Cockstar Review
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 5-3-2018

Anyone shopping for a male enhancement or performance supplement is going to run across some unusual names.
Most brands try to play down the purpose of the formula, but also need to make it clear that a consumer is not buying a wimpy formulation either.
The savvier manufactures will usually rely on the primary ingredients for help with selecting a good name, or they’ll use terminology related to the function of the ingredients.
Rarely are they bold and somewhat brazen, but that is exactly what we discovered when we ran across the enhancement formula known as Cockstar.
Okay, we’ll be honest…the name of the male enhancement product was enough to grab our attention.
We quickly learned, however, that this was actually something to be taken a bit more seriously because it had claims of being a good substitute for prescription medication, but relying only on all-natural ingredients.
We wanted to learn more and made an investigation of the ingredients, looked into clinical reviews and customer feedback, and even took the price for a package of the product into consideration.
How It Works and Ingredients
Let’s start with the claims made by the manufacturers of the Cockstar product.
It says that it is fast acting, will remain effective for 48 hours, and help a man to achieve a full erection while improving his stamina.
That is a lot to ask from a basically herbal formula, but the product does have some merit to its claims.
For one thing, the ingredients include testosterone boosting compounds like Tribulus Terrestris and Eurycoma Longifolia.
There are also aphrodisiac ingredients such as Macuna Pruriens too.
We liked finding Ginko Biloba in the mix as well because this is an all natural vasodilator, which means that it would increase the size of the arteries, shift a larger amount of blood and oxygen into tissue and muscle, and make the walls of cells smoother.
Weight lifters often turn to vasodilators to help their muscles get that bulging look, so just imagine what this would do to a penis!
What we can say with absolute certainty about the ingredients and efficacy of them is that the labeling is very clear, the product does contain several ingredients known to have a positive effect on male potency, and that a vast majority customers have left positive feedback about it.
What we don’t like about it is the name (yes it is funny but it is also unprofessional and a bit dubious), the lack of clarity about the functions of all of the ingredients, and that missing company website or even just a blog.
User Reviews and Feedback
Looking for reviews or customer feedback about Cockstar was a bit of a “hit or miss” venture.
While the manufacturer’s website seems to be defunct, there are many blogs and forums about it.
This means that it has a relatively large fan following.
Most of the comments available indicate that the product is very reliable.
Phrases like “works too good”, “love it”, and “you will not be disappointed” point to the fact that it is something that a lot of men have used to enhance performance or to overcome ED.
Where To Buy
As we already indicated, the Cockstar website doesn’t exist, but the product is available from an enormous number of retail and online vendors.
The average price for a bottle of 14 tablets is around $17.50 without shipping.A simple search engine will turn up a handful of reliable vendors, but you should know that there is no money back guarantee from the manufacturer.
This tends to be a bad sign in terms of effectiveness or satisfaction, but that is always the risk with any male performance supplies.
We do advocate the use of Cockstar because it does have a positive consumer reputation, it is relatively affordable, and uses several ingredients known for improving the quality of an erection.
The one difficulty with the Cockstar product is its brazen name.
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Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative:Magnum Rings
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Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.
User Reviews
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Black Mamba
I tried the Black Mamba last night. It worked great. I was as stiff as a steel golf shaft for 6 hours. I came like a fire hydrant. My wife yelled mercy for the first time in our marriage. this stuff really works.
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User Questions and Answers
Are their any side effects? -Francisco
Side effects are always possible, even with all natural supplements like Cockstar. The only way to know for sure whether or not you'll experience any is if you try it yourself.- Rob
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