Alpha Rush Pro Review – Shocking Truth Revealed!
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 1-29-2018

I was reading through some of the comments left on my site the other say and noticed someone had asked if anyone had tried out a supplement called Alpha Rush Pro. It seems that this particular supplement is being heavily advertised to be used in conjunction with another supplement called Fat Burn X, which is another supplement we have reviewed.
As you can see in that review, it’s clearly a scam aimed at bilking you out of your hard earned money. But, is Alpha Rush Pro any different? Is it the miracle pre workout supplement they make it out to be?
I decided to dig a little deeper and see what we could find out about this supposed miracle supplement celebrities are using to get insane results in the gym. It turns out this supplement is not all it’s cracked up to be…
What is Alpha Rush ProOur Main Problem…The Claims
Fake Reviews
Their So Called “Free Trial”
What is Alpha Rush Pro
Browsing through the products official website, your immediately blasted with photo’s of ripped, muscular guys whose bodies look like they were hand crafted by god. They claim that this 100% all natural supplement is designed to give you 2 primary benefits:
- Increase your energy levels
- Burn Fat
So what’s in this fat burner /energy producer that makes it so effective? Well, the ingredient list was not so easy to find. They do mention on their homepage that you get the energy benefits from Green Tea and Caffeine and the fat blocking benefits from Garcinia Cambogia and Orange Extract.
The energy blend I believe…I’ve take Green Tea and caffeine in combination before, with decent results. The fat blocking benefits is where I start to disagree.
First, despite everyone from Dr. Oz to Oprah calling Garcinia Cambogia a “miracle fat burner” there has been NO scientific evidence proving that it does this. In fact, I’ve tried (and so have my colleagues) several different brands of Garcinia Cambogia, with little results to speak of.
Second, while Orange Extract (I’m assuming this is Bitter orange which they don’t make clear) has been shown in some very low-quality clinical trials to help modestly increase weight loss, it also has the potential to produce a wide variety of side effects, and in some cases, even death.
Alpha Rush Pro Compared To Other Products
While browsing through their official site I saw a chart comparing Alpha Rush pro with other products such as Optimum Whey Protein, NO Xplode, and Muscle Milk. What I found sort of comical about this was the products that they used for comparison….
Optimum Whey and Muscle Milk are protein drinks, not fat burners.
N.O Xplode is a pre workout supplement, not a fat burner.
Comparing your fat burner to these products is like comparing your brand of cell phone to a blender…they are used for totally separate purposes.
Our Main Problem With Alpha Rush Pro…The Claims
One of my biggest gripes with Alpha Rush Pro is not the lack of ingredients, the silly comparison charts, or the fact that it’s not available in stores. My main complaint is the deceptive marketing they (or one of their affiliates) use to promote the product.
Let me ask you a question…when you originally learned about this supplement, did you happen to see it “featured” in what looked like the official “Men’s Health Magazine” website? (see below)
If you answered yes, then I’m here to tell you that you have been COMPLETELY and UTTERLY duped by Alpha Rush Pro…You see, that supposed “Men’s Health” website was, in fact, NOT the real mens health website. Don’t believe me?? Well, let’s start with a few minor things on the site that you probably missed.
# 1. The url of the site is NOT or, as you can see in this example.
# 2. Try and click around on some of the other links on the site, like “Get Abs in 7 Days”, “Look Better Naked”, or “Fitness” or even try and “search” the mens health site. What happens when you do this? Well, you probably don’t have the site open anymore, so watch this short screen-cast I put together
See what happens?? EVERY, SINGLE link you click on takes you to a product by the name of Fat Burn X, NOT links within the Mens Health website.
# 3 – Lastly, look up the supposed writer of this article, Richard Mason. Here’s a quick link to Google him yourself:
Just click on the first few links and it will begin to sink in…there is no Richard Mason at Mens Health. What’s worse, you’ll see other examples of supplement combos that have reportedly been used by this writer where he got insane results!
Fake Reviews As Well…
So when I was searching around for reviews of Alpha Rush Pro, I noticed there were a few youtube video reviews. I watched a couple of them, and then I realized something…This guy below looks familiar:
He talks up the combo of Fat Burn X along with Alpha Rush Pro, but what you probably didn’t realize is that he’s ACTUALLY a paid actor! How do I know this?? Well, check out the image below…
You can hire this guy for as low as $5 to be a PAID spokesman for your supplement. I have seen him do this before, most notably with another competing supplement called Elite Test 360.
Deceptive Billing and Their “Free” Trial
“Ok, so they use fake ads to market their product, they’re giving away free bottles of the stuff, what do I have to lose?!?! you may be saying right now. Well, that depends on what you mean by “free”. If by “free and all I have to do is pay for shipping” you are really only partially right…
As you can see here, Fat Burn X and Alpha Rush both make it crystal clear that you are getting a chance to claim a “free bottle”. When you get to their site and fill out your info, you’re then led to a page that asks you to pay only $4.95 for the shipping. What a steal!! Right?!
WRONG…See that little link just above the “Rush My Order” button that says Terms and Conditions? Click it and this is what it says…
I’ll save you the time by summarizing their terms and conditions below:
1. You pay $4.95 to cover the cost to ship your trial
2. If you don’t call to cancel your trial within 14 days of ordering, they will bill the credit card you used to pay for shipping $87.63.
3. 45 Days after your original purchase date (and every 30 days thereafter) they will bill you ANOTHER $87.63 until you call to cancel.
When you saw “free” bottle, did you think you would end up getting charged close to $88 per month for this stuff? Neither did I!!!
Don’t fall for this garbage. There are so many guys that come here and leave comments about how much money they have lost from enrolling themselves in these free trials that it makes me cringe. Does Alpha Rush Pro even work? Are you willing to spend the ridiculous amount of money to find out?
Perhaps the bigger question is, if they TRULY had a great pre workout supplement then why would they need to resort to diliberate and deceptive advertising to try and sell their product? The truth is, they don’t care about getting you a better body…all they care about is separating you from your money.
Have You Used Alpha Rush Pro? Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 Fat BurnersAffiliate Disclosure
Instant Knockout is actually a new fat burning supplement I just came across, and got great results.
HourGlass Fit is the BEST fat burner for women we’ve ever tested.Read our review here.
Biohacks your body into instant ketosis to burn fat instead of carbs.
Weight loss, energy, focus, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging.
User Reviews
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Rob's Review
I purchased the fat burn x and it came within a few days but I had not received the alpha rush yet. After maybe 2wks just when I was about to call customer service I get a call from my bank about a suspicious transaction and ask me had I made a purchase for $87.63 and I said no.Come to find out this company was trying to bill me for the alpha rush and I hadn't received it yet but I took to long to cancel trial offer while waiting on the alpha rush. Thank god my bank called me and declined the transaction!I then called about not receiving the alpha rush and to cancel trial offer and then I get a email saying my alpha rush is on it's way. I just received it today, I tried 2 fat burn pills before going to the gym and as soon as I started working out I had gotten a pretty bad head ache.I don't know if it was the alpha rush that did it but I never had head aches before my work outs and after reading the reviews I don't hear anything positive about this product. And it contains caffeine something I'm trying to stay clear of. So with that being said I will no longer use this product diet and exercise has worked for me in the past
5 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
Taken it,
I have taken Alpha Rush and Fatburn X. This was accompanied with a daily work-out routine of at least 1 hour, and I saw results. In three months I lost almost 50lbs. I don't know if it was a fluke, but I did get the 87 charges afterward, which I ended up closing my bank account down because of it. I thought it was worth the weight loss though, and I am going to try it again and see if I get similar results.
1 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
Ask A Question
User Questions and Answers
Ok so if I already ordered it , how do I stop it? -Lou
Within 14 days from the day you placed your order, call them and tell them you want to cancel your subscription. Make sure you get a confirmation email. Here's the contact info I found on their website: Phone - 1-855-826-7861 / Email: Rob
9 out of 10 people found this question helpful.
Where can I get the product -Errol
It's only available through the free trial offer online, but make sure you understand the terms and conditions before you order. If you don't, you'll no doubt end up with charges you never expected.- Rob
3 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
If I have the fat burn X why do I need 2 fat Alpha rush -Harold shaw
I don't think you need either of them. They're a scam.- Rob
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Are these three fat burning supplement over the counter -Gerald
Yes. It does not require a prescription, but you can only buy it online through their website.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
any side effects to my heart -Miguel
I don't have a full ingredient list, but it does contain caffeine and other stimulants. I don't recommend it at all, mainly due to the deceptive advertising and free trial scam. Read the review for more information.- Rob
All I heard was $4.95 for a bottle. I said ok.
Later as I found out the main ingredient is caffeine. I called to cancel on the 15th day of trial.
They said tough **** and hung up on me. The bank said I was on hook for almost $200.00 dollars.
Lesson learned. Stay away from these SCAM ARTIST!!!
There is no substitute for eating healthy and exercise.
Told me it was my fault. As I pushed for my money back, it took more than an hour on the phone talking to multiple employees and multiple emails.
What happen to “the customer is right” what happen to honoring what you advertise on the website. Worst customer service.
I recommend screen shorting the offer, do you have proof, when ordering from these non reputable companies.
How can these people sleep at night when they represent a company as such.
Id be surprised if the Doctors or Oprah are backing either companies.
And if they are, they need to do further research before doing so.
We don’t sell Alpha Rush Pro, we just reviewed it. You have to contact them regarding your order, here’s their info:
Phone – 1-855-826-7861
Email –
And more so I did not know they were going to have charges every month. So I took you advice and canceled my order.
They said they will send a confirmation cancellation to my email so I am waiting on that. Again, thank you very much for the information.
Glad we could help.
I tried to comment that I wonder the long term effects upon a person’s kidneys and livers as the primary organs that filter out the junk we put in our bodies. I took many a supplement 25 years ago when I was “young and stupid”.
Now at age 45 my thyroid is shot, my kidneys experience stones from time to time, and i just had to get a liver sonogram. I may be less muscular and a little flabby around the stomach at age 45 but how I looked at age 20 is not going to be worth it if I am dead by age 55 or 65.
Totally agree, though it sounds like you may have taken steroids or prohormones. These scammy supplements won’t help you much, but they’re much more ineffective than unsafe.
All the best to you.
Check out quebra pedra for your renal calculi (kidney stones). Worked for me, and spared me a surgical procedure to insert a stent..
Thank you for the money you saved me.
Glad to help.
Yeah, you’re right, haha. I should change that.
For those that do not know, here is a list of 30 products following the same scheme: