Anamax Review
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-15-2021

Don’t Buy Anamax, Trust Me!
The statistics on men who suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) are flat out staggering.
The question is no longer “if” but “when.”
Unfortunately, it is just a part of life for us men, and most of us would do just about anything to get our “mojo” back and have as strong of erections as when we were in our 20s.
When will our penis decide to wave the white flag?
When will we no longer be able to satisfy our partner?
For many men, it’s happened already.
Take one quick look at the graph below and you’ll see that you’re not alone.

For most older men (and many younger men) it can feel like the hole is already in the boat.
Now it’s time to salvage the ship and keep what’s left of your sex life.
And, with such a large market of men with ED, there’s bound to be sky-high demand for sex pills and supplements.
I’ll tell you what — the demand is alive and strong. And so is the supply!
It seems like everyone’s trying to cash in on this 21st century gold-rush of sexual dysfunction.

You’ve got the good guys, offering up products that actually work.
And the bad guys that go to great lengths to bend you over and take every last dime you have.
And just about everyone in-between.
They all make enticing claims that are aimed at catching the eye of any man who has had some trouble performing when the time comes in the bedroom and often times they have catchy names or slogans that make you look past whether or not it is legit.
So if you’re on the market for a real solution to treat erectile dysfunction, be VERY careful.
I feel like every time I turn around, there’s another male sex enhancer scam trying to drain us of our money, our dignity, and our hope for a better boner.

Today we’re gonna dig into a product called Anamax that I recently came across.
What you’re about to learn will make you think twice before dealing with certain companies, and it might even save you time, money, and a whole lotta headache.
What is Anamax?
So I was scrolling through a news feed when I came across this most eye-catching advertisement.
Ahem, please pardon the vulgarity…
For whatever reason, the box says “VCor” but the link took me straight to the Anamax sales page.
And sure enough, the contents of the Anamax page (which is disguised as a news story) are just as vulgar as their ads.
The headline reads: “How My Hubby F$#ks Me for 2 Hours Using His ROCK HARD Dick WITHOUT Cumming!”
Super professional, right?

If you can stomach the fake news sales page, and find yourself trapped in their web of lies, you will end up clicking through to the product page… which tries to sell you on their ED pill that is guaranteed to revolutionize your sex life by:
- Improving your libido
- Increasing your staying power
- Giving you bigger, longer, harder erections
- Improving your sexual confidence
- And increasing your penis size
They attempt to get you signed up for a “Free Trial,” with no-strings attached.
If it sounds too good to be true, just keep reading.
You’re about to see their creative scumbaggery in full effect.
Bogus Advertising Behind Anamax
Bogus isn’t even the word for it.
It’s downright disgusting the way they manipulate people into buying their product.
So here’s the sales page.
Obviously, as far as “news stories” go, this one falls in the “NSFW” category.
But looking past the tasteless salesmanship, we begin to see the deception.
First off, have a look at the header: FOX News.
When was the last time you saw a news story of this angle on ANY legitimate news channel website?
And this isn’t FOX News, either.
Have a look at the URL and the other tell-tale signs of a scam…
And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
A leisurely scroll down the sales page leads you through a whole forest of dishonesty!
And remember, the people surfing these sites genuinely have a problem (ED!) that they’re desperately trying to solve.
So you can see how one might fall into the traps.
This next scam-tactic breaks my heart.
You see the lovely couple there off to the side.
Yeah, that’s some unsuspecting elderly couple who have NEVER even heard of Anamax, let alone endorse it.
That fellow in the picture… that’s NOT John of Nacogdoches, TX.
How do I know?
Well, I did a search for that image online. And sure enough, I found a YouTube video of the real couple.
Here they are, talking about Scrabble… SCRABBLE people!
The scumbags at Anamax simply took a random image off the web and played it off as their own happy customers. (Look closely and you can even see the scrabble tiles on his hat in the sales page image!)
This happens ALL the time with these types of scams.
Moving right along…
Further down the sales page, they pull out the “Breaking News!” bit, which is hard to believe anybody would fall for.
But they do.
Which brings us to good ol’ Hef.
Yup, Hugh Hefner himself makes a cameo in the “news story” to rave about the Anamax product… of course.
Hefner supposedly says “Anybody can last 2 hours in bed with this pill.” Before explicitly endorsing Anamax…
Hey, if it’s good enough for Hugh, it’s good enough for you!
I’m 99.9999% sure that Hugh Hefner has never heard of Anamax either.
A simple Google search of Hugh Hefner + Anamax brings back ZERO results.
Finally, a word of caution for women.
It seems this advertisement is geared mostly toward women to coerce them into buying the product for their husband.
Most of the stories, anecdotes, and many of the fake testimonials are women praising the product for turning their husband into a sex-machine.
So ladies, beware.
The Big Bold Anamax Promise
We briefly covered the promises and claims of Anamax ED.
They mostly look like this…
Mixed in with a little bit of this…
And a whole lot of this…
And in the sales page, they talk a LOT about boosting testosterone in men.
But the BIG BOLD promise that really got me in stitches was this one…
You can find it tucked in one of the testimonials on the sales page.
A true diamond in the rough.
Yes, you read that right.
The sales reps at Anamax say, and I quote, “the entire course of six months provides life time results and there is absolutely no need to buy more.”
Are. You. Kidding.
This is simply NOT possible in the time-space continuum which we currently occupy.
Even after taking the best products on the market, you wouldn’t come close to achieving “life time results” after a 6-month regimen.

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What are the ingredients in Anamax?
- L-Arginine is an amino acid that promotes the relaxation of blood vessels and increases blood flow to the penis to aide in sexual function (Source / Source)
- Horny Goat Weed is an herb traditionally used in China to help treat low libido and erectile dysfunction (Source)

- Ginkgo Biloba is another Chinese herb that helps to improve cognitive function and may help increase blood flow for better erections (Source)
- Asian Red Ginger may help to treat erectile dysfunction, but the science is still inconclusive (Source)
- Muira Puama is a tree native to Brazil that is said to help increase blood flow for increased libido and harder erections (Source)

- Saw Palmetto is thought to help relax blood vessels and increase blood flow to penis, but is likely only effective at treating the psychological part of ED (Source)
These ingredients are all-natural, clean, and what you’d find in many ED pills on the market.
That said, there’s no way they could deliver the results that Anamax claims to deliver.
Are there any side effects?
Sure thing.
The biggest side effect you might develop is a rare condition called “I lost all my money and still can’t get an erection-itis.”

But let’s say you actually receive the product, here’s what the ingredient profile suggests when it comes to potential side effects.
A littledizziness, vomiting, dry mouth, thirst, headache, and throw in some some diarrhea and nosebleed from the Horny Goat Weed and the Saw Palmetto (Source /Source).

Also, you wouldn’t want to take this ED pill if you’re taking anti-hypertension (low blood pressure) medication, or if you’re currently taking nitrates.
The L-Arginine could cause a serious reaction. (Source)
Anamax user reviews
You won’t find a single user review for Anamax anywhere on the web, mostly because it’s a total scam and probably not even a real product.
But check this out…
On the product sales page, they actually created a bogus comments section, where various people chime in about their experience.
There’s many more where that came from, but I refuse to give these so-called “testimonials” the time of day.
Also, some include images that are straight pornographic in nature.
So, yeah.
And don’t be fooled, this is NOT a legitimate comment thread.
I tried to write a comment/testimonial of my own, but the page would not allow it.
This tactic is another dead giveaway with these types of scams.
Anamax FAQ’s
Who makes it?
Great question.
My best guess is some super shady dude with daddy issues, who wears sunglasses even when he’s indoors, and hasn’t been laid in… forever.
It takes a special kind of scumbag to con innocent people out of their hard-earned money.
And whoever makes this product — it isn’t their first rodeo.
Watch this.
I present to you, Climadex…
Look familiar?
How about Vandexafil…
Then we’ve got the penis pill called Nitridex.
I wrote an in-depth review on this one… slightly different ingredients, same shitty scam.
I could go on and on about these identical products that surface, seemingly every single week.
And for good measure, the latest in the lineup, Anamax…
Whoever makes these ED pills is pumping them out, one after the next.
Just as soon as people catch on to one product, they unroll another one.
Same packaging, marketing, and sleazy tactics.
Just with a different name.
One day the sales page is functioning, the next day it’s gone. Vanished.
Replaced with another ‘hook’ and just waiting for the next hungry fish to swim by.
No doubt these guys make A LOT of money.

That’s how it goes.
And it’s nearly impossible to track them down to bust them for good.
But I’ll continue to do my small part in creating these reviews to warn unsuspecting buyers.
If nothing else, it helps me sleep at night. 🙂
Where can I buy it?
You can only purchase the product through the actual sales page.
It isn’t sold anywhere else online.
But just in case you’ve skimmed this entire article, and landed on this small section… DON’T buy this product!
How much does it cost?
Well, they don’t say how much the pills cost.
Which is nothing short of frightening.

This means that once your “Free Trial” is over, they can essentially charge your credit card for whatever amount they want. $50 a bottle? $25 How could you even dispute such a thing?
Where would you even start? :-/
The Anamax Scam

Just to be clear.
Anamax is a scam through and through.
Now I want to quickly get to the brass tacks of the scam itself, and how they get you.
And it starts with the “Free Trial” offer.
Just one click and they’ll send you a no-obligation, one-month supply of the finest ED supplement on the market.
Once you’re in, you’re in.
I’ve heard SO many horror stories about how these companies continue to bill your credit card, month after month after month.

And don’t be too surprised if there’s no cancellation.
As far as I know, it’s impossible to get their “customer service” on the phone, let alone have a productive conversation that results in you getting your money back.
Maybe you’ll receive a mediocre product in the mail (containing the forgettable ingredients discussed above), but it’s more likely you won’t ever get a package at your door.

Long story short… anytime you see “Free” anything on the internet (especially penis pills!), think twice before you pull out your pocketbook.
It could save you hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars.
I highly suggest you steer clear of Anamax and any product that even closely resembles it.
We’ve seen how they craft BS half-truths and downright lies to get our money.
Everything about the company and the product is a big fat scam.

Even if you did receive the product, you would not experience the results they claim (bigger penis, life-time results, etc.).
The herbal ingredients just don’t pack that kind of punch.
In fact, nothing packs that kind of punch.
I hate to say it, but that miracle pill does not exist.
Hopefully this review sheds some light on the common tricks and traps these guys use.
And maybe, just maybe it’ll make someone stop in their tracks before clicking that “BUY!” button and losing their money on a bogus product scam.
Hey, it could happen.
RELATED:VXL – PXL Male Enhancement Video Review
Have you tried Anamax?
If so, write your review in the comments below!
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
If U C it, here there, or anywhere: DON'T!!! IT'S A TOTAL SCAM!!!
In Short: I would NOT recommend this to a friend.
You can see my review of PXL (VXL) elsewhere on this website. As I said, it's utterly worthless. I am one of a select few who runs fairly scientific test trials for a friend of mine who has a host of male sex enhancers he sells in a small regional chain of convenience stores. I wouldn't be writing this review but for the fact that Anamax is still around, though to the best of my knowledge it's no longer being made under the name "Anamax." You are not likely to be able to order it online or elsewhere unless a vendor is stuck with Anamax that he can't sell. It's no secret: Sex sells! For that reason my friend Sonny makes an effort to stock male enhancement products unavailable elsewhere so he orders large quantities through the web and various other sources. Anamax was available only on the Internet, but Sonny talked his way around that and got a fair amount of the stuff to stock his stores. It sold fairly well for a short time. He still had the rest of it when he sold most of his business. Probably ten crates of the size oranges or grapes would come in. Your sex life would be as well off if you ate the oranges and grapes as opposed to taking Anamax for all the good it does.
A few words about erectile dysfunction: It happens with age, but not with the same intensity at the same time to all men, nor does it happen to every man to the degree it completely inhibits intercourse. A spritely ol' gent in his late eighties fathered two children by his wife fifty years his junior to the shock of every ol' battle-axe in town----the men were just as shocked, but chuckling, "Power to 'im!" Some said they weren't his, but according to the locals when the children got older, "They looked just like that ol' man!" Yet how often does that happen? Erectile dysfunction is most often a gradual process, even by a man's thirties he is well aware he no longer has the sexual ability he had when he was sixteen. Between 35 and 45 he notices those erections he always woke up with are less and less frequent nor less firm. Intercourse may be possible into his sixties or later, but not with the same zestful vigor. My own ED I not severe, but it has grown worse over the years. Into my mid twenties my penis was so sensitive just a spray of water or brush against a woman's bush could cause ejacuation. No way that happened in my thirties. Now my penis will still stand straight up and outward just as in the picture with VCor in the SupplementCritique review above. Yes it will do that, but not for long and not without continued stimulation. When I test a penis pill I take the pill, stimulate myself to full erection, then measure the time it stays that way without stimulation of any kind. If my best six stays firm and pointing skyward for at least a full minute without any stimulation, I will easily be able to have intercourse fully erect for twenty to thirty minutes, allowing for some foreplay time. Anamax didn't even come close.
Now some advice on expectations, most of us ejaculate between five and ten minutes after intromission, most of our women are fine with that. What it takes for intercourse to happen, whether it lasts a minute or an hour, is a good, solid, firm erection. That should be your foremost expectation. The rest of the claims made by male sex enhancers are either impossible, unproveable, or relative. They say they increase libido, staying power, stamina, sexual energy, and improve confidence. All that as compared to what? How you were when you were a teenager or how you were last week? All that is relative as to what you compare the effect of the penis pill to. If it gives you a harder erection, all the rest will fall into place, and if you're like me, trust me, something will cum of it. The promises of a bigger longer thicker heavier penis are all just so much B.S. If a product makes that claim, don't bother, find another product. None of the current biggies, Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra make the claim of increasing penis size, but guess what? For a good long-lasting, firm solid erection capable of penetration and intercourse for five to ten minutes or longer they a work!
After purging my body of all sex enhancers for five days I took Anamax as directed for three weeks, I didn't really expect results and I didn't get any, other than nausea and a feeling like I needed to pee more often. A deal's a deal, and I have a deal with Sonny. He gives me the stuff free in exchange for my evaluation and analysis. I get it free always, you can't do that. Some of what he gives me does work, some of it works for younger men, but not me. If this arrangement were not a win win for he and I he would have to get himself another guinea pig. Anamax didn't even get close to giving me a better erection. In fact my own sexual performance withOUT any sex enhancement was better than while I took Anamax. Without a satisfactory sex enhancer I still get a good erection, it just takes me longer to get fully hard and the firmness of my erection is not sustainable, I am usually capable of intercourse, but sometimes not and not always for any length of time. Without Anamax I got hard in three to five minutes, an erection capable of vaginal penetration takes a minute or two longer. Anamax didn't even do that well, probably because it also causes stomach upset, queasiness, and nausea sometime within half an hour to two hours of taking it. As I said it is still available on a very limited basis; it is packaged well and has a pharmaceutical sounding name so to the innocent consumer who sees it in the web or shelf it looks like it might be worth a try. It's NOT!!!!!-----Unless you want to get sick instead of having sex. SupplementCritique won't let me post without giving a star rating so I gave it a single star, it deserves negative stars.
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