Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme Review – Does It Work
By: Rob Miller
Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme Overview
Male enhancement pills generally fall into two categories.
Some are there for you to take as you need it, a lot like the little blue pill.
When you want a boost in libido and erection power, you pop the supplement and you’re good to go.
Others are meant to be taken every day so they build up in your system, and you’re ready whenever the opportunity arises, so to speak.
Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme is in a whole other category completely.
It’s mean to be used for just 30 days to fix what ails you.
So if you’re feeling like your erections are weak, your libido is sagging, and your general virility is down in the dumps, take Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme for a 30 day cycle and you’ll increase your libido, achieve and sustain harder erections – basically, you’ll get your mojo back.
Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme Ingredients and How They Work
Although the marketing of Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme is a little different with its focus on the 30 day cycle, the formula is pretty familiar.
- L-Arginine as a precursor to Nitric Oxide which dilates your blood vessels so more blood can flow through, helping you achieve better erections.
- Horny Goat Weed which also increases blood flow to the penis through the mechanism of nitric oxide.
- Yohimbe which maximizes blood flow to the penis is much the same way as Viagra. (You have to be careful with Yohimbe though.
The FDA recommends against using it because it could potentially cause serious and dangerous side effects). - Tribulus Terrestris which increases your body’s production of testosterone.
- Maca Root which is a powerful herbal aphrodisiac from Peru.
- Ginseng which increases energy.
- Ginkgo Biloba which is yet another vasodilator for better blood flow to the penis.
Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extremeinstructions are to use it every day for 30 days, prior to sexual activity if you have that planned, or just once a day anytime if you don’t.
They go on to say that you can use it for 90 days before cycling off for a week and starting a new cycle.
Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme Pros and Cons
Advantages of Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme
- It’s inexpensive.
- The ingredients are all natural.
- There’s a money back guarantee.
- The website provides complete product and contact information.
Disadvantages of Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme
- It contains Yohimbe which could be dangerous for some guys.
- There are no Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme reviews from customers to illustrate how well it’s working for real guys.
Where to Buy
Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme is available online through the Colossal Labs website and a number of other online retailers.
The 30 day supply sells for about $22. If you buy straight from the website, you’re covered by a 30 day money back guarantee.
If you feel comfortable with taking Yohimbe, Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme looks like a good, affordable option for a short term sexual performance boost.
Have You Used Colossal Labs Sex Cycle Extreme?Leave Your Review Below!
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