Addyzoa Review – The Natural Fertility Option
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 3-20-2020

Update (8-31-2018):We’re looking for one health volunteer to test out Addyzoa!
The product will be provided free of charge, all we ask for is a detailed review of your personal results.
Click Hereto learn more!
IngredientsFrequently Asked Questions
Natural Ways To Boost Your Sperm Count
Pros and Cons
Where to Buy
User Reviews
Addyzoa is a little different than most of the supplements we cover.
Instead of erectile dysfunction or low libido, it treats a low sperm count for the purpose of increasing male fertility.
Based on the Ayurvedic tradition of healing herbs, Addyzoa is based on the principle of natural herbs realigning the systems of your body to function at their peak form, and providing antioxidant protection for healthy sperm.
The benefits you can expect from taking Addyzoaare:
- Boost sexual desire.
- Increase sperm count.
- Improve sperm health and movement.
- Increase the chances of pregnancy.
Up next is a look into the formula to see how well we can expect Addyzoa to work.
Addyzoa Ingredients and How They Work
The primary mechanism of action in Addyzoa is antioxidant protection.
The antioxidants in Addyzoa hunt down free radicals and protect sperm cells from their damage.
By reducing oxidative stress, the herbal antioxidants keep sperm healthy and abundant.
Some of the key ingredients are:
- Shilajit and Kapikachchhu which improve sperm count.
- Guduchi and Amalaki which protect sperm from oxidative damage.
- Ashwagandha which is an antioxidant for increasing sperm count and motility, and is also found in many over the counter viagra alternatives.
- Shatavari which helps generate healthy new sperm cells.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I take it?
The recommended dose depends on how low your sperm count is.
If it’s 5-10 million/ml, take 2 Addyzoa capsules twice a day.
If it’s more than 10 million/ml, take only 1 capsules twice a day.
In both cases, a course of treatment is 90 days.
You should also avoid drinking alcohol while taking Addyzoa (more on that below).
Does it help with Premature Ejaculation?
Theoretically speaking, Addyzoa should have no effect on your stamina or help with premature ejaculation issues.
If you’re having problems with premature ejaculation, you might want to check out a supplement called Prosolution Plus.
It’s the most effective premature ejaculation supplement we’ve ever tested, and we’ve tested DOZENS.
Are there any side effects?
As with any supplement, side effects are possible. For example, one of the main ingredients in Addyzoa is Tribulus Terrestris, which has a long list of potential adverse effects.
For example, it has been shown in some limited clinical studies to aggravate BPH symptoms, and increase prostate weight. Obviously this is not good if you’re trying to get your wife / partner pregnant.
Another potential side effect of Tribulus is that it may decrease blood sugar to dangerously low levels.
Obviously you’re really only at risk of getting side effects like these if you overdose and take too many Addyzoa capsules.
Does it really work?
If you’re looking for success stories from men who’ve used Addyzoa, you’re likely to come up short. Since I originally published this, we’ve only had 1 review posted.
As you’ll see, the results look promising. But 1 review is hardly enough to come to a decent conclusion.
In general, a wide variety of reviews from both critics as well as your everyday verified customer is a good litmus test as to whether or not a supplement is going to work well for you, but of course everyone is different.
5 Natural Ways To Boost Your Sperm Count
Let’s face it. Youre interested in Addyzoa for it’s supposed increase in sperm benefits. It may work, but the bottom line is it’s not the only thing you can do to increase sperm production.
Here’s a few other helpful tips to get you started:
1.) Do Kegels / PC muscle exercises.
While there is no direct correlation between exercising the PC muscle and sperm production, doing these exercises WILL help you shoot loads much further. VERY important when trying to get pregnant.
I have a detailed guide explaining how to perform these exercises in my free “Natural Enlargement Exercises” eBook, click here to sign up for it (completely FREE).
2.) Try some other supplements.
Our biggest gripe with Addyzoa is it is clearly lacking some KEY ingredients that can help with sperm production. For example, the amino acids L-Carnitine, L-Lysine, and L-Arginine have both been shown to increase both sperm speed AND production.
Check out a supplement called Semenax.
It contains ALL of the above ingredients, and then some. Check out my review here to learn more.
3.) Drink Less
It has been clinically studied that drinking just 5 drinks per week can reduce the quality of your sperm. Most guys know this, but some don’t.
You’re wife will have to stop drinking for 9 months if she gets pregnant, you should have no problem doing so for a few months to increase your chances.
4.) Refrain from masturbation
The more times you have an orgasm / ejaculate, the less thick your sperm becomes. Limit masturbation to just once a week, and have sex more often.
5.) Improve your diet
Did you know that processed meats can actually be VERY bad for sperm count? Try to eat less processed foods, skip the cheeseburger, and eat more lean proteins like fish.
Addyzoa Pros and Cons
Advantages of Addyzoa
- The ingredients are all natural.
- It comes in 20-capsule strips so you can order just what you need based on your sperm count.
- There are no reported side effects.
- Clinical testing shows that Addyzoa improves sperm motility.
Disadvantages of Addyzoa
- There are no Addyzoa reviews from customers letting us know whether or not it helped them.
- It’s not available in stores.
Where to Buy
There are plenty of online retailers that sell Addyzoa.
One 20-capsule strip sells for $8.95. If you need the lower dose, you’d need 3 strips per month for a total of about $27 a month.If you need the higher dose, you’d by 6 strips for a total of $54 a month.
As of this review, Addyzoa is not sold in stores.
If you are truly having trouble conceiving, you should discuss treatment options and other alternatives with your doctor.But if you’re not ready to go down that road just yet, trying Addyzoa could help.
If you are already working with a doctor, talk to him or her about the possibility of using Addyzoa.
Have You Used Addyzoa?
Leave Your Review Below!
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
Something that Works
My husband had a sperm count of 400,000 before taking Addyzoa . After 3 months, his sperm was increased to 18m. There was such a huge difference.
81 out of 85 people found this review helpful.
Worked Extremely Well
My wife and I were attempting to get pregnant so I began taking Addyzoa. After approximately 2 months my wife became pregnant. We had a miscarriage and about a year later I began taking the Addyzoa again, and sure enough, she got pregnant again and we now have a beautiful daughter. I definitely attribute the success to the Addyzoa because prior to taking it my sperm count was low and we had been trying to get pregnant for 5 years. I had not taken any other supplement until I learned about the Addyzoa. I am getting ready to order more because we want to have another child. I hope this helps!
34 out of 36 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
Can a woman take this Addyzoa to increase her fertility? -Felix Josiah
No. It's purpose is to increase sperm motility.- Rob
49 out of 54 people found this question helpful.
Can i use folic acid with Addyzoa? How much would I use? -abbey timothy
You should be fine using folic acid along with this supplement, however check with your doctor to be sure. If you're trying to get pregnant then a healthy dose would be around .4 - .8 mg.- Rob
37 out of 44 people found this question helpful.
Does Addyzoa increase sperm count? -adedeji soyemi
No. It seems to work well at increasing the motility of sperm though, which is basically how well the sperm swims. Source: Rob
29 out of 33 people found this question helpful.
Has there been any result or improvement on anyone using Addyzoa and with no sperm count? -Fred
Addyzoa can help, but if your sperm count is that low, you should check with your doctor for a solution.- Rob
23 out of 26 people found this question helpful.
Does Addyzoa help in solving weak erection or weak penis? -Nelson
It boosts our libido, which can help with erection, but it's not a huge help.- Rob
12 out of 13 people found this question helpful.
Addyzoa is primarily used to help increase sperm motility, not necessarily help with function. If you want something that can help with erectile function, check out my Vigrx Plus review here.
From what I’ve read, supplements like N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), maca root, and Korean Ginseng can all help with improved sperm production and formation. I would recommend you pick up the Absorb Your Health brand, they have the exact amounts you would need for optimal results. Links below:
Maca Root –
Korean Ginseng –
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
If yes, for how long?
Possibly. Will it definitely do it?
There’s really no way to tell for sure until you try it yourself.
No Addyzoa won’t work for that unfortunately.
Volume of sperm tested : 2.5
Transparency : Opaque
Consistency : Viscous
Colour : Creamy
Normal: 0%
Abnormal: 100%
Head: 50%
Neck: 20%
Tail : 30%
PUS Cell: 2-5/hpf
Active motile : 0%
Slugishly motile: 0%
Dead on examination : 100%
Sperm Count: 0.5million/mL
I saw my doctor after the result and he asked me to go for a scrotum scan in the radiology department which I have gone for and result sent to him but I have an appointment with him for next week. He said I should start using Addyzoa which I started yesterday.
What’s your take on my result and do you think Addyzoa can increase my chances of getting my wife pregnant.
I’m not really a fertility specialist, so I can’t really tell if your numbers are good or not. With that said, we’ve received mixed results about Addyzoas effectiveness. Some (like the reviews here) said it worked great.
Others have reported less than stellar results. I would just take it as your doctor prescribed and then reevaluate in a month or two. Best of luck to you and your wife, and keep us posted on your results!
If you’re already taking Manix, I would NOT take Addyzoa unless a doctor specifically advised it. There could be interactions between the two that may compromise the therapeutic effectiveness of Manix. (Source)
I don’t think Addyzoa can sort of “resurrect” dead sperm like that. From what I understand, it’s Addyzoas’ antioxidant effects that help minimize the damage free radicals do to sperm cells.
Addyzoa was recommended for me, I took it for a month and I noticed a change. My wife was pregnant, but we are trying to conceive the second time now, I notice my semen has been reduced to less than 3.0mls. is a review website. We don’t sell supplements.
You should be able to find a retailer online. Amazon in US sells it, and so does eBay.
I also have a 0.2ml sperm count. Please, I would like to know the factors that bring about this?
I’m not really sure what’s causing that, but I would recommend you stop taking Addyzoa and talk to your doctor. You may be experiencing a negative reaction to one of their ingredients.
I took a look at the formulas and don’t see any reason why he can’t take them both.
I want to impregnate my wife, what are my chances and what dose of the addyzoa should i use to correct this situation. Thank you.
I’m not a doctor of fertility expert so I cannot tell you your chances of conceiving, but according to the instructions, your correct dosage of Addyzoa is sperm count is in the range that you should check with your doctor for your dosage requirements.
You sure can.
Both women and men can use zinc supplementation. You don’t need much, but getting enough is important.
That’s a really tough question. Addyzoa may help with fertility, but it is not a cure.
If you’re looking for a definitive cure or answer to your fertility issues, you’ll have to have that conversation with your doctor.
Thanks as I await your quick response.
It’s fine to take Folic Acid and Zinc along with Addyzoa.
So after the result my physician place me on ADDYZOA, Vitamin E and Zinc 100mg. Now after 3 months which is 90days!
I had another test which the result was- Sperm colour: Grey white, Volume:3.5 ml, Motility:(Active strong 70%), Sluggish 10% why the count is 1 million sperm cell per ml , NO GROWTH. After this result she now places me on another 90 days with this prescription again 1 Addyzoa with 1 Vitamin E in the morning and 1 Addyzoa with 1 Zinc at night… Please should I still go on with it for another 90 days because am so much concern of mine sperm Count now, how it will get to 20 million and Above.
Thanks for your speedy response.
I know it can be frustrating, but I believe you should continue to follow the instructions given to you by your doctor. She has the training as well as the familiarity with your situation needed to help you better than I can.
I personally did urine, semen analysis and later semen culture so he prescribed tetracycline for me which I have completed and now am taking Addyzoa to boast my sperm count in other for me and my wife to have a child. My question is can I have sex with my wife while taking Addyzoa capsules because I am taking 1 capsule twice a day.
Yeah, there’s no reason not to have sex while using Addyzoa.
Addyzoa is what I would recommend in terms of supplements for increasing sperm count. It doesn’t work for everyone, but judging by the reviews, it has helped some guys.
They only talk about sperm count in the instructions. Check with your doctor about what would be your best course of treatment.
That’s a lower count than what is usually addressed by Addyzoa, so while Addyzoa might help somewhat, I recommend you consult with your doctor for further help.
Do you think it’s going to help?
I hope so. I would definitely follow your doctor’s advice for best results.
Infertility is really not within my area of expertise. I’ve heard good things about Addyzoa, but I don’t have knowledge about other medicines to increase fertility.
That’s why the best advice I can give you is to listen to your doctor.
This is a good question, and to be honest I’m not really sure. They don’t really specify on their official website, and I can’t seem to find anything on it online.
My suggestion would be to take it on a full stomach and assess your tolerance / reaction to it.
If all goes well, I would then recommend you take it on an empty stomach to get the best results.
You would take 2 capsules twice a day for 90 days. I don’t see any reason why you can’t take the two together, but if you have concerns, you should consult with your doctor.
Yeah there shouldn’t be any interactions, especially considering your doctor prescribed it.
According to the instructions for Addyzoa, you should take one capsule, twice a day, for a 90 day course. If you’re very concerned about your fertility and trying to conceive, you should consult with your doctor.
Rob is a review website. We don’t sell supplements.
You’ll have to talk to Addyzoa directly for answers to your questions.
The sole marketer of Addyzoa caps in Nigeria is Fidson Healthcare Plc.
Pls suggest me medicine
You’ll want to take 2 Addyzoa capsules twice a day for 90 days.
I’m not sure exactly how long it will take, but the standard course of treatment is 90 days.
Sorry, but this is way out of my area of expertise here. I primarily research male performance enhancements and workout supplements.
I think Addyzoa may be the only fertility supplement I’ve every researched at all. I recommend you discuss your situation with a fertility expert.
I’m no expert, but from what I’ve read, you want to go for about once every 3 days for optimal sperm count.
Normal is 50%, though 25-50% might not be problematic. Under 25% is when there you’re more likely to have trouble conceiving.
I don’t see any warnings against using alcohol or eating particular foods when using Addyzoa. A healthy balanced diet is your best bet, of course.
We are very desperate. Thank you.
I don’t think it’s intended to help with erectile dysfunction issues. You might want to have him take it with another supplement called Extenze Plus. It works fast at producing good quality erections, here’s a link to my review:
So please give your advice quick.
The recommended dose depends on how low your sperm count is. If it’s 5-10 million/ml, take 2 Addyzoa capsules twice a day.
If it’s more than 10 million/ml, take only 1 capsules twice a day. In both cases, a course of treatment is 90 days.
Find out what your sperm count is in millions/ml if you don’t know already, and follow those guidelines.
My husband has 3 million sperm count but 0 motility. Can addyzoa work for him and at what dosage?
He seems to be a candidate for Addyzoa. According to the package directions, with his sperm count he should take 2 capsules twice a day.
To be honest I’m not really sure. They don’t mention on their site whether or not you should continue sex or abstain.
My guess would be that it’s OK to keep having sex as you normally would.
Because these are prescription medications and I’m not a doctor, you’ll need to consult your physician about what supplements you can take.
According to their product marketing, it does both.
Yes, that’s not a problem at all.
Yes, that’s not a problem.
As far as I know, having sex while he’s taking Addyzoa won’t interfere with its benefits.
Thank you,
It’s been clinically tested to increase sperm motility, but I don’t have any specific knowledge regarding your issue. It sounds like you may want to consult a doctor.
In fact, since 2011 I have been taking addyzoa but still cannot impregnate my wife. The doctor says my wife has no problem of getting pregnant.
The problem is me. Please what might be the cause?
Why can’t my wife get pregnant? Thanks.
I’m really not qualified to solve fertility problems. I would recommend you check back in with your doctor.
I saw that when I looked it up. What I mean is I don’t have particular knowledge of it, but from what I can tell, there doesn’t look to be a conflict.
I’m not familiar with Jobelyn, but I don’t see any particular conflicts.
The two aren’t related, so while the Addyzoa works for improving your sperm motility, it doesn’t affect how long you last.
Please suggest to me what kind of tablet I can buy that will give me thirty minutes without side effects. Thanks.
ProSolution Plus is a great supplement for preventing premature ejaculation.
You sure can.
Smoking can negatively affect fertility in both men and women. The Addyzoa may help improve your chances, but quitting smoking will too.
The ingredients are all natural, and shouldn’t cause side effects, but you should consult a doctor about how it might react with any other medications you’re taking.
Addyzoa should be fine to take with hormone replacement therapy, but I recommend you consult with your doctor just in case.
Sorry, you’re out of my area of expertise. I recommend you talk to your doctor or a fertility specialist.
No pill can enlarge your penis. Check out my free Penis Enlargement Exercises ebook for help in that area.
They say it can help, but if you have serious concerns, you should consult your doctor.