ADDTabz Review – Safe and Effective?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 9-2-2017

For years, motivated students and young professionals trying to get and stay on the fast track have been using prescription ADD/ADHD medications to improve their energy and mental focus. The process, though illegal, is fairly simple. Drugs such as Adderall are widely prescribed to kids and young adults who show signs and symptoms of ADD or ADHD.
These drugs are known to give you energy, improve your mood, and increase your focus. So they end up being re-sold on the secondary (ie black) market to anyone who wants the edge they provide. Obviously, taking prescription medications that weren’t prescribed for you for purposes they weren’t made for can be dangerous, not to mention expensive.
ADDTabz is a non-prescription alternative that claims to do the job better and more safely than Aderall. And it doesn’t require circumventing the law or telling “little white lies” to your doctor. ADDTabz, unlike Aderall, is specifically designed to improve mental and cognitive performance for academic and business needs. What you can expect to achieve is:
- Improved memory
- Increased learning capacity
- Improved brain function
- Decreased anxiety
- Enhanced mood
ADDTabz is made by Gentech Pharmaceuticals who call themselves the Most Trusted Name in Designer Pharmacology. Their history is in the research and development of mainly prescription drugs, and they currently sell a few of their own formulations for weight loss and mental performance.
ADDTabz Ingredients and How They Work
We ordered a bottle of ADDTabz to help analyze the structure and composition of the supplement, as well as test out it’s effectiveness. The proprietary formulation of ADDTabz includes the following ingredients:
- Cytidine 5′ diphospocholine/Choline Bitartrate matrix
- Methyl Synephrine
- Trimethylxanthine
- Octopamine
Cytidine 5′ diphospocholinem, or more commonly known as citicholine, is a physchostimulant/nootropic agent which has been clinically studied to help improve mental focus and energy. 7-methyltheophylline is actually just the chemical name for caffeine.
The key ingredient I need to point out here is Methyl Synephrine, or bitter orange. Bitter Orange is a plant that has been used for hundreds of years in ancient chinese medicine, and has been reportedly used for its weight loss properties, as well as chronic fatigue syndrome. (1) This extract is what gives you the “feel good” as well as stimulant effects.
All of these ingredients combined are what help to produce effects similar to prescription ADD/ADHD medications like Aderal.
The directions state to take 1 tablet 30 minutes before breakfast, and 1 tablet 30 min before lunch. It is suggested to take each dose on an empty stomach to get the best results, and to take with water.
ADDTabz Pros and Cons
Advantages of ADDTabz
- It increases energy and mental focus.
- It does not require a prescription.
- There are plenty of positive reviews from people who have used ADDTabz.
- We had very successful results with the substance.
Disadvantages of ADDTabz
- ADDTabz contains a compound that is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency.
- There is no satisfaction guarantee.
My Personal Results With ADDTabz
For the longest time I have had Mind Boost Day and Night Formula as my #1 Nootropic supplement, for a wide variety of reasons. For one, it’s safe, all-natural, and doesn’t contain any stimulants that can cause really bad side effects.
However, over time, I’ve realized that the majority of people visiting this blog are looking for something WITH stimulants in it, which works very closely to pharmaceutical grade pills like Aderall and Vyvans (names intentionally spelled incorrectly for legal purposes).
If that is what you are looking for, then AddTabz SHOULD be what you buy. My personal experience with this supplement actually dates way back to 2013. This is the first time that I experienced the amazing effects of Aderall, but realized it’s probably not a drug you should be taking on a daily basis.
Factor in the fact that I didn’t have good insurance at the time, and the generic version of Aderall more or less didn’t work well for me, I decided to do the research and see if I could find something similar to Aderall, but at a fraction of the cost.
In comes AddTabz…the first time I took it felt NEARLY IDENTICAL to the first time I took Aderall, but without the really bad comedown. My focus / concentration was AMAZING, and my productivity felt like it skyrocketed.
Unlike the prescription meds, I have been taking ADDTabz on and off ever since, and it really hasn’t seemed to lose much of its effectiveness. Keep in mind that I typically limit my dosage to 4 or 5 days a week, with a minimum of 2 days break to avoid building a tolerance.
If your looking for a GREAT alternative to Aderall or some other ADD / ADHD medication, give ADDTabz a try. You’ll be thanking me haha.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I take it?
The instructions on the label say you should take 1 pill 30 min. before breakfast and 1 pill 30 min. before lunch.
HOWEVER, I noticed the best results were taking 1 pill on an empty stomach and not eating for AT LEAST 1 ½ hours.
I would also suggest you wait to take your next dose AT LEAST 2 hours after your last meal.
How long does it take to start working?
For me, I could feel the initial effects from AddTabz about 30 minutes after popping a pill, and the full effect was achieved after roughly 2 hours.
I would say the effects start to wear off about 5 hours after your last dose, and it’s completely rid from your system about 10 hours in.
Does it make you feel “high”?
I get this question a lot.
As far as giving you that euphoric or “high” feeling (like the first time you may have used Adderall), it does to SOME extent.
It doesn’t give you a rush of dopamine like a traditional amphetamine would, but the effects are pretty close.
Will I experience a “crash” at the end of the day from it?
I have taken AddTabz MANY times and NEVER experienced a crash at the end of the day.
Will I build a tolerance to it?
Like any stimulant based nootropic, AddTabz DID seem to build up a little bit of a tolerance, so I would suggest you limit yourself to taking it a maximum of 5 days a week, with at least a 2 day break in between.
Is it FDA approved?
While it is not FDA approved, it doesn’t need to be because it’s a supplement.
However, all of the ingredients in AddTabz are generally recognized as safe by the FDA.
Can ADDtabz be used for weight loss?
It’s not really intended for that, but some users have reported losing weight with this supplement. If you’re looking for an effective fat burner I suggest you check out a supplement called Instant Knockout. Works great!
Will this cause me to flag a drug test?
All of the ingredients in AddTabz are safe and all natural and will not flag a drug test for your workplace.
The only ingredient of primary concern here would be Bitter Orange, which is banned from use by the NCAA.
But again, unless you’re an athlete competing at this level then you should have nothing to worry about.
AddTabz Vs. Adderall
While nothing that I have tested can completely mimic the effects of Adderall, AddTabz would be comparable to about a 5 mg tablet of Adderall 5 mg IR. If you’re looking for the closest thing to Adderall that I have tested then you need to read this article.
AddTabz Vs. AddTabz RX
AddTabz RX is the “prescription strength” version of AddTabz, but it doesn’t require a prescription to obtain it.
It contains EXACTLY the same ingredients as the non RX version.
Literally the ONLY difference between AddTabz and AddTabz RX is that the RX version is 10 mg stronger and can only be obtained through a doctor carrying the product.
This can prove to be very difficult, as there is no database on their official website you can search to find one near you.
However, they do have a chat feature available on their site where you can ask the agent to look up a doctor nearby.
AddTabz Vs. Addium
I’ve been getting alot of questions regarding the similarities and differences between Addium and AddTabz, so I figured I’d provide a brief rundown. If you recall from my Addium review, I didn’t get much of an effect from taking it. I did feel a bit more motivated to get some work done, felt a bit less distracted, and even felt a bit more sociable (which I attribute to the L-theanine).
However, with Addium I seemed to experience a HUGE crash of sorts, with a REALLY bad headache. I did NOT get this comedown effect with AddTabz, ever. For me, the effects of AddTabz seemed to be cumulative, meaning it felt like it got better and better each day I took it, as opposed to getting a the same profound effect everyday.
From a price standpoint, Addium is VERY expensive if you decide to buy it on Amazon, coming in at $71 per bottle. However, if you buy it on the official site, that price is literally almost cut in half, with a retail price of $39.95.
AddTabz on the other hand, is much more expensive when compared to Addium, but for good reason….it just simply works that MUCH better. A one month supply of AddTabz retails at $69, but just like Addium they offer heavy discounts for bulk orders.
Are there any side effects from it?
The only side effects that I noted during testing was a little bit of insomnia on a few occasions.I think this can be mitigated by essentially not taking it AT LEAST 6 hours before bedtime, if not sooner.
Can I get a sample of it?
Unfortunately at this time it doesn’t look like they are giving out any free samples of AddTabz.
They were doing this a few years ago, so it’s possible they might start doing it again.
Where can I buy it?
You can buy ADDTabzonline through the manufacturer’s website. A 20-count bottle sells for $49.95, and you can buy bigger bottles at a lower relative cost. Unfortunately, at this time it does not appear that it’s available in retail stores like CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Amazon, or Vitamin Shoppe.
There does not appear to be a money back guarantee, although they do accept returned unopened bottles.
What’s nice about ADDTabz is that it is made specifically to provide the benefits people have been getting by using Adderall for off-label purposes. Other than the fact that it does not require a prescription, I actually experienced very similar effects with ADDTabz to stimulant medications, and if used as directed I think it can work for just about anyone.
1. Methyl Synephrine (Bitter Orange) –
Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure
Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.
The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.
The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.
User Reviews
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Steve walczy's Review
I am a Type-1 Diabetic, HIV+ and have seizure disorder. I'm also very involved with Body Building with experience on Glutamine and L-Carnitine. Both of these help your body recover and rebuild your muscles. As far as ANY results from using this product using it after one week is null. I am an I.T. Engineer and CPT with knowledge on supplements. I plan on attempting to return this product.
1 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
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User Questions and Answers
Im Ron from Philippines. Where can i buy addtabz or optimind? Their websites offer within your city. -Ron
Optimind is currently not available outside the US, but you can order ADDTabz from their official website, and they'll ship it to the Philippines.- Rob
1 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
should i take addtabz or optimind if i am not taking them in combination with phenibut? I am a bit confused since you rated addtabz for 5 stars and optimind for 4.5 stars but you keep recommending optimind as your top choice for nootropics. -Herman
The thing about nootropic supplements is that, more than with other categories of supplements, what works best for some might not be what works best for others. In my opinion ADDTablz and Optimind are both right at the top, and you'd probably do well with either one. They both provide energy, clarity, and focus as main benefits.- Rob
What is the compound that is banned by the world anti-doping agency and why is it? -Gina
Sorry, it's actually banned by the NCAA. It's Synephrine, and my guess is that it's viewed as a performance enhancing substance.- Rob
I also have high blood presure which I take Norvas for.I’m interested in these Nootropic supplements to take them in conjuction with my perscription and lower my dose or replace the prescriptions all together. I have two concerns 1)effectiveness 2) heart attack from the scripts + added caffeine.
Obviously I would consult my doctor before any change but I would like your opinion on adding them all together?
As a potentiator, you have 2 options. The first would be Phenibut…I've noticed in low doses (250 – 500 mg) when combined with a stimulant (in your case Adderall / Stratera) it produces a very calm / focused effect.
However, Phenibut should not be used everyday, as it has the potential for dependency / withdrawal.
I recommend no more than 1 – 2 times per week, with at least a 3 – 4 day break in between doses.
The second would be Kratom. Kratom is a substance I've been tinkering around with for the last few months, and it works GREAT for both enhancing productivity, boosting Focus, and improving mood (especially when combined with a stimulant).
However, just like Phenibut, it has the potential for withdrawal / dependency if you take it too often.
The best brand of Kratom I've used for this purpose would be Maeng Da or Red Vein.
Check out my preferrred Phenibut and Kratom Vendor here:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions. Rob
If Optimind is working well for you, I recommend you stick with it. There may come a time when it’s no longer working as well as you want it to. At that point, ADDTabz will be a great option. At that point, you may want to cycle back and forth every few months betwee the two.
I am back in school now and taking adderall just as I always have but it cost WAY too much a month ($400 with insurance) which is insane and I could be spending that money on child watch for my kids instead of just studying when they are asleep. I NEVER trust reviews online or on TV you never know who is being paid so I always research the ingredients myself and study the chemical structures blah blah etc etc…I still dont know if you secretly get paid but I dont care I appreciate your honesty on each topic with a break down of ingrediants and effects related to other products it is exactly what i spend hours doing but you saved me all that time (which is why I have the time to write this.
I have book marked your page for future reference and will be sharing with other control freaks and nerds like me!!! 🙂 I do have a question though… Which supplement would you recommend for 3 days a week for STRONG STIMULATING effects (such as a 30mg instant release)? Adderall cost so much with insurance and honestly my metabolism breaks it down too fast (30 mg IR last in me just 2-3 hrs not 6-9).
Coffee does nothing energy drinks are terrible for you (sugars). Also which would you recommend for casual daily use.
I drink coffee because I like the taste but could switch to decaf. I have two toddlers and sacrifice 3 nights a week where I literally dont sleep to work on my degree and have to still be an energetic happy mom (and i am) for my sweet hyper kids.
I dont like taking adderall because then I just want to do ALL the things I have to do as a student or an adult – so i refuse to take it for daily use. However I am exhausted and sometimes just dream about my kids bedtime so I can finally get a little sleep which is not fair to them.
I am a very active positive happy person and always act that way no matter what – but the days following my no sleep routine- i HATE that i am Faking my energy for my kids. WOW this was super long. thanks for saving me time and research love your site – please let me know which supplements – if any – you would recommend for these two issues! – Sami
I found a great combination that works similarly to Adderall. It’s Optimind and Phenibut. (Here’s my review and personal results with the stack.) You should only take Phenibut twice a week TOPS, and start with 250 mg a day. Check out the review, it sounds like just what you’re looking for.
I am also looking for an Aderl alternative since I have been out of the country for over six months now and there is no way to have it shipped to me.. besides, it’s prohibited in Europe! But for the last three years I’ve lived part-time overseas with limited access to it, so I asked my doctor if I could have my habitual dosage increased from 5mg to 20mg in order to have a larger supply.
Then, I split them in quarters and had 240 pills of 5mg instead of 60 pills (it lasts 4 month instead of 1) . The price is almost the same.
My insurance pays for it, but it may be an option for those who need it.
The down side is to cut all those pills.
I haven’t yet. Let me have a look and I’ll let you know when we get a review posted to the website.
I do have another question: I take Escitalopram, the Lexapro generic, 20 mg. It apparently evens me out because the wife says I’m not so cranky.
So, will Mindboost eventually replace that or should I cut back or ???? Do you have any words of experience about that issue? I talked to the folks at MindBoost and they thought I could keep with the anti-depressant AND take Mindboost.
But “check with my doctor”. Well, he won’t know squat about this issue, of that I am sure.
He’s in the allopathic paradigm, not the naturopathic or other paradigms. Thanks.
I’m afraid I don’t have any specific knowledge of how MindBoost will interact with an antidepressant. I’d have to agree with the company that you should check with your doctor.
If he doesn’t have the information he needs, perhaps he can refer you to someone who does.
Okay, I ordered ADDTabz and started talking them right away. I have been taking them for 3 days now but feel no difference.
I especially seem to be tired after taking them. Usually start feeling lethargic by mid day and this usually doesn’t happen to me.
I don’t fell that boost of energy it claims to give. What’s going on?
How long should it take for me to feel any different? I so need something to give me energy not take it away.
Any suggestions?
That’s very odd, there shouldn’t be anything in them that would cause you to be tired after taking them. Let me ask you this, are you taking this as a substitute to existing ADD / ADHD meds?
Because coming off of a drug like Adderall can definitely cause this.
I noticed they sell it on eBay, but I can’t be certain that it’s not a knockoff. Unfortunately, the official website is the only way to be certain you’re getting the real thing.
“We ordered a bottle of ADDTabz to help analyze the structure and composition of the supplement, as well as test out it’s effectiveness. The proprietary formulation of ADDTabz includes the following ingredients:
Cytidine 5′ diphospocholine/Choline Bitartrate matrix
Methyl Synephrine
Cytidine 5′ diphospocholinem, or more commonly known as citicholine, is a physchostimulant/nootropic agent which has been clinically studied to help improve mental focus and energy. 7-methyltheophylline is actually just the chemical name for caffeine.
My confusion comes from 7-methyltheophylline not being mentioned in the ingredients above. I ask because if one has glaucoma, which I do, caffeine is a no-no.
And thank you for your review of AlphaZXT, I got sucked in and am returning the bottles immediately.
Sorry, that’s my mistake. It’s actually the Trimethylxanthine that’s the chemical name for caffeine, so yes, ADDTabz does contain caffeine. 7-methyltheophylline was in the formula at the time I wrote the review, but it has since been taken out. Thanks for pointing out the discrepancy, I’ll need to update that. You should check out Mindboost. It comes on more slowly than a lot of the others, but it does work, and it contains no caffeine or other stimulants, so you’d be good there.
I’m going to be trying the ADDTabz but wanted to make sure you get credit for the redirect or purchase if that’s possible as I like to reward good work. Lemme know how that works man, and all the best otherwise.
Thanks man. All you need to do is click on the link to the official ADDTabz website.
It’s at the beginning of the review.
I eat a lot yet I still lose it. Is this a side effect ?
It actually is. Here’s a link to WebMD‘s information on the subject.