C9-T11 Review – Does Cis 9-T11 Really Work?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-22-2020

We investigate claims of supplements all the time, from the downright ridiculous, to the possibly effective. We recently came across a product called Cis 9-T11, which promises a gain of 700% in muscle in only 7 weeks. You’ll see these ads everywhere on social media sites like Facebook, media sites like ESPN and Men’s health, and even on Yahoo. Their site has before and after pictures of guys who have apparently used it, and it’s no doubt that they look transformed, albeit in a small way. If it really does this then you may be in for a real treat. But can a supplement really do this? In my opinion, highly unlikely, and you’re about to find out why.
Rare Plant That Boosts Muscle 700%?
C9-T11 is a workout formula designed by a company called Appied Nutritional Reasearch, or ANR for short. It uses a compound called Cis9-t11, which is commonly found in meat and dairy products, and is commonly referred to as CLA (or, Conjugated Linoleic Acid). CLA is not some rare plant. In fact, it’s actually not even a plant at all, it’s actually a fatty acid that’s found in meat and dairy products.
It’s also not a “proprietary ingredient”, and is present in over 300 different supplements I have researched, including CLA extreme and Advocare Thermoplus. C9-T11 uses CLA as it’s primary ingredient, as well as containing 50 mg of Vitamin C, 50 mg of Phosphatidylserine, and filler ingredients such as gelatin, st. johns bread extract, glycerin, caramel color, and titanium dioxide color. (Click Here to see a picture of the label)
The claim made by Cis 9-T11 is that their product will help to enhance muscle growth and development by as much as 700%. The suggested use is 1-2 capsules first thing in the morning, followed by 1-2 capsules late afternoon. What we don’t understand is why this company and their ads claim that CLA is derived from some rare African plant, which raised our suspicion.
The theory behind it’s use is that it helps to suppress the release of cortisol, which is the natural hormone released when you encounter stress, or when you have trained to failure. Cortisol, at least in elevated and prolonged form, can actually REDUCE your bodies ability to build muscle, which is where C9-t11 comes in.
CLA supplements like C9-T11 generally are safe to take and don’t produce any adverse health risks. However, in very rare cases some people have reported side effects like nausea, vomiting, and upset stomach, although not necessarily with this particular supplement.
Watch this short video below to learn how Conjugated Linoic Acid works:
[vimeo 116385333 w=500 h=350]
Reviews of C9 – T11
Their appears to be some pretty good reviews posted online for Cis9 – T11, however, I wouldn’t call it an overwhelming positive response. Since the product has been around for quite sometime, I would imagine that their would be more reviews, but unfortunately that’s not the case.We were actually emailed a couple of reviews of C9-T11, check them out below:
“I just wanted to let you guys know I tried out that C9-T11 and wanted to tell you what it did….It took a few days, but I started to feel like I was getting more cut and ripped, and just felt like I had more energy and stuff. After using it for a little while though like 3 weeks I stopped feeling that feeling. You guys should try it out too, just to see what kind of results you get too, because I feel like I been ripped off.”
Justin, Texas
another review we received:
“I wanted to let you guys know I tried that C9 t11 supplement, and it did nothing for me. I was so excited that maybe I finally found something that maybe will help me get off this plateau I’ve had for so long, but am extremely disappointed.
Bunch of overpriced crap if you ask me.”
The only other review that I saw that looked “independent” was this youtube video I’ve attempted to watch. I say attempted because, he just drags on and on. He gets into the details about 2 min. in and is kind of scatter brained in my opinion (maybe that’s one of the side effects? jk). Check it out and you’ll see what I’m talking about:
Is C9-T11 Legit?
There is some legitimacy to the use of CLA, as over 30 published clinical studies have confirmed that it indeed does help to burn fat and build muscle. (source: 1) However, this is not without some controversy, including the possibility that use of CLA may increase the risk of cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. Since CLA is found in so many other supplements, the price may also be somewhat of a deterrent.
C9-T11 costs $37 for one bottle, versus CLA Extreme, which comes in on average at about $17 per bottle. While C9-T11 contains 1000mg of CLA, CLA Extreme only contains 750 MG. Is this enough to make a difference? I don’t think so, and you also have to consider the fact that CLA Extreme also contains several other natural extracts to help optimize performance.
We also looked to see where you could buy C9-T11, and noticed it was not for sale on GNC or Vitamin Shoppe’s websites. However, it was for sale on Amazon, for a low price of $79.99. There doesn’t appear to be any free trial of it, and unfortunately I couldn’t find any coupons or discounts to use when you order.
It is somewhat expensive, but nearly $80 is not quite unheard of for products of its kind.
How Does It Stack Up To Other Supplements?
C9-T11 vs. Creatine
Most of us in the supplement world have at one time or another used a creatine supplement to help with bulking up. CLA supplements like C9-T11 work completely different from creatine, and your probably wondering which one works better. In theory, because they both work differently you can actually stack both of them at the same time. However, unless your severely overweight, I wouldn’t even waste your time with CLA.
Instead, you would probably be better off stacking a creatine supplement with a pre workout supplement like force factor. They will provide much better results, in a much shorter time frame, and you should also consider taking fish oil as well.
C9-T11 Vs. Steroids
Because of some of their marketing practices, alot of guys think that C9-T11 is a steroid alternative, and nothing could be further from the truth. Supplements that contain CLA are not synthetic, and do not produce the same bulking results that a traditional steroid would. Of course, it’s not recommended to take steroids, as the side effects and long term effects usually outweigh the benefits.
Why You Shouldn’t Buy It
C9-T11 is simply conugated linoleic acid, which you can find DIRT cheap at your local Walmart for around $15. All the fancy marketing and gimmicky ads aside, this supplement will not do anything more for you than your standard CLA you’ll find in any supplement store. They just do a really good job of trying to convince you that their supplement is one of a kind, when indeed its just like any other you might find on the shelves.
I mean, if you run the math with me on this one, a 700% increase in muscle mass and growth would be almost too big to even imagine. On top of that, the reviews don’t look so inviting either, with most saying they didn’t get much more of a boost in muscle with it. With so many other products on the market that can produce nearly the same results with C9-T11, I would say take a pass.
You could spend at least a quarter of the price or less and get just as good of results as they promise, if not better, and rest easy knowing that you are taking much less of a gamble.
Have You Used Cis9-T11? Leave Your Review Below!
1. Efficacy of Conjugated Linoleic Acid for reducing fat mass – http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/85/5/1203.long
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
to anyone out there wanting to try c9-t11,don't bother,it dosn't work?ive been using the product since august 2013 & ive had no improvment what so ever?how can you rate somthing thats crap,it should be minus 5!
10 out of 11 people found this review helpful.
c9-T11 1.0
I got this supplement from a friend about a year ago and honestly it was the best thing I ever took for fat loss. It worked quickly , with a healthy diet and workout that I was already 3 months into i suddenly lost 16 more pounds in about a month. I only took 1 every night before sleep. I went to purchase more but found out the changed the formula to 2.0 I was so pissed. I didn't buy it and looked for the 1.0 I originally took. After going through another bottle I never was able to find anymore. And kind gave up , now a year later I am looking to close some holiday weight and remember the c9-t11 and decided I would give the 2.0 a fair chance. I just received it today and took the first one. The pills are red instead of pale gray/carmel color of the 1.0. The pills also seem a bit smaller, I distinctly remember a tinggling feeling I used to get about 20 min after I took the c9 t11 1.0 , I feel a bit of the same now and hope it applifies as it seemed to give me a better result the next day when it tinggled more. I will submit another review in 1 week for the 2.0.
8 out of 10 people found this review helpful.
Ray's Review
I tried a full bottle of c9-t11 and I actually gained weight. I didn't gaine any extra muscle nor did it make me feel and type of way. I purchased 2 bottles thinking I would give it a fair chance but after gaining so much weight I threw the 2nd bottle in the trash. I'm sure it works different for everyone but it didn't work for me.
6 out of 8 people found this review helpful.
I been having problems getting big arms..I get them stronger(curling straight bar w/45 plates, the just won't blow up!) so I tried c9-T11 becuz I read it would add mass to arms. It actually did add mass and show cut on my arms with in one month BUT then it seemed to come to a HAULT after showing a bit of growth!..and I bought like 5 bottles (package deal).. So I guess my search continues..sigh!
4 out of 6 people found this review helpful.
C9 T11 2.0
Used this product for 4 months what a load of crap .Over priced total rip off.Would not buy anything from this company again.0 stars
3 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
where can I order this c9-t11. can I buy it in Melbourne Australia -dominic
You would have to order from their official site, http://www.c9t11.com/. I just checked and they do ship to Australia.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
can't work out due to disability will it still get me ripped
Unfortunately, you can't get ripped without working out.- Rob
Hi is it safe to use c9-t11 if you have high blood pressure but it's controlled? -Roy
It's likely safe, but since you take medication for high blood pressure, you need to check with your doctor before starting any new supplement.- Rob
0 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Get some science or get out of nutrition…
This is a review of a supplement called C9-T11. We limit the discussion of our reviews to what’s in the supplement we’re reviewing. Thanks for the lesson, though.
Since the most important part is your diet and exercise, you should sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got tips and plans to help you reach exactly the goals you describe. As for supplements, check out Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s just what you’re looking for.
I am 25 years old guy work out daily with good diet still i have never crossed 67kg my height is 5.10inch and if i stop going to gym even for a week i loose almost 5kg i take weight gainer and honestly i took deca as well in past, help me how to get mass on my body
It’s definitely tough for hard gainers to put on muscle weight. Sign up for my “getting strong” ebook for help with your diet and workout to reach your goal. As for supplements, check out the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack. It’s specifically designed for your situation. You’ll also want to add additional protein with a powder like 100% Whey Gold Standard.
I did not change my workout or eating habits which is mostly fruit and vegetables along with some lean red meets and chicken and fish. I thought maybe my metabolism had some how gotten fixed on it’s own so after four months of taking C9-T11 I stopped.
About 3 weeks later I saw the difference, I had started to gain fat around my stomach again, so now I just started to take C9-T11 again. I don’t know if this product is for everyone but it sure does work for me.
I stumbled across your page really liking the topics and I need some advice from someone that knows. I am 39..6 ft and 210lb. I have a some “old school” knowledge about lifting and supplements.
I have not been in the gym in about 15 or so years. I am not out of shape and have stayed active but I am getting back into the gym and am curious as to what supplements you would recommend.
I am not wanting to get massive just become solid again and cut the fat off of my typical man belly. Any thoughts?
Any advice you have about product stacking and such would be greatly appreciated!
Absolutely. Since the most important parts of getting in shape are diet and exercise, the first thing you should do is sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got great advice and lays out meal and workout plans in a clear yet flexible way. As for supplements, check out the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack. It’s got a fat burner, testosterone booster, and muscle builders which are all you need to get back in the shape you want.
If you buy CLA at the vitamin store, yes, it’s basically the same as what you’ll get from C9-T11, and it will be a whole lot cheaper.
I worked out hard to get to 195 but got stuck at that weight. After i took c9-t11 i jumped up to 205 in about 2 weeks and in about 2 months all my maxes improved alot.
I was also taking a protein supplement with c9-t11, it worked well for me. The only way it will work is if you push yourself past what you think is enough in the gym.
Instead of 4 sets of 10 do 5 sets of 12 last set till muscle failure. It worked for me but i can admit it didnt work AS WELL as they claimed.
I am really skinny and it annoys me. I work out alot and also eat alot and I work sitting down.
I can’t put any weight on at all I have been the same weight of 8.9 stone since I was 14. What can I do!
I have a few tips for you. Make sure you eat a lot, like 6 meals a day if you can. Get lots of complex carbs in the morning and plenty of protein throughout the day. Try for 1.5 grams per pound of body weight. When you lift, lift heavy, and make sure you limit your cardio.
As for supplements, check out either a bulking stack literally called the Crazy Mass Bulking Stack, or try Nitrocut as your pre workout and Muscle Advance Creatine to pack on muscle weight.
And use 100% Whey Gold Standard to help you get the protein you need. I know you’ve done at least some of this before without success, but give all of this a try together, and hopefully you’ll see better results.
Ive just come across your site whilst trying to do research on C9-T11 – I was trying to find out if it would work for women, but there is absolutely no information regarding this.
I am 5’8″ about 55kg. I have a bone disease which cause the main SI joints to fuse.
I do general exercise but I do find it hard to put on muscle. I am looking for a supplement to help put on muscle especially stomach and lower back to help with support of joints.
What would you recommend to a women just starting out.
I would recommend you go with a pre workout called Nitrocut. It gives your body and muscles energy for working out, and it doesn’t contain stimulants to make you jumpy or jittery. It works great for both women and men, and if you combine it with your workout routine, you’ll really get great results.
I wish I had the answer to that one! I have no idea how these companies get away with saying what they say!
Im 18, 250lbs and a seasoned athlete. However i need serious eating tips.
I come from a poor family so my diet is mostly hamburger helper and mcdonalds. I wanna get ripped.
My goal is to live at 7% bodyfat. Im gonna be boxing next year and i need to drop weight.
I need help with what sort of supplements to get too. Amino acids?
Pre, post, calorie burners? Im very set in stone that the things i put in my body are natural or at least dont have bad side effects.
If you could help me out i would really apreciate it and point all my wrestling buddies to this site. Thank you
I recommend you sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook. It’s got great advice on working out, but also tons of stuff on what and how to eat, so I’m sure you’ll find it really useful. I’ve also included a meal plan and my “Big List of Foods You Can Eat” too. As for supplements, you’ll want a pre workout call Nitrocut. It gives you great energy for working out, but without stimulants to get you all wired and jittery. Other than that, I’d go with 100% Whey Gold Standard protein to help with workout recovery and muscle building. If you’re looking to really pack it on, check out Muscle Advance Creatine too.
At your age, stick with 100% Whey Gold Standard protein. Supplements are not generally tested on people under 18, so it’s just not known what kind of effects they’ll have on your growth and development. Also, sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook for tons of tips and advice on eating and working out to get ripped.
I’m 17 years old and I’m about 6″3 and about 165-170 pounds. Im currently going into my junior year of high school and I’m looking to gain weight.
Im on a swim team where we train in the pool for almost 4 hours a day and over 5 days a week with three days a week of weights. Swimming is a sport that involves a lot of cardio and you burn so many calories that it is difficult to gain weight.
I’m looking to try the C9 T11 but I’m also looking for a product that’ll help me gain weight but I would like a supplement that can keep me under 195 because I need to stay lean for my sport. What do you recommend for me?
Any tips?
You would be much better off using Muscle Advance Creatine. It’ll get you the muscle energy you need to pack it on, but I don’t see you gaining any more than the 20 pounds you’re looking for because of all the cardio you do. C9-T11 is more controversal and less tested than creatine, especially for someone your age. Along with the creatine, use 100% Whey Gold Standard protein for workout recovery.
But you have to work at it. There is no magic pill..you will get out what you put in!
Your body after while will get immune to everything. A great cleanse every 90 days works wonders. 47 yrs old and still going strong!
Believe what I’m telling you.
I’m 24 years old, 5’11 and weigh 160 pounds. I’ve been hitting the gym five times a week and see good results in terms of growth and muscle building.
However, I’m not able to get rid of the fat on my stomach which is substantial even though I’m a healthy weight. I was wondering if you had any advice on how to lose the fat without losing my muscle gains.
I’m currently using only c4 extreme as pre-workout supplement.
You really can’t spot reduce fat, and it’s true for most people that belly fat is the last to go. With that in mind, keep working at the overall fat loss by incorporating both cardio and weight training into your routine and eating a clean diet. If you haven’t already, download my free “getting ripped” ebook for workout and eating tips and advice. Also, pick up the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack, it works great for guys in your position.
I think it serves your readers a disservice by not mentioning the serious cardiac effects bitter orange extract has been documented as having and leading to some fatal arrythmias. I am simply passing on this info because I am in a health related field, and while taking a supplement with this extract in it about 8 years ago, I went into rapid atrial fibrillation and had to be cardioverted ( shocked )out of it.
This was me being a totally healthy person with no heart history. I did see amazing fat loss from this product, but after understanding and experiencing the side effects from this particular extract, I felt the need to pass this info on.
After trying to figure out what the hell sent me into.afib, I researched all the ingreadients in the supplement and then found all the information on bitter orange and how potent of a stimulant it really is. ( it’s also used as an additive in certain solvents.)
I appreciate your feedback.
I am what you would call “severely overweight” needing to lose 100+ lbs. Think 6’6″ offensive lineman that had a possible college career cut short by knee surgeries. What supplements would you recommend me taking to cut fat and build muscle?
One thing to consider is that I am lactose intolerant, whey products do not agree with me.
I would go with either a stack like the Crazy Mass cutting stack, or a combo of Nitrocut as your pre workout and Phen375 for burning fat.
Also, since diet and exercise are the most important components, download my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s loaded with tips and advice on diet and workouts, and I’ve just added a few bonuses including sample meal plans, a workout log, and my “Big List of Foods You Can Eat”
Go with Nitrocut as your pre workout and use Gold Standard 100% Whey protein to help with recovery. You should also consider Creatine from Muscle Advance. There’s lots of discussion about whether or not women should use it, but ultimately there’s no reason not to. It’s perfectly safe, and you can control how much bulk you put on. Also, if you haven’t already, download my free “getting ripped” ebook for some great workout and diet to get you ripped. I’ve just added a few bonus tools as well to help keep you on track.
I am sure it doesn’t work for everyone but it has for me.
Nothing beats NitroCut as your pre-workout supplement as far as I’m concerned. It works like nothing I’ve ever tried!