Coastline Kratom Review: My Personal Results

By: Rob Miller
1 User Reviews
MD Reviewed By: Helen Okoye, MD What's This?
Fact Checked On: 12-31-2020
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Home » Kratom » Coastline Kratom Review: My Personal Results

Note: As of November 2020, Coastline is no longer in business! Click Here to learn more about my new preferred kratom vendor, Top Extracts.

For those of you who have been following my site for any length of time, you know that the vast majority of products we test are supplements.

Sometimes we go off the beaten track and test other things, which is what I’m about to discuss here.


What we’ll be discussing is a substance called Coastline Kratom or commonly known as Kratom.Kratomhas been used for 100’s of years by the people of Southeast Asia, and its traditional uses include:

  • To act as a potent pain reliever
  • Improve mood and energy
  • Increased sexual activity in some

I’ve been experimenting with various Coastline Kratomvendors over the last 2 years or so, and about 6 months ago got a chance to try out Coastline Kratom.

What is Coastline Kratom?

As the name suggests, Coastline is a vendor for Kratom. Coastline Kratomis a somewhat controversial substance that is used to help everything from anxiety, to mood, and is especially effective at helping with pain relief.

coastline kratom beginners pack

In fact, it’s so powerful that the DEA almost banned the substance back in September of 2017.

However, that potential banned was stymied after a HUGE backlash from the online Kratomcommunity.

Kratom is basically the legal version of hydrocodone., and has actually helped literally 1000’s of people ween themselves off prescription opioid medications.

Some have even characterized it as a legal Xanax alternative, however, I’ve never actually tried Xanax so I wouldn’t know for sure.

Some people might take offense to me placing kratom in the same class as these medications, but in my humble opinion, I’ve never come across anything remotely comparable.

Coastline Kratomis one of many vendors that sell a wide variety of Kratompowders, including:

  • Bali
  • Borneo
  • Horned
  • Maeng Da
  • Green and White Malay

Kratomcan basically be divided up into 3 characteristic properties:

Slow strains– These basically produce the most pain relief, euphoria, improved mood, and sense of well being.

Slow strains are great for lazy days sitting around the house binging on “House of Cards” reruns.

Moderate strains– These produce considerable pain relief, euphoria, improved mood, and have energetic properties.

They essentially work as a mix between slow and fast strains, although some of them have slower properties and some have faster properties.

They’re great for helping you get motivated to do stuff, but not overbearing or stimulating.

Fast Strains– These are all about getting you to wake the hell up, and get you motivated to go about your day.

While they do provide a small bit of pain and anxiety relief, fast strains could be characterized as a REALLY good cup of coffee.

I have personally tested ALL of the Coastline Kratom strains, and here are my personal results (ranked in NO particular order):

1. Bali Kratom – Slow – Moderate Strain

coastline kratom white vein bali

There are 2 different versions of Bali kratom that Coastline Kratom sells, a white vein and a red vein.

For me, the red vein seems to produce a keen sense of sedation, pain relief, and relaxation.

It’s perfect for days when you have a few things to get done, but isn’t over-stimulating like some of the other strains.

The white vein is sort of on the opposite end of the spectrum. There’s a “little bit” of pain relief, but nowhere near that of the red vein.

For me, the white vein seems to work well asa motivation tool. If I have a day where I need to get a lot of things done, I’ll typically dose about 2 – 3 grams of this on a completely empty stomach.

2. Borneo – Slow Strain

coastline kratom green vein borneo

Borneo is divided up into 3 varieties: Green Vein, Red Vein, and Ultra Enhanced red vein borneo.

In my personal experience, the Enhanced red vein is the most intense, purely from an anxiety / pain relief perspective.

It can definitely help with pain, but seems to have larger effects on depression and fatigue.

The regular red vein from Coastline Kratom is basically a lesser version of the Enhanced red vein (no surprise there, right?)

As far as the green vein borneo, it definitely seems to produce more euphoric effects, and considerably larger pain relief.

If I had to choose between all 3, I would go with the Ultra Enhanced red vein if I was having a particularly anxious day, and the Green vein borneo if I were having a particularly challenging day mood-wise.

3. Horned Kratom – Slow Strain

coastline kratom red vein horned

By FAR, my absolute favorite strain of all of the types if kratom would be Horned.

Coastline Kratom sells 3 different varieties of horned: Ultra Enhanced red vein, regular Red Vein, and White vein.

For me, the effects of all 3 are actually pretty comparable, although the Ultra Enhanced seems to kick in a bit quicker.

It definitely produces the most euphoria and pain relief, and is considered the slowest strain possible by many.

It melts pain away VERY quickly, usually just 15 – 20 minutes after a solid 3 – 4 gram dose.

If you’re suffering from chronic pain, anxiety, or depression, definitely give Horned kratom a try.

It is also good for pain management or little spouts of anxiety because its quick onset let’s you take it as needed easier than some of the slow tick strains of kratom.

4. Maeng Da – Fast Strain

coastline kratom red vein maeng da

Considered one of the (if not THE) fastest strains, Coastline sells 3 different varieties of Maeng Da: Red Vein, Ultra enhanced Red vein, and White vein.

Unlike the Horned, all 3 of these seem to produce pretty significantly different effects.

The Ultra Enhanced Red vein is WAY to fast for me. When I take even the smallest amount (like 1 – 2 grams) it has me bouncing off the walls for hours.

Taking any more than 2 grams doesn’t seem to have any effect, although it does seem to mix will with either borneo or bali to reduce some of the anxiety it causes.

Out of these 3, I personally like the White Vein the best. It seems to produce considerable energy and motivation to get stuff done, but isn’t overbearing like the red strains are.

5. Malay – Moderate / Fast

coastline kratom green vein malay

The only malay strain from Coastline that I’ve personally tested is Green vein, and the only other one they sell is Ultra enhanced Green malay.

My suspicion, based on my experiences with the other “Ultra” versions of their product, leads me to believe that it would be more potent.

But kratom can be funny like that, in the sense that one strain may trump another in one area, and fall short in another.

Some are going to scratch certain itches and wellness needs that others can’t, and checking out a few strains and noticing how they affect you differently is the best way to find the one best suited to you.

If I had to rate Green Malay out of all of the above kratom types, I would rank it towards the bottom simply because I typically enjoy the Horned and Bali that much.

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I take it?

Generally speaking, the effects of Kratom can be divided up into 2 dose ranges:

Small dose (1 – 3 grams): The smaller the dose, the faster the effects. Meaning, if you’re looking to get stuff done and need a kick in the ass to get going, go with the lowest possible dose.

Big dose (4+ grams): Once you hit a certain point (for me it’s about 4 grams), and start upping the dose, the effects seem to get slower.

In a sense, they start to produce more pain relief, euphoria, and improved mood.

However, it will leave you feeling lethargic and unable to really get anything done.

I recommend taking the larger doses later on in the day, and they can actually help well with insomnia.

All of the effects of Coastline Kratom described above are my own personal results.

With that said, Kratom is weird in a sense that not everyone responds the same to the various strains out there.

For example, the borneo and Bali strains work great at helping with pain relief and mood for me.

For others, however, these exact same strains may help more with motivation and anxiety relief then helping with mood and pain.

This is why I always recommend getting a small quantity of each and testing them out individually, BY THEMSELVES.

Literally, take a sheet of paper, make note of the strain you’re are testing that day, and measure out 1 – 3 grams.

Then, as the minutes / hours pass by, make note of how you feel every 30 – 60 minutes.

Alternatively, if you don’t have the cash to fork over to buy each one, then I would recommend at the very least starting off with their “beginners pack”.

You get 3 versions of kratom with this pack:

  • Red vein maeng da
  • Green vein malay
  • White vein bali

The beginners pack contains 25 mg of each of these, and is a great starting point in your adventure into Kratom.

Is it legal?

You can buy Coastline kratom in most (but not ALL) states.

They will not sell to states that have outlawed the use of Kratom, including Vermont, Rhode Island, Alabama, Arkansas, Wisconsin, Indiana, Washington DC, and Tennessee.

There are also a few select cities and counties where it is outlawed, check out the map below to see where kratom is legal.

where is kratom legal - illegal

When I purchased some kratom from them, it says “Not For Human Consumption” on the label. What gives?

This is common with practically EVERY vendor that sells Kratom, and as it turns out, is necessary.

coastline kratom not for human consumption

Simply put, they do this to protect themselves from lawsuits and legal issues.

Does Coastline sell kratom capsules?

As far as I’m aware, no.

I’ve never been a big fan of capsules anyway. For some reason, they just don’t seem to be as effective as just the straight up powder.

However, I can understand how for some guys / gals capsules may just be more convenient.

If you’re absolutely hell-bent on using capsules, but still want to buy Coastline kratom, I would recommend picking up a product called the Cap-M-Quick and a bag of capsules over on Amazon and do it yourself. content/uploads/2018/01/cap m

The Cap-M-Quick is less than $25, and a bag of 1000 capsules will run you like $12.

I’ve actually done this several times, and I can tell you from experience that it literally takes 15 minutes to cap 50 capsules.

VERY easy.

Where can I buy Coastline Kratom?

Note: As of November 2020, Coastline is no longer in business! Click Here to learn more about my new preferred kratom vendor, Top Extracts.

Their prices are a bit high when compared to similar vendors like Happy Hippo, Phytoextractum, and Kratora, but in my opinion the extra price tag is worth it for a few reasons:

  1. Their quality is VERY consistent. I’ve bought from a TON of vendors over the last 2 years or so, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten a bunk batch.Bunk = it didn’t have any effects whatsoever, or if it did, the effects were minimal.
  2. Their refund and return policy is simple and solid.In the 6 months I’ve been ordering from them I’ve literally had ONE batch go bad on me.And you know what, I sent them an email and within 6 hours they told me to send it back for a full refund.Yes, I was responsible for the shipping on my end. But, it was delivered to them within 48 hours or so, and within 24 hours of that time I had the money literally back in my account.I can’t tell you how many other vendors I’ve had problems with the quality of their product, only to basically shrug their shoulders and say “not my problem”.
  3. I never, EVER, have problems with my credit card with them.I’m not sure what the issues are with some of these vendors, but I’ve yet to see a problem with my credit card paying for the order.Some of these other vendors I’ve almost literally had to jump through hoops to purchase their product.One time I had to make a donation to a “charity” (they owned the ‘charity’, it was basically a front) to place an order.
  4. Their customer service is fast and easy.

This has never been a huge deal for me, but it’s worth noting here.

I’ve only had to contact them twice regarding an order I’ve placed with them, and each time they got back to me in LITERALLY less than an hour.

Can I use it with alcohol?

Not recommended, read this: Kratom and Alcohol: Is It REALLY Safe To Mix? | Supplement Critique


I have used over a dozens different Kratom vendors over the last 2 years or so, and I can say with 100% certainty that Coastline Kratom is by FAR the best in terms of effects.

Their prices may be a bit higher than some of their competitors, but the quality is well worth the price.

Couple that with the fact that I ALWAYS get consistent effects from their kratom, and I say give it a shot!

Note: As of November 2020, Coastline is no longer in business! Click Here to learn more about my new preferred kratom vendor, Top Extracts.

Have You Used Coastline Kratom? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 KratomAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Koko Kratom

#1 - Koko Kratom

Koko Kratom has the highest quality kratom at affordable prices.Read my review here.

Click Here To Learn More »

#2 – Happy Hippo

#2 - Happy Hippo

Coming in at a close 2nd, Happy Hippo delivers the goods, albeit at a slightly higher price tag.

Click Here To Learn More »

#3 – Kraken Kratom

#3 - Kraken Kratom

We have more reviews of Kraken Kratom than any other brand on our site.

Read more here.

Click Here To Learn More »

User Reviews

Have you used this supplement?

It works!

By Kassie Smith,  Aug 7, 2018

I've been using Coastline Kratom for well over a year at this point, and they have the most effective (and cheap) kratom on the market. They've earned themselves a customer for life here!

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48 out of 49 people found this review helpful.

Visit the Official Coastline Kratom website here

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User Questions and Answers

Got my order do you put in hot water or boil it? -Kevin

I haven't made it into tea personally, but if you want to there are a couple ways to do it. Supposedly the best way is to boil it in water for 30 minutes, allow it to sit for a while, then strain and drink it. Alternatively, you could shorten the process by just mixing it into hot water and straining, but many say this method is less effective.- Rob

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10 out of 11 people found this question helpful.

Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

Medical Reviewer: Helen Okoye, MD

Dr Okoye

Dr. Helen Okoye is an American Public Health Physician, Health Care Executive, Researcher, Entrepreneur with a Doctor of Medicine Degree (MD), an MBA in Healthcare Management, and a Masters in Epidemiology/Public Health). Her specific responsibilities for Supplement Critique including reviewing previously published articles for accuracy and relevancy. Her expert opinion was featured on NBC News for the President’s physical exam. Learn more about Dr. Okoye here. Follow here on Twitter and Instagram.

55 comments on “Coastline Kratom Review: My Personal Results”

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  1. Hi Rob,
    is there any product similar to Kratom that I can access in Australia for chronic pain? I understand that Kratom can not be sold in Australia.

    Also, I am taking “Parnate” which reacts adversely with certain foods so whatever I take has to be non-reactive to “Parnate”.

    Ron Fox

    1. Hey Ron,
      Unfortunately I actually haven’t found a suitable replacement for Kratom, either here in the US or overseas. But I’m always on the hunt, and will definitely post a review here if I ever come across one.

  2. I have Fibromyalgia and my husband has hernied discs in his back, both of us are on a steady diet of Tylenol 3 and have been for years (me for at least 10) and are desperate to get off them (even though withdrawal will be hell). Will this work?

    And which strain would work best?
    1. Hey Cheryl,
      Yes, it will def work for you guys. It sounds like pain is your primary complaint, so I would go with one of the slower strains like Horned and/or Borneo. See links to each below:

      Horned –

      Borneo –

      The other additional option would be the beginners pack. It’s got 3 strains so you can get a gauge on how each one works for you, here’s a link to that one:

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
  3. I checked this out after your review on ActivMotion. I may try the beginners pack for my bursitis pain.

    Thank you.
  4. When I ordered from Coastline Kratom, I was not aware of the sentence that it is not for human consumption. I called them and they said that it is definitely not for human consumption.

    Are you saying that it is only a legal sentence and that I can take it like any other Kratom product? I have found your site to be very helpful in your experiences with different vendors.

    Thank you for your time.
    1. Hey Desiree,
      That is correct. They cannot legally tell you to consume it, even though that’s the whole point of kratom.

      1. Hi Rob,
        Thank you for your quick response. I have found your site to be very informative and I have recommended it to my daughter.

        I wish you much success, health, and happiness.

        Thank you again,

  5. Hi Rob-
    I am trying to figure out which strains to purchase.
    1-I have severe insomnia
    2-I want to wean off of Ativan
    3-something for the times I am in bad pain with muscle spasms or headaches.
    Sleep is my number one priority.

    So if you can recommend a strain that won’t make me jittery that would be great.
    Thank you so much!

    1. Hey Mary,
      I would recommend you go with the following strains for each:

      1. Insomnia: Check out white vein horned, here’s a link –

      2. Anxiety: Definitely Red Vein Bali, here’s a link –

      3. Pain: Check out Ultra Enhanced Red Maeng Da, here’s a link –

      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
  6. Which Kratom would you say is best for pain and opioid withdrawl? I have been told that Malaysian by Remarkable herbs and I’ve also been told that Red vein Maeng Da is the best.

    I’m confused and need direction.
    1. Hey Sharleen,
      Good question, and one that I don’t think I addressed in this review. I’ve never gone through opiate withdrawal, but from what I’ve read your best strains would be green vein malay and white vein bali. I would pick up the beginners pack from Coastline Kratom.

      It’s got both of those strains AND red vein maeng da, so you’ll be able to better assess which one is right for you. Here’s a link:

      They ALL help with pain, by the way. The ones in the beginners pack are the strongest though. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
  7. I really appreciate your pretty-easy-to-understand explanations, but am troubled by your statements about some/most Kratoms causing “euphoria." To me, “euphoria” has always meant ‘ecstatic,”ridiculously giddy’ or ‘way over the top of happiness’ — maybe even what I suspect a ‘super happy high’ might be. I’m an attorney, so I’m looking for pain relief — not a ‘high’ or ‘ecstasy’ of some sort.

    Oxford, Webster & some online dictionaries lean more towards my sort of definition, but go from “feeling of well-being or self-confidence” to “elation,” “extreme happiness,” and “intense excitement." Can I take this & work in a grounded, directed manner while getting pain relief for severe spinal stenosis pain, as well as osteoarthritis in both shoulders & both knee replacements. Helping with sleep is a big thing, too.

    Constipation may be a problem. It took me 2 years on Align to get control of a really messed up GI system; but I can see the major difference diet (especially, veggies — which I love) makes.

    I will deal with the constipation, if I can get help with pain for the rest, as well as the need for motivation after not having been able to work the last 4 years & dealing with a few other significant problems. I’m new to the supplement world.

    Found your reviews when checking out Arthrozene. [I’m age 70, overweight & have mobility & flexibility issues that I thought the knee replacements would correct, but haven’t — apparently, because of my back issues. I used to walk to lose weight, but am too clumsy & scared & get ‘down in the back’ too much to walk anymore.

    I really want to throw my cane away & take a soaking tub bath & maybe even sit on the floor!] Thanks so much for your guidance!
    1. Hey Marjorie,
      Yeah, I get it. Just to be clear, it’s not a “high” in any sense of the word. When I mean euphoric, I mean it more in the sense of how you described….a feeling of well-being and content. It’s hard to describe, but you basically will get a big rush of motivation, pain relief, and a lowering of anxiety that I’ve never seen with any other OTC supplement.

      And I’ve tested 100’s.

      For the constipation, your best bet is to pick up some Miralax at your local CVS, Walgreens, etc. I tend to stick to low doses, and eat a diet pretty high in fiber, so I don’t get that as much as some. But I’ve read that Miralax will do the trick!

      Go with the beginners pack. It’s got a slow, medium, and fast strain, all of which are perfectly suitable for various times of the day. Here’s a link to their site –

      You can follow the dosing recommendations above, and let me know if you have any questions!
    2. Marjorie, I started taking Kratom a little over two months ago. I have stopped taking opiates and the Kratom is great for pain relief.

      I really like the side effect of being in a better mood. I don’t get a rush or anything just a feeling of overall well being.

      There is no need to fear trying Kratom. You will be very happy you did.

      I know I am very happy to be using Kratom.
  8. Are these companies you suggest lab testing their products for contaminants, (metals, pesticides, etc.)?
    And how do I know if the quality is good?

    1. Hey Char,
      Sorry for the late reply. I can definitely personally vouch for the quality. I’ve tried probably half a dozen kratom vendors, and Coastline has been my consistent go-to for close to a year now (sometimes Happy Hippo, although my wife seems to like it more).

      As for the contaminant testing, that’s actually a really good question. I’ll reach out to them for comment and put their reply below once I hear back.
  9. I have a son trying to kick the opiate habit. I was told that red vein bali was the best for that.

    Do you agree?
    also have you had any experience with Super Natural Botanicals? They are in Florida according to their website.

    1. Hey Diana,
      Personally, I don’t think there’s any specific strain that will help kick a habit like that. They ALL will to a good extent, it’s all just a matter of personal testing / experimentation. I would go with the Beginners pack from Coastline (, it’s got 3 varieties to help you figure out what is right for him.

      Never heard of Super Natural Botanicals, and I just did a quick cursory search and can’t find hardly any info for them.

      Your best bet would be to stick with a known brand for now, and revisit them as they build a reputation. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions!
  10. I used the product for 2 days in powder form and helped me with my pain issues. I also have sleep and anxiety issues. what product is recommended and do the capsules work as well as the powder form?

    1. Hey Virginia,
      Glad it’s working for you! In my personal experience, the best strains for sleep would be Horned and Borneo. You can pick up both on their website, here’s a few links:

      Horned –

      Borneo –

      I don’t know what it is about capsules, but for some reason (for me, at least) they don’t seem to work as well. Others have reported good effects with them, so I guess it depends on the individual. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
    1. Yeah that’s not a problem. Just be sure to try each one individually first to see how you respond to it.

  11. I am so thankful to have found Kratom. I bought a bag of capsules and don’t have to taste it that way.

    What would work for sedation?
      1. I took about 4 grams of Green Malay and slept really well last night. Thanks for the information.

          1. Rob, thank you so much for answering my questions. I am so thankful to have found Kratom.

  12. ROB!!! Pretty good reviews.

    You forgot the unmentionable…constipation. it happens…AND Miralax is the best relief. I’ve used it for years and works great with kratom.

    Not a laxative, it works with water in your GI tract. Constipation makes kratom a bummer.

    I am not affiliated at all with Miralax. So get it and use it.

    Best prices were at Sam’s clubs, but now Walmart carries it, in two packs also. Happy pooing.

    1. Hey Terri,
      Yeah, there’s always that lol. To be honest I don’t really get the constipation like I read a lot of people do.

      It may be the fact that I only ingest small amounts, or maybe because I drink a ton of water all day. In any event, you are completely right.

      Kratom DEFINITELY can cause constipation, so thanks for leaving the tip!
    2. I read in several places that orange juice helps to strengthen the Kratom effects. I have been taking all of my Kratom with a medium pulp orange juice and it does strengthen it.

      I also found that I was very regular and no longer constipated. It is guaranteed that within a half hour of drinking it, I will have to go.

      That is how I start my morning. I tried different brands due to price and no or not enough pulp and there is a big difference in how my body responded to it.

      Once I went back to my preference, I was back to being regular. I have tried no pulp, medium pulp and high pulp.

      I don’t know if it was a fluke or not, but when I tried a high pulp, there was actually no juice in the bottle. I have ever seen that in all of my 55 yrs of drinking it.

  13. Which one would be best for weight loss or appetite suppressant and energy? How do you take the powder, do you mix it with something?

    Thanks I will be waiting to hear from you
    1. Deb, I put a little hot water, say an inch or so in a small glass or cup, and mix it well. Froth it if you want.

      It is very bitter, so to cool it off and make it go down better I mix it with a juice, like orange or lemonade. Any strong juice like grape might even be better.

      I just don’t prefer grape unless it’s wine. Ha!

      But don’t drink alcohol and kratom. Cold water or drink glob it up and make it hard to mix.

      Don’t forget to cool it down before you slug it down. Worth the awful taste.Hope this helps

  14. Yes they have a fine product when: The Credit card works, when the web site works, when they deliver what you order, when they label the package correctly and when the weights are accurate. I would never want to buy from a company that requests these types of products returned for refunds or exchanges… I like many assume it just goes out in the next order; who knows what if anything was introduced to the returned package.

    Bags can be
    resealed. If they had a decent customer service and did right by the customer, they might succeed.

    1. I am trying to find a different company to buy my Kratom from because this last order I paid for four bags of red and was VERY DISAPPOINTED when only two arrived. I e-mailed them and they sent the other two bags, but my RED FLAGS ARE GOING OFF.

      I do not want to order from this company again.
    2. I agree. Last few orders were so hard to get it right on their end.

      Got a wrong order few months ago also of mixed bags instead of the 2 100 gram bags I ordered. So lost 50 grams on that but made the best of the different strains to try.

      Red Maeng da on last order I got makes me really sick and I don’t take more than 1-2 tsp. Payment was so easy a year ago but not now.

      Don’t know if it’s the best as I have not tried other places but plan to try Happy Hippo soon.
  15. Thank you for this site. I live in NC, I’m 82 years old and suffer from chronic pain from degenerative joint disease.

    I also have cardiac issues, so I’m not a candidate for surgery.
    I’m concerned that the Kratom may not go well with my cardiac medications.
    Also, it’s not clear to me how it is used if there’re no capsules? Do people make it into a tea, or what?

    1. Hey Marie,
      Glad I could help. That’s a tough one.

      Really any substance could interact with any medication, and because kratom is a stimulant it can have an effect on your cardiovascular system. If you’re 100% ready to start taking kratom, I would recommend speaking to your physician first.

      Kratom as gotten big enough that most doctors have heard of it, so he / she should have an educated opinion at the very least.

      As far as how to take it, I simply mix mine in a gatorade bottle. The other alternative is called “toss and wash”, which basically means you toss some on your tongue and swallow it down with your beverage of choice.

      Some people make tea, but I’ve never actually done it so can’t comment on that.
      Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.

      1. Dear Mr Miller,
        Thank you, so much, for answering. Coastline in Supply is only 18 minutes away from me, so I’m thinking of going in and asking some questions there, too.
        When you mix the, “powder” (?) with gatorade, does it have a taste?
        After sending your site to my chiropractor, I am anxiously awaiting his opinion. Meanwhile, when I first told him about it, he pointed out that supplements are not checked by the FDA or other agency, and that what works for one person may not work for another; but he didn’t think taking K would be harmful.
        Do you recommend a certain variety of Kratom for painful joints?

        I am not interested in, “recreational”; nor mood-elevating use unless it’s a side effect. Thank you, Marie Magill
        1. Glad I could help. Mixing it with the Gatorade has a tendency of masking the taste a bit, but it still tastes pretty horrible if you ask me. I simply take a swig of the kratom / gatorade mix and then immediately wash it down with a sip of water, so it’s really not a huge issue.

          Yeah supplements like this (or any for that matter) aren’t tested by the FDA, unless of course they are pumping illegal ingredients into their product. For painful joints, I would go with one of the slower strains, so either Horned or Malay.

          Here’s links to each one of those:



          You also might want to check out their beginner pack. It’s got 3 different types of Kratom, and will give you a sense of how your body responds to the various strains. Here’s a link:
  16. I suffer from CHRONIC PAIN . I have accelerated degenitive bone disease and gone through seven back surgeries.

    What is the best for pain and one to help relax or calm.
    1. Mr. Casey,

      I have osteoporosis and an L4-5disc protrusion. I ordered the Red Vein Maeng Da because I was advised it was the best for relieving pain.

      Kratom absolutely did not work for me. I have also been the CBD (hemp oil) route and it did not work.

      I don’t want to tell you not to try it because it may work for you. I just wanted to share my experience with you.

      1. FYI, whoever told you that Red Vein Maeng Da is best for pain either was lying to you, or had no idea what they were talking about. The best pain relieving strains would be Bali, Horned, and Green Indo, in that order (from strongest pain relief to less).

  17. I live in WI , I can see on the map it says your product is banned here. I was told about it as a means to wean myself off of thevsuboxone my doctors have had me on for years.

    I felt I finally had some hope since I’ve tried 10 times to wean off with horrible withdrawal effects. Now I find out I can’t even order this product?

    Is there any way around the fact that I live in WI for me to still obtain this product? Please please let me know.

    My heart just sunk when I saw I couldn’t order it.
    1. Hey Susan,
      I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately that map is correct. Kratom is NOT legal in Wisconsin.

      I’ll update this review if / when it becomes legal there.

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