Apex T Review – Should You Use It?
By: Rob Miller
Apex T Overview
If you thought you’d be safe taking a natural testosterone booster instead of using traditional hormone replacement therapy, you’re only half right.
It’s true that the actual natural pills themselves can give you a lot of the benefits of increased testosterone without any of the hassle of doctors and side effects, but there are other dangers, most notably the danger of being deceived and taken advantage of.
It must be true that there’s a downside to everything.
While the availability of so many natural alternatives is great, some shady characters have swooped in to take their share of the multibillion dollar pie.
Read on and I’ll explain.
Apex T is a natural testosterone boosting supplement.
If you look for it online, you’ll see lots of webpages that look like reviews.
They talk about how Apex T increases your testosterone to the point you’ll be unstoppable in both the gym and the bedroom.
Here are some of the specific claims:
- Elevate Your Sex Drive
- Increase Intimacy and Confidence
- Be the Man Your Woman Looks At
- Shred Fat
- Produce Lean Gains
- Accelerate Muscle Growth
- Be An Alpha Male.
Nothing Stands in Your Way
But really the websites are just gateways for the company behind Apex T to get your credit card information so they can charge you for their product month after month.
Let’s talk about the formula for a minute, then we’ll move on to the details of the scam.
Apex T Ingredients and How They Work
Despite all the talk about potential benefits, Apex Tprovides very little information about how it works.
They just paint a broad brushed picture of what kinds of components it uses, including:
- Testosterone Boosters
- Natural Antioxidants
- Healthy Nutrients
That all sounds great, but it’s very vague.
It’s pretty tough to be sure how well something works if you don’t even know what’s in it.
So we dug deeper and finally found some more specific ingredient information about the testosterone boosters in the formula.
They include Tribulus Terrestris, Fenugreek Extract, Eurycoma Longifolia, Indole-3-Carbinol, and Stinging Nettle Extract – all respectable natural testosterone boosting ingredients.
The trouble is, we don’t know how much they use.
It could be just a dusting, which would allow them to list the ingredients, but not really provide much benefit.
The Apex T Free Trial Scam
Okay, so the slick website makes Apex T look attractive and you decide to buy.
Here’s where things get interesting. Apex T is Free!
At least that’s what they want you to believe.
They call it a free trial, but it’s really what’s called a “negative option.” It means that if you sign up for their free trial, you’re really signing up for their monthly delivery program where they charge you some ridiculous amount of money every month for a new supply of their product.
The “free trial” part means that they give you 14 days from the date you place your order to cancel the set up of monthly payments.
You may still be thinking that’s not so bad. “I’ll just make sure to call and cancel before my 14 days are up.” And that would be fine except for a couple of things:
- The terms of the deal are so well hidden that most people don’t have any idea of the monthly shipping program they’ve just signed up for.
- Even if you do know, you probably think you have 14 days from the day you receive your order, but you don’t.
You have 14 days from the day you placed your order.
In a lot of cases, you have only 3 or 4 days to use the product before you have to call. - Finding the phone number, email address, or contact form to place your cancellation is difficult to say the least.
I can’t tell you how many requests I get from guys asking me to help them find this information.
Basically, the whole Apex T system is set up to trick you into ongoing monthly charges for a product that’s marginal at best.
Other Related Products
It’s becoming pretty clear that Apex T is part of a large organization that swaps out products frequently to stay ahead of the game and continue to fool new customers month after month and year after year.
In some cases, you’ll be reading a “review” of Apex T, and when you click through to order the free trial, you’re actually taken to the free trial order page of a different product.
In fact, it just happened to me as I was doing my research. I clicked through to the Apex T free trial, but it took me to a product called Power Precision.
If this isn’t an indication that this is nothing more than a scam, I don’t know what is.
Apex T is one of a growing number of products fighting dirty for a piece of the multi-billion dollar supplement industry. Don’t fall for it.
There are legitimate products engaging in respectable business practices that can help you achieve your goals.
Apex T is clearly not one of them.
Have You Tried Apex T?
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Top 3 Testosterone BoostersAffiliate Disclosure
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