Allmax Muscle Prime Review
By: Rob Miller
Finding workout supplements that really offer something new is uncommon these days. It isn’t really that there aren’t people on the leading edge of research, but more that shelves are overstocked with supplements made of low quality ingredients and that most companies are just looking to make a quick buck. So when we saw AllMax Muscle Prime and its boast to be the world’s first pre-workout supplement to offer anabolic response activator, our curiosity was instantaneous. This looks like something new and effective, so we immediately set to work researching to determine if it was worth reviewing and recommending.
How It Works and Ingredients
Muscle Prime is designed to do a couple of things. First, it is designed to help activate the body’s anabolic response and to help you power through your workouts with great energy and intensity. It helps to not just get you into the peak workout zone, but to help defend the muscles against free radicals through the use of antioxidants and to help give you incredibly powerful pumps. The supplement also helps provide a steady supply of anabolic fuel to your muscles to keep you going strong and to provide electrolyte saturation to the muscles to keep every cell fully hydrated. The end result is a workout unlike any other.
What really intrigued us first and foremost about Muscle Prime is the simple fact that every claim the product makes is backed up by sound science and research from leading universities. While most product claims are completely unverifiable, AllMax has no qualms proving their science. Every ingredient has been well researched and proven individually, but more importantly, the ingredients have been shown to be incredibly beneficial (and safe) together. With so many supplements that are just untested and potentially unsafe, this is certainly an important consideration. Ingredient blends such as the Explosive Workout Blend, the MYO-Shield Blend, and the Electrolytic Muscle Saturation Blend are designed for true results.
User Review
I have used allmax muscle prime for the last 2 months now and the results are amazing. I would say it doesn’t really compare with Jack3d or NO Xplode, but it would make a close third in my opinion. I would suggest you stack this with a fat burner like phen 375 if you are looking for serious results.”
Nick, Maryland
Where To Buy
Allmax Muscle Prime is available from and other websites for around $35.00 per container.
Would we recommend AllMax Muscle Prime? Absolutely.After doing more than our fair share of research on it, we definitely think the science behind the product is sound. There is never going to be a product that turns you from Clark Kent to Superman overnight, but this supplement may well be the next best thing. Reviewers seems to say that the product is “stellar” and helps provide “Fantastic pumps and a great recovery”, so all in all, we think this product is a good choice.
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