Ciatra Review – Should You Try It?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 4-27-2020

Ciatra Overview
According to its manufacturer, Ciatra is “The True and Original Solution for Men.” Our job, of course, is to figure out if the goods live up to the hype. Ciatramakes two main claims: that it will instantly give you rock hard erections and that it will grow your penis up to 5 inches in length.
Let’s take those claims one at a time.
Ciatra and Erections
The website explains that Ciatra blocks the production of specific enzymes then stimulates the release of nitric oxide.
As you know, nitric oxide is responsible for relaxing blood vessel walls, allowing more blood to flow to the penis for better erections.
Ciatra claims to work in 5 to 10 minutes, which is far more quickly than any other pill we’ve seen or tried.
Ciatra and Penis Length
Besides making the 5 inch growth claim, the only mention Ciatra makes about penis growth is that over time, having more and more big erections will cause your penis to grow.
As far as we know (and we’ve looked pretty hard for evidence), this claim is completely unsupported.
Ciatra Ingredients
The official Ciatra website does not offer a list of ingredients, but we did find this information on some third party sites.
The formula includes Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Ginger, Safed Musli, Saffron, Ginseng, Ginkgo, Jaiphal, and Mucuna Pruriens.
If this unverified list is correct, then we fail to see how Ciatra increases the production of nitric oxide and improves erections in any significant way.
Most male enhancement supplements use L-Arginine, Epimedium, Yohimbe, or some combination of these to improve blood flow and erections.
Ciatra has none of these.
The recommended dose is 1 capsule taken 5 to 10 minutes before sex.
They say that the more you take it the better it works, but there is no instruction for daily use.
Because of some of the ingredients such as yohimbe, I highly advise against taking a hefty dose because that could land you in some seriously dangerous waters as yohimbe is a very dangerous ingredient as time has shown.
Ciatra Pros and Cons
Advantages of Ciatra
- There is a 90-day money back guarantee.
- You don’t need to take it every day.
Disadvantages of Ciatra
- No ingredient list is officially offered.
- Contrary to the product claims, there are no ingredients that would have a significant effect on penile blood flow.
- We found no independent Ciatra reviews.
- It is difficult to understand how a capsule can be effective 5 minutes after you take it.
Where to Buy
You can buy Ciatra through the product website.
A single bottle of 15 capsules sells for $31. You’ll save on your per-pill price if you buy more.There is a 90 day guarantee on your first order.
You can return any unused portion so if you wanted to take advantage of a bulk order discount, you could and you’d still be covered under the guarantee.
Given the strange and unsupported claims of immediate results and penis growth, we’re skeptical of Ciatra.
Add in the fact that there are no pro-sexual nutrients in the formula and we just can’t recommend Ciatra.
Not to mention that there are some dangerous ingredients such as yohimbe, and it is just not worth the risk for something that cannot increase penis size as it promises, nor can any pill.
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
Get real men, or more directly:. Be real men!!!!! Use that head God gave you and use the big one! How many times have you been in hot water, or the doctor's office with a strange drip from your penis or a gnawing itch in your thatch because you were stupid enough to let the little head do the thinkin' for the big head? Well, OK, you may not be quite that stupid. I bet you'd agree the girls get prettier at closin' time, and that you've given into that temptation when you shouldn't have. Buying a fine lookin' woman a drink can have all sorts of negative unforeseen consequences. Better relationships begin in better circumstances. Better penis pills can be found when you think about what you really need rather than what you want.
Ciatra is one of the early Cialis knock offs, just like a plastic vagina, it's not nearly like the real thing. Ciatra is still available, and can be outrageously expensive; had
I not been a guinea pig test dick I would have passed on Ciatra. I cut a deal with a friend who owns retail outlets. When he get complaints on a product he has men from their 20's to 77 try it and give him a review of their results. I'm one of the them. We're ammunition supply for lawsuits. Had my own research been better then I probably would have refused to even try it. This time after negative reviews from all of us, most above 40, he gathered up the Ciatra & dumped back on the vendor, with a legal challenge to sue for his money back. He's a business man with horny ol' fools like me for guinea pigs and lawyers on retainer. You are not. He got his money back without hassle; do you think you could?
This one would get negative stars we're that possible. Reasons:
1. How many times have you read what the SupplementCritique review says about penis enlargement, specifically that no pill will give you a bigger penis by itself? We all would like to believe otherwise. Think of how many times you took an aspirin, yeah it got rid the headache. Good pill, good purpose. Do you really think penis pills work like that? Do women who want bigger breasts run all over like headless chickens looking for pills to make them bigger? No, they have surgery, and that doesn't always work. I had a date with a foldout model, as in a Miss July, hers had surgery, looked OK on camera, up close you could see the scars under each CC cup & sagging folds in both glorified jelly jugs. Penis surgery is another topic, the short answer is: Don't! Women have two breasts, lovely as they are they are not necessary for sexual function. You only have one penis and it is very necessary for sexual function.
2. Forget about penis enlargement pills. They do not work. Harder erections? That's worthy of consideration. There should be enough nitric oxide booster in a pill to do that. Most often from an amino acid. Ciatra doesn't give an official list of ingredients. The list it does have doesn't have a single amino acid. One website selling Ciatra can't even get their terms right. The proper term for the substance that helps erect your penis is nitric oxide; that particular website calls it nitrous monoxide, not the same thing.
3. One of the ingredients is saffron. Saffron is a spice, a very expensive spice. There are three kinds commercially available, Iranian, Greek, both good and $$$ but not nearly as sought after as Spanish saffron which is even more expensive. McCormick sells it's gourmet spice saffron at $600 to $800 a jar. And yes, it's the same size little jar you see at the grocery store. Greek and Iranian saffron is ten to twelve bucks, even at that price do you really think there's any saffron in Ciatra?
4. There's no way to tell what size the capsule is; what we tested looked to be size 00 which is pretty standard. It holds 900 mgs (milligrams). Give them the benefit of the doubt because if was a long time ago and memory is hazy, say it was twice that size. That's still only room for 1800 mgs of medication, fillers, and binders. There will be the some of the latter two, pills have to have that to keep the active ingredients static until you take it and to hold the pills together so they won't crumble to powder over time. The standard dose of ashwaganda alone is around 500 mgs. Is there really room for whatever else might do you some good?
5. Ashwaganda does have some mood altering properties. It can help relieve stress and relax you, thereby helping your mind prep for sex. There's also no guarantee that will work, and for reason #4, there's probably not enough ashwaganda to be of benefit. Likely there's also not enough of any other beneficial ingredient.
6. Ginkgo? May help the prostate; may help the synapses in the brain, how much it affects erectile function remains open to question.
7. Shilajit, safed musli, and jaiphal are unknown quantities. I'm here in the good ol' U.S.A., but have one Chinese doctor, also an herbalist, and two Indian doctors. They all say benefit from those ingredients may be placebo effect at best. The Indian doctors do not disrespect holistic or ayurvedic medicine. They did say if it worked that well they'd have stayed in India.
8. My own experience, bet you thought I'd never get to this part. As the instructions say, take the pill and it's effective within five to ten minutes. Male bovine excrement!!! Even prescription penis pills do not work that fast, nor do amino acid pills. I've taken all the prescription ED pills available in the U.S. I've taken the major amino acid nitric oxide boosters, L-carnitine, L-citrulline, and L-argenine. While it is true within ten minutes I can feel any of them in my sinus cavities, it takes a minimum of twice that long to feel the effect in my penis. But here's Ciatra saying it works in five to ten; I took the pill, one capsule just like it says. I waited, timed with a stopwatch I waited, and waited, and waited. Other than some nausea, jitteryness, and slight upset stomach, nothing; absolutely nothing. I drank water which dispelled the nausea. It also made me need to pee. The faucet dribbled a minute or so afterwards; that's how ginseng affects me, so I do believe the part about ginseng.
9. True, Ciatra makes two major claims, depending on which website you see it on. They say it will give you a bigger penis, utter bunk. They say it will give you harder and more firm erections. Also bunk; even if you're not nauseated as I was, your erection will not be any harder and it won't get hard any faster than normal. Whatever is normal for you, Ciatra can't top that, trust me. When I tested I abstained from all other sex enhancers for five days; the last three I drank extra fluids to flush my system. On test day I stimulated myself to full erection three times before I taking Ciatra. My time to a firm erection was one to two minutes, another thirty seconds to a minute to get hard enough for vaginal penetration. That was about average at the time. This was in June of 2012; my erection would have been firm enough for intercourse, but not for more than five to ten minutes after intromission, if that long. Not spectacular, OK for me and enough to get the job done. Alas I am no longer young. I did the same test at ten minute intervals for forty minutes after taking Ciatra. I wasn't better, I was worse. At no time was my erection faster, harder or more sustainable than ordinary. In fact it took longer to get hard and my erection wasn't nearly as firm. I doubt I could have achieved intromission and even if I had my erection would not have been sustainable. I wasn't better after Ciatra, I was worse.
10. The Ciatra website is funky. There may have been an official website then, now if you go to www dot Ciatra dot com you get a site that looks very much like it is run by a sex toy vendor rather than anyone associated with the manufacturer of Ciatra. They do sell it and Ciatra is available from multiple websites; none of which look official. It is available and most sellers want a lot for it, even at a fraction of a cent a pill, it's a waste of money.
Gentlemen: There you have it, I concur strongly with SupplementCritique, I cannot recommend Ciatra. Not only can I not recommend it, I tried it and found it has absolutely no redeeming pleasurable penis erecting enhancing qualities.
9 out of 11 people found this review helpful.
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Did you have prostate removal surgery, or just treatment? And if you did have surgery, was it nerve-sparing? The reason I ask is because if you had surgery without nerve sparing, I’m not sure anything would help you. With that said, if you DID have nerve sparing surgery, you have a couple of options.
I would recommend you check out a supplement called Vigrx Plus or one called Hardon Helper. The benefit to Vigrx Plus is that, while you have to take it everyday to get the best results, the effects are enormous. The benefit to Hardon Helper are that you just need to take it on an “as-needed” basis like 1 hour prior to sexual activity.
Either one will give you GREAT results, it’s just a matter of personal preference. Here’s my reviews of each:
Vigrx Plus –
Hardon Helper –
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
We don’t actually sell Ciatra, we just reviewed it. Unfortunately I can’t seem to find a website or phone number for them at the moment, so they may actually be out of business.
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