generally healthy active 33 year old female. I took Imagesports Dexyfen to get out of my limbo with weight. I exercise 5-6x per week, eat healthy and is on symbicort for asthma. I took this pill one time as directed one morning to feel a serious amount of side effects within 15 minutes in chronological order; intense itching (subsided within 15 min), jittery, foggy, irritated, twitching, could not stay still, (if i did would have probably have had a seizure), serious heart palpitations, anxiety, dizziness, chest pain, high blood pressure, and blurred vision. After calling poison control they informed me to try to rest including my nurse which was very hard. 5 hours later some symptoms subsided and now have terrible stiffness in all extremities. This should not be allowed out on the market and seriously controlled by the FDA. I also feel really dumb for not going calling 911.
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DexyFen works
I've been dieting and exercising for a year now. I started at 305 and got down to 240 right before thanksgiving. I took a break to enjoy holiday meals, sodas and liqours and all the good tasting less healthy things that eat in small amounts or not at all. I shop at GNC. I saw it on the shelf and decided to try it. I started taking Dexy the morning of 01-05-15 I was back up to 247 lbs. I just got on the scale this morning 01-17-15 and I'm back down to 240 lbs. Ibe experienced no side effects. JUST FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS
1 out of 3 people found this review helpful.
The Fat burner For larger People
26 year old male 6'2 236 Lbs
this was a great supplement that worked really well for me and i never had any of the negative side effects that come with this product even though i have actually seen people suffer from them. in my own experience i believe its due to my larger size that the product works better for me vs other people who as i've seen are smaller. i have actually used the original formula and the newer formula and they both worked fairly well for me with no issues outside of the time i ignored the directions and used 2 pills, please don't ever do that to yourself!!!!
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User Questions and Answers
Let's say my girl took 4 maybe 5 dexyfen because she felt a fat moment, should we be concerned? -Mr anxious
That's a very large amount of caffeine, and the yohimbe on top of that is not a good thing. I would absolutely not advise anyone to take more than one pill at a time.- Rob
How long will it take to see weight lost -Shardel
How much weight you lose will depend on your diet and workout routine. It can't really be determined just by what supplement you take.- Rob