Capsiplex Actual User Review
By: Rob Miller
Our #3 Fat Burning Supplement – Capsiplex
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Capsiplex is one of the most popular fat burning thermogenic formulas on the market right now, and we had a chance to test out a bottle ourselves. With such an abundance of products to choose from, it is a breath of fresh air to come across one that actually does what it says its supposed to do. One of our research candidates, a man we will call Michael, used Capsiplex for a period of one month. This review is based on his results from using the product. First off, we will explain in a little bit more detail about what Capsiplex is supposed to do.
What is Capsiplex?
A once daily supplement, Capsiplex is an herbal product which is used to help stimulate your metabolism, and burn 12 TIMES as much fat as normal. It is all natural, and has gained worldwide media attention, which is something many products in the thermogenic category can’t say. Capsiplex is also one of the only products of it’s kind that has had a clinical study conducted, which you can read more about here.
I actually read that when Capsiplex was first introduced to the market, they had sold over 50,000 of their bottles within the first 3 days. I think this was a result of some MAJOR media attention, but they seemed to have caught up with the demand.
Benefits of Using Capsiplex
There are numerous benefits why Capsiplex is one of our top choices for fat burning supplements. The basic premise behind the product is that it will increase your metabolism dramatically, which essentially means you will burn more calories at rest. As a matter of fact, this is when fat burning is at it’s peak, not during exercise like most people think. Some of the other benefits of Capsiplex include:
- A Reduction in Appetite
- Burns Carbs and Fat, NOT MUSCLE
- Increases Energy Through Thermogensis
- Burn 278 More Calories Per Day
This last benefit is pretty intriguing, and when you really think about it, 278 calories a day really adds up. For instance, a pound of fat is about 3500 calories, so if you divide this by 278, it takes 12.5 days to lose one pound of fat.
This might not seem like alot, But this IS NOT accounting for normal metabolic rate, not accounting for exercise or healthy diet, and certainly does not account for the average human. In addition, when you lose weight you not only lose fat, but obviously lose some water weight in the process.
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Ingredients in Capsiplex
Capsiplex is specially formulated with a number of ingredients which have been used in other thermogenic fat burners. The primary ingredient is Capsicum, which is essentially chili pepper. It also contains caffeine, which is the primary ingredient for curbing your appetite. The full ingredient list includes:
- Niacin
- Piperine
- Brown Rice
- Capsicum
- Magnesium Stearate
- Caffeine
User Reviews of Capsiplex
There are tons of reviews and testimonials from Satisfied customers of Capsiplex both on their official site and throughout other avenues such as YouTube and Discussion Boards. While finding HONEST and UNBIASED reviews was very difficult, we did find some legit reviews. After reading through various forum post, we noted that most users of Capsiplex experience:
- A Reduction in Food Cravings
- An Average loss of about 8 pounds, WITHOUT EXERCISE
- Increased Energy Levels
- Improved Mood and Motivation
Mike’s Results From Taking Capsiplex
From the start, Mike started taking the pills exactly as prescribed, which is once a day. He reported that it not only helped decrease his hunger pangs, but also increased his energy. We kind of expected that of a thermogenic fat burner, but did he really burn off 278 calories a day? Let’s hear what he had to say:

“First off, I want to thank you for letting me try these pills. I have been searching for a good weight loss supplement, as I don’t really have that much time to get to the gym. With the constant overeating at my work, coupled with the lack of exercise, I wanted something that could really reduce my cravings for certain “bad foods”.
Usually around late morning, I would start thinking about what I was going to have for lunch. This typically consisted of either pizza, cheese steaks and fries, or a cheeseburger. After the first couple of days on Capsiplex, I noticed that this craving virtually disappeared, and I had to “force” myself to eat something. Since I wasn’t feeling as hungry, I opted to start eating salads with grilled chicken on them instead, and this helped me feel even better.
Another thing I noticed when I was on Capsiplex was the increase in energy I was feeling. Before taking Capsiplex, after I would eat a large meal I would get very tired, and could not find myself to get anything done for the next couple of hours. This was not the case after taking Capsiplex for a couple of days. I noticed since I was eating less, or rather eating better, I did not have that “sluggish” feeling after lunch. This lead me to actually start hitting the gym during my lunch break. It made me feel great!
All in all, I lost about 15 pounds over the course of 4 weeks. I think that the majority of the weight I lost was in the first couple of weeks, but I feel like if I took it for another couple of months, I would have lost even more weight. Thanks again for letting me try it.”
Mike, Florida
Click Here To Visit The Official Capsiplex Website
Pro’s and Con’s of Capsiplex
- Personally Tested and Approved
- Clinical Studies Conducted
- Free Shipping on Select Packages
- Starts Working in The First Few Days
- Contains All Natural Extracts
- Some side effects have been reported
- Expensive when compared to other products
- Lack of Unbiased reviews online
- Took about 10 days for shipping (longer than most!)
- Appears To Be No Refund Policy!
Based on our analysis of the ingredients, their clinical studies, the companies reputation, and our own personal test results, we feel as though Capsiplex CAN provide you with what you need to successfully lose weight. We recommend that you order at least a 2 month supply to really give it a try and see what kind of results you can receive from taking it.
Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure
Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.
HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested.
Read our review here.
Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs.
Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.
Click Here To Visit The Official Capsiplex Site
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User Questions and Answers
Can I purchase it locally at GNC? Zip code 84025 Farmington Utah. Thanks. -greg
It's only available for purchase online through their official website. Here's a link: Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
I am 69 and approximately 30lbs overweight. I have been on lots of diets and as soon as I come off them the weight piles back on.
I am interested in your research on Capsiplex and would like to try it. However, once the weight has come off, how do I maintain the weight loss?
Would I have to keep taking the same dosage of Capsiplex indefinitely?
Yeah part of keeping the weight off involves consistent diet and exercise, and capsiplex ( can certainly get you going in the right direction. With that said, yeah you won’t get the benefits of weight loss when you stop taking the supplement. It’s not a “cure” for weight loss.
I lost weight. Had no appetite and had bounds of energy.
I have tried several products since. Do you have any recommendations?
Yeah, once Ephedrine got banned, there hasn’t really been a replacement as good. Give Instant Knockout a try. It’s my top pick for fat burners.
I’m OK with a cup of coffee amount of caffeine.
Capsiplex might work for you. I don’t know the exact amount of caffeine, but they say it’s less than a cup of coffee, so you should be good. If you want to go completely caffeine-free, check out RSP Nutrition Quadralean. I haven’t tried it but it gets great customer feedback over at
I also need a supplement that can help me gain muscle fast.
thank you
If you’re off the prescription meds now, go with Instant Knockout. It’s got lots of caffeine for energy, plus fat burning and appetite suppression to keep you losing weight. As for putting on muscle, creatine is great as long as you’re working out hard and eating right.
I’ve been taking Phentermine 15mg twice a day, Diu caps/Legere,Chromium picolinate, and a lipotropic injection once a week. for the appetite suppressant Phentermine it does not help that much for suppressing my appetite even I take two 15mg a day.
I need a supplement that will help me burn more fats while I do my treadmill and weight lifting.What is the best supplement that I can that together with the once I’m taking now (Instant Knockout, Phen375 or Capsiplex?
Thank you
Since you’re taking Phentermine, you should check with your doctor for a fat burner that fits with the rest of your protocol.
I haven’t tried it, but I checked into it quickly just now and noticed that it contains Yohimbe as well as a bunch of caffeine. With your high blood pressure, I would stay away from Hydroxycut SX7. Try a testosterone booster called Prime Male. It can help you lose fat and gain muscle tone, but it’s not stimulant based.
Or is there another product that has little or no caffeine at all? Thanks!
Start by lowering your dose, like you say, to 2 pills a day, one in the morning and one at lunchtime. It’s hard to find an effective fat burner without caffeine or other stimulants.
So hopefully the lower dose will do the trick.
Check out Zantrex 3 in the blue bottle. It fits your budget and it works.
Which one is better as you recommend. I am 5 10″ with the weight of 94kg want to get at least to packs.
Please give me your kind advice.
Go with Phen375. It’s a great fat burner and appetite suppressant. You should also sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got great tips and plans for meals and workouts that’ll help you reach your goals.
We don’t eat right as a result of being so busy but we both want the flat stomach and want to lose weight, I want the infamous 6 pack. What is the best supplement to help with this?
We are going to be starting the insanity workout program in the coming weeks and both want the beach ready bodies. Thank you
You’re going to want to change your diet as well. Sign up for my free “getting ripped” ebook. It’s got great tips and plans for eating right to get fit. It’s also got a workout program you can use if and when you need something to replace the Insanity (like when you reach a plateau). As for a supplement, check out Instant Knockout. It’ll give you great energy as well as fat burning and appetite suppression.
I would recommend stacking Capsiplex with a pre workout called Nitrocut. You’ll have great workout energy and pumps, so you’ll get great results from the combination of increased fat burning and better workouts.
So suggest Nitrocut, I hope it can help me have some energy to at least work out more on my days off.
Thanks for the response.
Best of luck and keep me updated on your progress.
I can’t wait to both of them get here and the pricing on Nitrocut is awesome. I Had to get a 90 day supply.
I’m 5’2 female and just found out my I have 29% body fat. I would like to get down to 20% by Oct and then put on a little muscle.
Phen375 is pretty expensive and I don’t think I could afford to buy more than 2 bottles of it. If I stack Phen375 with Nitrocut for they first few weeks, could I then stack Capsiplex with Nitrocut for the rest of the time?
Are those still your Top 2 fat burners? One last question.
Is creatine of for women and if so what kind?
Thank you for you feedback!
Yep, that’s actually a great idea. I know Phen375 is expensive, so I totally support using it for a short time to get your program started, then moving on. Capsiplex is a great product too so you’ll do great, especially with Nitrocut in the stack because you get some fat burning from it too. About the creatine, you’ll hear some people say it makes women too bulky, but it’s not true. Creatine just provides you the tools to bulk up if you want to. It’s all about how you eat and workout. Go with Muscle Advance Creatine. It works great and the pills are so much more convenient than powders.
Thank you!
Yes, you most certainly can do that. It would actually be beneficial because it would act as an appetite suppressant.
From what I understand, there are no reported side effects from Capsiplex, but of course the possibility always exists.