Buzzerk Review – Does It Work?
By: Rob Miller
Buzzerk Overview
With so many pre workout supplements on the market, you really have to know what you’re looking for to find the best one for you. Do you want stimulants? Do you want pumps? Do you want stamina? Do you want to cut? Do you want to bulk up? Do you want any combination of these?
These are the things you need to ask yourself before pre workout shopping.
Once you know, your kob will be a whole lot easier.
Buzzerk is a pre workout available through Complete Nutrition, which is a chain of stores that also sells its wares online. With a focus on strength and pumps, Buzzerk claims to provide you with:
- Prolonged surge of energy.
- Increased muscle power.
- Insane pumps.
- Mind blowing endurance.
So basically, if you’re trying to bulk up, Buzzerk claims to have everything you need.
Of course, we’re here to break things down and keep them real, so we took a look at the formula and checked in on the prevailing customer feedback.
Buzzerk Ingredients and How They Work
The Buzzerk formula uses a few separate complexes to achieve its goals.
- The GlycoLoad Quick Delivery System which basically helps the whole rest of the formula to absorb and act quickly.
It also contains Vinpocetine to keep you mentally alert. - The Noctane PlasmaPump Matrix which uses your L-Arginine and L-Citrulline to boost nitric oxide levels.
What this does is improve blood flow so your muscles are getting more oxygen and more nutrients before, during, and after your workouts.
This complex is also where you’ll find Creatine for specific muscle energy so you’re pushing more weight harder than ever, and caffeine for the energy burst you need from your pre workout. - The pH Fatigue Buffering System is mainly Beta Alanine to act as a buffer against the build up of lactic acid so your muscles don’t get tired and you can keep pushin on.
It’s also got amino acids to help with post workout recover.
Instructions are to drink one scoop with at least 8 ounces of cold water about half an hour before hitting your workout.
Buzzerk Pros and Cons
Advantages of Buzzerk
- The formula covers a lot of what’s important in a pre workout.
- There are several glowing Buzzerk reviews from customers who say it works really well.
- It’s gluten-free.
Disadvantages of Buzzerk
- The reviews on the website bring up a few negative issues.
For instance, one customer says a full dose makes them queasy.
Another says the Sour Punch flavor is very dark red and stains everything.
Where to Buy
You can purchase Buzzerk through the Complete Nutrition website or at their stores.
A 30 serving tub sells for around $40.00.
The Buzzerkformula looks pretty good.With Creatine, caffeine, beta alanine, and nitric oxide boosters, it’s pretty much got you covered if you want to build muscle.
The customer feedback, however, is inconclusive. Some love it. Some not so much.
You’ll probably get some benefit from using it.
The only question really is how much.
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Yeah, I’ve heard that before about Complete Nutrition.