Clemix Review – Right There in BLACK and WHITE

By: Rob Miller
2 User Reviews
Fact Checked On: 5-3-2018

Home » Testosterone Boosters » Clemix Review – Right There in BLACK and WHITE


What Is Clemix
Clemix Ingredients
Are There 2 Clemixes
Clemix Black Bottle
Where to Buy
Is there a Money Back Guarantee
Clemix Reviews
Clemix Pros and Cons
Clemix – The Bottom Line

We’ve talked about literally hundreds of natural testosterone boosting supplements on this website, and I myself have tried dozens of them. What I’ve noticed lately is that products are beginning to separate themselves by the benefits they promise to deliver.

Testosterone is the dominant male hormone, and as such, it has an effect on most of the characteristics we think of as masculine, including both muscles and erections.

Related Article: Testosterone Boosters We’ve Tested

Today, we’re talking about a testosterone boosting product called Clemix.

As we age, our bodies naturally produce less and less testosterone until finally, usually somewhere in our mid 30s to early 40s, we begin to notice. Telltale signs include:

  • Increased fatigue.
  • Gaining fat, especially belly fat.
  • Less motivation for working out.
  • Diminished results from your workout when you do get around to it, ie a harder time gaining muscle.
  • Less interest in sex.
  • Difficulty getting and maintaining hard erections.

You’ll notice that there are 2 distinct categories of effects – muscle/fitness and sexuality. More and more, when I see a new testosterone boosting supplement appear on the market, it puts its main focus on either one or the other. It may mention the other as a side or additional benefit, but it mainly promotes one aspect of the benefit of boosted testosterone.

The reason for this is simple – it’s all about targeting your market. Knowing that you can’t be all things to all people, companies realize they do better by focusing more tightly on and catering to a smaller segment of their market, allowing them to better connect with their needs. (Besides, they can market separate products to other market segments).

Clemix White ImageWhat Is Clemix?

Clemix focuses mainly on improving sexual performance in middle aged men. This is the market they’ve chosen to appeal to, noting benefits such as:

  • Bigger and longer lasting erections
  • Greater libido and sexual stamina.
  • Increase sexual confidence.

They even call it a “Male Enhancement System” to drive the point home that this product is designed to improve your sex life by helping you raise your natural testosterone levels.

Clemix Ingredients

The Clemix formula relies on natural testosterone boosters along with pro-sexual nutrients that naturally bolster your capacity for bigger, harder erections.

While they don’t provide an ingredient label with substance amounts, they do include a list of ingredients on their website along with a brief description of how they each contribute:

  • Boron which they claim boosts blood flow for better erections. This claim is actually a little confusing as it doesn’t match up with what we know about boron – that it may help by boosting free testosterone levels. I haven’t been able to find any evidence that Boron increases blood flow.
  • Nettle Extract which they claim to be an aphrodisiac that boosts testosterone and sex drive, though I haven’t found any evidence of this.
  • Orchic Substance which comes from bull testicles and is believed to promote healthy testosterone levels. The Clemix website claims it improves mood, reduces stress, and promotes relaxation and confidence. A look at WebMD however shows absolutely no connection between Orchic Substance and mood.
  • Saw Palmetto Extract which helps prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT, thus increasing free testosterone levels and protecting prostate health The Clemix website claims it’s known as the “Viagra of Asia”, though in my experience, this label (or the very similar “Chinese Viagra”) is more often used in reference to Horny Goat Weed.
  • Tongkat Ali which may increase free testosterone by inhibiting the activity of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). The Clemix website promotes its ability to increase blood flow and expand the capacity of the corpus cavernosa, increasing the amount of blood it can hold.
  • Horny Goat Weed (aka Epimedium Sagittatum) is as we mentioned above often called Chinese Viagra. It works similarly to Viagra in that it increases the flow of blood to the genitals during arousal, causing better, harder, longer lasting erections.
  • Bioperine which doesn’t have sexual or testosterone benefits on its own, but instead acts to improve the absorption of the rest of the ingredients in the formula.

Looking at the formula, I notice a couple of things. Mainly, I’d say it’s decent, but not great. Each of the ingredients can contribute to better testosterone levels and/or improved sexual performance, but there’s no big hitter, and none of them knocks it out of the park.

Next, it’s a little alarming to see the Clemix website making claims about some of the ingredients that just aren’t true. They claim Orchic Substance has a real clear effect on mood and confidence, but I can’t see any evidence to back this up.

I also noted a few typos in the Ingredients Section of the website. While this doesn’t directly affect the effectiveness of the Clemix supplement, it doesn’t do much to instill confidence that this is a professional operation that should be trusted with your health.

Take a look:


Clemix Ingredients Misspellings Image

Are There 2 Clemixes?

While researching Clemix, I came across what looked at first like two different products. The first one, in the white bottle, is pictured above, while here’s the second version, in the black bottle:


Clemix Black Bottle Image


The white bottle is by far the dominant one on the internet, but the black one is out there as well, and I didn’t have to dig very far to find it. The presence of the two different bottles and their respective websites and marketing strategies proves the point we made earlier about how products choose a target market and focus in that one direction.

While Clemix in the white bottle is all about the sexual benefits it provides to aging men, Clemix in the black bottle is all about the bodybuilding boost you get from increased testosterone:

Clemix Black Bottle Benefits Image

So instead of Clemix focusing on just one side of the equation, while creating a separate supplement for the other side of things, they make just the one product, put it in two separate bottles, and funnel their customers through two different pathways, both leading to a purchase of Clemix.

Clemix Black Bottle

The benefits listed for Clemix Black Bottle are markedly different than those promised with the White Bottle. They include:

  • Increased stamina and endurance
  • Better overall strength.
  • Improved post workout recovery.
  • Better muscle definition.
  • And yes, boosted libido as well.

The difference is made clear even just in the images presented on the respective websites.

This one is from the Clemix White Bottle website:


Clemix White Bottle Couple Image


This one is from the Clemix Black Bottle website:


Clemix Blac Bottle Man Image


At first, I wasn’t certain they were the same product. The Clemix Black Bottle website does not list any of its ingredients, which made it that much harder to compare. But when I discovered the contact information for each product, they were indeed the same, proving that Clemix in the white bottle and Clemix in the black bottle are indeed the same product.

Where to Buy

You won’t find either version of Clemix sold in stores. They’re only available online and only through their respective websites when signing up for their “free trial offer”.

Here’s what it looks like on their websites:

Clemix Free Trial Offer White



We talk about these “free trial” offers a lot. In fact, we’ve got a great expose about the scam here:

Free Trial Supplement Scams – The Ugly Truth

But here are the specifics of the Clemix Free Trial Offer:

  • You claim your “free trial” by signing up to receive 1 bottle for just the cost of shipping ($4.95).
  • At that time, they send you your 1 month supply AND enroll you in their monthly Subscription Plan.
  • Under the terms of the plan, if you don’t call and cancel your subscription within 14 days from the date you ordered, they will charge you $89.95 for the bottle you thought you were getting for free.
  • From that day on, they will send you a new bottle every month, and charge you $89.95 plus $4.95 shipping and handling.
  • This will continue until you cancel your subscription plan.

A recurring plan may not seem like such a bad idea, and the truth is sometimes it’s not. When you know what you’re getting into, you want the product every month, and you get a discount for being on the automatic plan, it could be a great thing.

But unfortunately, that’s not what’s going on here. Let me highlight a few points that make the Clemix Free Trial not such a great offer:

  1. They call it a free trial, but it’s not free at all. Unless you cancel within 14 days (hardly enough time to try it out and see if it works for you), you will be charged for not just future bottles, but for the bottle you signed up to get for FREE. That’s NOT FREE.
  2. They make it difficult to find the explanation of the terms, so most customers have no idea what they’re signing up for. This is no accident. They want you to get caught up in billing and repeat billing that you didn’t expect. It’s how they make their money.
  3. Think about it. This company makes money by tricking customers into buying their product when they thought they were getting it for free. Does that sound like a product that’s likely to provide you with a valuable benefit? No, it sounds like a product that will do anything for a quick buck, including burning through customers.

How Do I Avoid Charges?

If you are reading this after already ordering Clemix but within 14 days of placing the order, you’re in luck. Simply call them at (855) 210-6878 or email them at and tell them you’d like to cancel your subscription.

If you’re too late and they’ve already charged you, you can fight for your money back, but I honestly don’t know that they’ll give it to you. They’re sleazy and underhanded, but unfortunately what they do is not illegal. Even still, you must contact them and tell them to cancel your subscription in order to prevent any future charges.

Is there a Money Back Guarantee?

Clemix customer service handles refund requests on a case by case basis. They must be initiated within 30 days of purchase and they may require that you return the product at your own expense. Like I mentioned earlier, refunds are at their discretion, so I can’t say whether or not you’ll be eligible.

Clemix Reviews

Because Clemix is only sold on its official websites, we were unable to find any independent feedback from customers online. There are a few testimonials offered by the company, but these are usually doctored at the very least, and in some cases completely fabricated. So we don’t put a whole lot of stock into them.

Clemix Pros and Cons

Advantages of Clemix

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • Full contact information is provided.

Disadvantages of Clemix

  • It’s only available by signing up for their subscription service (disguised as a free trial).
  • Clemix markets itself as essentially 2 different products, attempting to capture 2 separate audiences for twice the revenue.
  • There are no independent customer reviews to be found.
  • Clinical testing has not been performed on this product.

Clemix – The Bottom Line

With hundreds of testosterone boosting supplements crowding today’s market, it makes sense that many products have chosen to specialize. In the truest sense, specializing would mean adding certain ingredients to bolster the products ability to obtain certain results.

For instance, if a testosterone boosting supplement wanted to specialize in improving workouts, it could add L-Arginine for a Nitric Oxide Boost. Or is it wanted to specialize in sexual benefits, it could add one or more herbal aphrodisiacs to the formula.

But Clemix takes a different approach. Using the same formula and same overall product, they specialize – in a marketing sense only – in both areas. Clemix in the white bottle is the exact same product as Clemix in the black bottle, but they are marketed as two separate products with two separate sets of benefits.

Marketing tricks aside for a moment, the Clemix formula is nothing special, no matter which benefits you want. It’s With Epimedium and Saw Palmetto, it’s probably a bit more effective as a sexual supplement than a muscle building one, but not by much. If it were a great product, we could put aside their advertising transgressions and focus on the real, tangible benefits.

But it’s not a great product, it’s a mediocre one – a mediocre product that pretends to be all things to all men, and tries to trap you into monthly repeat billing on top of all that. Do yourself a favor and skip Clemix. Focus instead on a product specifically designed to give you the testosterone boosting benefits you personally need.

Have You Used Clemix? Leave Your Review Below!

Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure

#1 – Testosil

#1 - Testosil

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#2 – Prime Male

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Author: Rob Miller

Supplement Critique

Rob Miller founded over 7 years ago, and has been the chief editor ever since. He has a diploma in Advanced Dietary Supplements Advisor, and worked at GNC for 3 years. He KNOWS supplements, both inside and out. Rob currently resides in Jupiter, FL, with his wife of 4 years.  Learn more about him in his Bio here. Follow him on Twitter , Facebook, LinkedIn, or find him on Google +.

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