Andro Enhance Review – 5 HUGE Reasons NOT to Use It
By: Rob Miller
Andro Enhance is the latest in a long line of male enhancement supplements that claims to improve your sex life by helping you achieve bigger, better, harder erections than you’ve had in years, maybe even ever.
Just like a lot of its competitors, the main focus of the marketing is put on the confidence you’ll have once you know that you have everything you need to impress and satisfy her.
Andro Enhance Benefits
The Andro Enhance website goes into great detail explaining all the benefits it provides, including:
- Increased libido and desire.
- Bigger, harder erections.
- Longer lasting stamina.
- Boost in sexual confidence.
Sometimes it helps to know who a product is marketed to – older men looking for help getting their mojo back, or younger guys who want to up their game to the next level.
In a way, it gives you an idea of what to expect when you use it, but truthfully, the ingredients would largely be the same anyway.
Regardless of who they get to use it, most of these products use a similar set of ingredients to achieve similar goals. Andro Enhance markets to both audiences, which is a smart move.
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Why not reach as many potential customers as you can?
I’ve seen two separate and distinct websites, both officially selling the supplement.
One fits the first description with text and images appealing to the middle aged or older man looking to regain lost vitality.
The other is clearly geared toward young guys looking to impress as many women as they can before (maybe) settling down.
It’s valuable to know what a supplement like this claims to do, but what’s far more valuable is knowing how they go about doing it.
And that means an examination of the formula, and the individual ingredients that go into it.
Andro Enhance Ingredients
Tracking down this information was surprisingly difficult.
The Andro Enhance websites spend a whole lot of time telling you what it can do, but very little telling you how it does it.
In fact, the ingredients that go into this product are not discussed on any of the official websites.
This is more common than you might think, and when it is the case, I go in search of the information elsewhere.
In my research, I actually found several different ingredient lists on several different review websites, but eventual found the truth when I got a hold of an image of the Andro Enhance label:
It’s an interesting male enhancement formula to say the list.
It’s a propriety formula they call the Eco Test Daily Blend, totaling 200 mg of:
- Horny Goat Weed which is very common in male enhancement supplements.
It acts as an aphrodisiac while increasing blood flow to your genitals for better erections. (Source) - L-Arginine which is also extremely common in these formulas.
It acts as a precursor to nitric oxide, which opens up blood vessels, improving blood flow throughout the body.
This improves erections as well as stamina and energy. (Source) - Garcinia Cambogia Extract which is primarily used in weight loss supplements for its ability to decrease both appetite and fat storage, although those claims are sometimes countered. (Source)
- African Mango Extract, also a weight loss supplement, can help reduce appetite with its fibrous content. (Source)
- Acai Berry Extract which is a powerful antioxidant also used in weight loss pills. (Source)
- Raspberry Ketones, yet another weight loss ingredient, is used in supplement to help burn more fat. (Source)
- Green Coffee Bean Extract which contains the chologenic acid that is removed during the process of roasting coffee beans.
Chlorogenic acid acts as a fat burner and helps with weight loss. (Source) - Psylium Husk, still another weight loss ingredient, provides fiber and is often used in colon cleanses.
- Yacon Root which helps maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels and supports digestive system health.
- Alfalfa Leaf which is a nutrient rich plant that supports both the circulatory and immune systems.
Does Andro Enhance Work?
The most notable thing about the Andro Enhance formula is that most of the ingredients have nothing at allto do with sexual enhancement.Sure, there’s Horny Goat Weed and L-Arginine, but that’s it.
Every other ingredient in the formula is for weight loss, not male enhancement.
On top of that,the entire pill- actually the whole 2 pill serving– with all the ingredients, only totals 200 mg.
That’s 100 mg per pill divided up among 10 ingredients.
Let me put itinto perspective for you.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the recommended daily dose of L-Arginine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction is 5 grams, or 5,000 milligrams.
Andro Enhance, with its 200 mg per daily serving spread among 10 ingredients, can’t even come close to meeting this recommendation.
So to answer the question “Does Andro Enhance work,” the answer is highly likely to be a resounding“NO”!
Not only are most of the ingredients completely unrelated to improving your sex life, the ingredients that are in the formula are really only dosed at a mere dusting – enough to say they’re in there, but not enough to actually do anything.
I’ve been around the supplement business long enough to know that even after reading the ingredient breakdown showing how utterly impossible it would be for Andro Enhance to provide much, if any, benefit, some of you will still want to try it.
If youfit that description, here’s yetanother reason to resist.
The Free Trial Scam
If you do choose to go ahead and try Andro Enhance, you won’t find it in stores or on is a supplement called Andro Enhance sold on Amazon, but it’s a completely different product, made by a company called Neurobiologix).
To buy this Andro Enhance, you need to sin up for the “free trial” offered at their website.
Here’s the setup:
They pull you in with their talk of increased libido, improved erections, and greater stamina, and they encourage you to “Hurry up and Claim your Trial”!
When you click through, you’re taken to the order form where you enter your credit card information, presumably so they can charge you the small shipping fee of $4.98.
Here’s what the order form looks like:
But what you don’t see unless you actively scroll down to the bottom of the page or open the Terms and Conditions document is that once you pay the shipping and receive your “free” bottle, you are not free and clear.
Here’s what’s in the fine print:
In case that’s too small for you to read, I’ll point out the highlights.
- Your trial lasts for 18 days from the date you place your order.
- If you don’t call to cancel AND return the remaining portion of the product within 18 days, you will be charged $89.95 for your free bottle.
- You are automatically signed up for their auto-shipping program.Every 30 days, you’ll get a new bottle for the price of $89.95.
- This will all happen automatically unless you call them at 1-888-707-8642 within 18 days to cancel your subscription.
- They refer to the product as “Testosterone Reload” but it’s supposedly the Terms for buying Andro Enhance.
Now, there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with auto-shipping programs. Hundreds of companies sell their products as free trials, including Zyacin and Epic male enhancement.
If you sign up for one with full knowledge of how it works, it can be a very convenient way to get something you want without having to worry about it.
The problem with the Andro Enhance free shipping is that they aren’t forthcoming about it and as a result, most customers are surprised when they get the next bottle in the mail and see the charges on their account.
In fact, the FTC actually warns against free trials like this.
Andro Enhance Reviews
Just to put one more nail in the coffin for Andro Enhance, let’s talk about customer feedback.
I always like to see what others are saying about products I’m researching before making a final decision, even though in this case, my thoughts are pretty well formed already.
Unfortunately, there are no Andro Enhance customer reviews to be found.
When a product is only sold through its own website, they can control to a large extent what comments get out.
In this case, they choose to display nothing, which may be telling in its own right.
The Bottom Line
I usually do a Pros and Cons list when I review a supplement, but I decided against it in this case because I couldn’t find one positive attribute when it comes to Andro Enhance.Instead, I’ll just list the reasons you should run, not walk, in the other direction.
- Andro Enhance claims to be a male sexual performance enhancement supplement yet it’s ingredient list reads like a weight loss product.
- Even if it did have the right ingredients, the 200 mg per serving formula wouldn’t do much of anything.
- There are no customer reviews to attest to the product’s effectiveness.
- The only way to buy it is to sign up for a deceptive free trial that turns into a monthly subscription in 18 days.The terms are not readily displayed, so potential customers can easily sign up for the deal without having any idea what they’re getting themselves into.
That’s 4 strong reasons to avoid Andro Enhance.
If you need one more, here it is.
There are real male enhancement supplements that can actually help you with libido, erections, and stamina.
And there are also REAL products that can give you an increase in size, including pumps and extenders. (Check them out here)
If you’re looking for something like that, choose one of them instead.
Have You Used Andro Enhance?
Leave Your Review Below!
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I haven’t been able to locate a number. Check the transaction on your credit card for number.
If it’s not there, call your bank or credit card company. They should have a number you can use to contact them.