Blue Up Review – Should You Use It?
By: Rob Miller
Blue Up Overview
If you’re looking for a testosterone boost with a buzz, Blue Up might be just what you need. You probably know the importance of sufficient testosterone levels to maintaining good health, strength, vitality, and a muscular body composition. That’s why there are so many different ways to get there. There’s replacement therapy using needles, there areprescription creams, and there are herbal boosters made to help your body create more natural testosterone than it otherwise would.
One of the keys to the success of Blue Up is its focus on freeing up bound testosterone that’s already in your body. Once testosterone is bound to other molecules, it becomes useless. In order for it to do its job, it needs to flow freely and unattached.
Blue Up also includes energy boosting ingredients to give you the edge you want in the gym.
Blue Up Ingredients and How They Work
The Blue Up formula works to increase the production of total testosterone and to free existing testosterone to be used for muscle and strength gains:
- Tribulus Terrestris increases the production of luteinizing hormone, which signals the testes to produce more testosterone.
- Avena Sativa and Eurycoma Longifolia free testosterone from its bond with SHBG (Sex Hormone Bonding Globulin), making it useful and available to the body.
- Yohimbe is a vasodilator that facilitates the transport of testosterone and nutrients. It also improves erections.
- Caffeine gives you a boost of energy by stimulating the central nervous system.
You are instructed to take 2 capsules with 2 glasses of water about half an hour before your workout.
Blue Up Pros and Cons
There’s always something good and something bad involved with just about everything. A quick comparison of the two can really help you decide if you should buy it.
Advantages of Blue Up
- It increases and frees testosterone.
- It can increase your sex drive and improve performance.
- It’s less expensive than many other test boosters.
Disadvantages of Blue Up
- It’s hard to find independent Blue Up reviews letting us know what users think.
- There’s no manufacturer guarantee.
- It contains Yohimbe which has been warned against by the FDA for its potential to cause serious side effects such as heart palpitations and blood pressure changes.
Where to Buy
You can buy Blue Up online from any of a number of supplement retailers. We saw it selling as low as $14.55 at Amazon. You’ll definitely want to look around for your best deal.
When it comes to herbal testosterone boosters, different pills work for different guys. The good new is that there are so many that you’re sure to find one that works for you. The bad news is it’s really a trial and error process to find the right one. Blue Upmay be it. We’d would advise you to proceed with caution, however, because of the Yohimbe.
Have You Used Blue Up? Leave Your Review Below!
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