Absorb Your Health Nootropics All Star Pack Review
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 10-6-2018

Note: This is just a review. Click Here to visit the official Absorb Your Health website.
Nootropic supplements have been the latest craze in the industry the last couple of years, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. I literally come across 2 or 3 new ones popping up per day, with clever names like “AdderRX“, “Adderin”, and “Addrena“.
Clearly these are spinoffs of brand name medications like Adderall, and many of these companies claim that there formula works better than Adderall, without the side effects.
Fat chance of that!
However, when looking at the formulas for most of these supplements, one thing comes to mind over and over.
They look nothing more than a heavily loaded multi-vitamin.
That’s where the Absorb Your Health comes in. They ACTUALLY sell Nootropics, and they’re serious about providing you with not only the best value, but also the highest quality product.
In this particular review I’m going to talk about their Nootropics All-Star Pack, which is a stack of supplements that works GREAT at helping to increase focus, concentration, short and long term memory, as well as motivation.
What is the Nootropics All Star Pack?
The Absorb Your Health Nootropics all star pack is made up of 4 nootropic supplements:
- Adrafinil
- Noopept
- Alphs GPC
- and Sulbutiamine
Each of these on their own are actually very powerful, but if you’re looking for the ultimate nootropic experience, you should combine all 4.
This combo basically provides a step-by-step approach to giving you an Adderall-like effect.
Step 1: Adrafinil
The first time I took Adrafinil I was actually pleasantly surprised. Unlike stimulants such as caffeine, DMAA (more on this below), and yohimbe, Adrafinil doesn’t make you hyperactive and jittery.
Instead, it basically wakes you up.
It does this because it’s essentially the precursor to a drug called Modafinil (sometimes referred to as Provigil).
Modafinil is known as a “wakefulness-promoting agent”, and is used to treat things like narcolepsy and shift work sleep disorder.
However, Modafinil is only available via a prescription. (Well, Afinil Express sells it w/o one, but that’s a whole other story)
Adrafinil is NOT.
In fact, Adrafinil is BASICALLY the same thing as Modafinil, because it’s the precursor to it.
What does that mean?
Well, essentially when you consume adrafinil, as it passes through the liver it is metabolized into Modafinil.
So, it “turns into” Modafinil.
That’s step 1, getting you to wake up.
Step 2: Noopept
Though technically not a “racetam”, noopept is a nootropic that provides similar effects to Piracetam.
However, it’s actually 1000 X more potent, and has been shown to help increase attention span by providing a subtle psychostimulatory effect.
It’s also been shown in several studies to improve memory, learning capacity, focus, and concentration, and on its own works very well.
But it’s most effective as a neuroprotective agent, which essentially means it protects your brain from stress.
That’s step 2, calming you down and increasing attention.
Step3: Alpha GPC
Alpha GPC is a choline containing supplement that helps with new memory formation and learning, and has been widely accepted as an effective nootropic.
Choline is often found in many of the foods we eat, however, most people are deficient in it.
Alpha GPC fixes all that.
It’s primary purpose is to reduce cognitive decline, which is inevitable as we age.
Some studies have also shown that it can help DRAMATICALLY with attention span and focus, which is why I’ve included it in this stack.
That’s step 3, getting you dialed in and focused.
Step 4: Sulbutiamine
Sulbutiamine is a natural compound that is actually a derivative of Vitamin B1, commonly known as Thiamine.
You’ll notice that a lot of the nootropic supplements on the market often contain pretty high doses of Vitamin B1.
That’s great and all, but there’s one major problem.
It does NOT cross the blood brain barrier in effective doses.
That basically means you’re not getting it’s full effects.
However, with Sulbutiamine, the effects are WAY more pronounced.
The reason behind this is it DOES cross the blood brain barrierin much more concentrated doses.
It’s primary purpose is to enhance energy and mood, 2 things that are absolutely CRUCIAL when you’re trying to get stuff done.
That’s step 4, improving your mood AND giving you a big boost in energy.
So, just to recap.
Step 1:Adrafinil – will WAKE you up.
Step 2:Noopept – will CALM you down.
Step 3: Alpha GPC – will get you DIALED in and focused.
Step 4: Sulbutiamine – will IMPROVE your mood and give you energy.
How Should I Take It?
If you’re just starting off with nootropics, I would recommend that you take each one of these by themselves first to assess your reaction.
The suggested dose for each is as follows:
First Time Use
Adrafinil: 250 – 300 mg
Noopept: 10 mg
Alpha GPC: 250 mg
Sulbutiamine: 500 mg
Once you’ve taken all 2 at these low doses, then you can start to move up.
Intermediate Dose Range
Adrafinil: 600 mg
Noopept: 20 mg
Alpha GPC: 500 mg
Sulbutiamine: 500 mg
And if you’re a pro at taking this stuff, you can move on to even heavier doses:
Adrafinil: 900 mg
Noopept: 30 mg
Alpha GPC: 750 mg
Sulbutiamine: 500 mg
It’s VERY important to note that you should take all of these on a completely empty stomach, just like with the Optimind and Phenibut combo.
I would also highly recommend that you take them first thing in the morning.
If you take them later in the day you risk insomnia, especially from the Adrafinil.
Where Can I Buy Absorb Health Nootropic?
You can buy all of these individually on their website, or you can purchase their Noootropics All-Star pack which comes with all of them.
Unlike many of the other vendors that sell these as a powder, they ALL come in capsule form.
There’s no measuring or “guessing” how much you need to take, it’s all taken care of for you.
Check it out here: https://www.absorbyourhealth.com/product/brain-booster-power-pack/?ref=4349
What Can I Expect To Feel?
Within about 15 minutes of your first dose, you’ll start to feel the effects. The best way I can describe it is like a fog being lifted from your head.
Instead of blindly staring at the computer screen, book, or whatever you’re doing, you’ll feel more engaged and motivated to start getting things done.
The effect is subtle at first, so much so that you might think it’s not working.
But it is, it just takes a little while to kick in.
Generally speaking, you’ll start to feel the best effects in about 45 – 60 min. This of course depends on the individual, but that’s been my experience.
One of the most pleasant surprises from taking this stack is, unlike with Adderall, you won’t get that hyped up, cracked out, aweful comedown feeling.
You’ll get the focus and mood enhancing effects similar to Adderall, without all of the unwanted effects.
When it comes to taking Nootropics, it’s all about the dosage and how your body responds to it.
Some people (like myself) get a good response from a relatively low dose, and some people need a massive quantity to get an effect similar to that of Adderall.
It’s always recommended that you start off with the lowest dose FIRST. You can always move up, but once you’ve taken a dose you can’t go back!
Visit the Official Absorb Your Health Nootropics All Star Pack page here: https://www.absorbyourhealth.com/product/brain-booster-power-pack/?ref=4349
Who is Absorb Your Health?
Absorb Your Health is a UK based company who runs their operations out of Manchester, England. I typically like to buy American, but unfortunately there’s not a heck of a lot of trustworthy nootropics dealers here in the US, for various reasons which I won’t get into here.
Absorb Your Health sells a wide variety of supplements, ranging from nootropics supplements like Noopept, sexual enhancement supplements like Tongkat Ali, and testosterone boosting supplements like Tribulus Terrestris.
I have tested Nootropic supplements from a wide variety of popular vendors, including Peak Nootropics, Lift Mode, and Nootropics Depot. After using so many different vendors, I can say with complete confidence that Absorb Your Health not only provides the best value, but also pumps out the highest quality nootropics I’ve ever tested.
If you’re looking for something that will not only boost your productivity but also increase you focus, cognition, and moo, I would HIGHLY recommend the Absorb Your Health Nootropics all star pack.
Have You Used The Nootropics All Star Pack? Leave Your Review Below!
Top 3 NootropicsAffiliate Disclosure
Mind Lab Pro is a VERY effective nootropic for focus, concentration, short / long term memory, and more.
The Ultimate Nootropics Stack by Nootropics.com is one of the most effective stacks I’ve taken.
The combo of L-Theanine and Caffeine is a well known nootropic stack that really works.
User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
These are the bomb! They are everything I loved about Adderall Without the unwanted side effects. There is no dry mouth, and I am not chain smoking!
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Want To See What SupplementsWork Like Adderall? Click Here To Find Out!
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User Questions and Answers
How do I order a sampler w/all 3? -Danielle
You can order a package including each at their website here: https://www.absorbyourhealth.com/product/brain-booster-power-pack/?ref=4349- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
How old do you have to be in order to take this? -Brian
They're not recommended for anyone under 18.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
I cannot find a list of all ingredients except the four main ones. I need to know what is in this product pls, -Kathy
They're each single-ingredient supplements, one ingredient in each, for a total of 4 ingredients.- Rob
2 out of 3 people found this question helpful.
Every day I wake up and I take a Collard green Juice with lime. Can I take this suplements with this juice? How much time I have to wait after have took suplement to take a breakfast?
Is it available in canadian stores? -Cris
You should take them with a completely empty stomach, so I would wait on the juice until about half an hour after you take the supplements. Then wait about another half hour before you eat something else. You'd have to check with your local stores to see if they have them.- Rob
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Have you tried Intelleral? -Cathy
Check out our Intelleral review here: https://www.supplementcritique.com/intelleral-review/- Rob
Order directly through the website. They’ll ship your order to you in Australia.
You don’t need a whole glass per supplement. Use however much water works for you with each according to your personal preference.
They’re both at the top of my list. Truthfully it’s tough to choose between number 1 and number 2, and I enthusiastically recommend them both.
If you want, let me know what particular benefits you’re looking for, and I’ll make a recommendation more specifically tailored to you.
I was wondering if you could recommend a stack or give me advice on what an 18 year old should take. I’ve been trying MLP for 3 months now and can see it’s positive effects although I’m unsure if I’m placeboing myself.
I will have my finals in 6 months and would like to enhance my study performance asap.
Should I start on some of the elements from the Noots allstar pack or keep using mlp or both, and is taking optimind only during exam month good as to avoid its side effects if it really has any (as I’m 18).
I’m also considering taking coffee-substitute pills as I normally have a starbucks medium sized cup of coffee a day, could I just take adrafinil instead, or once again am I too young to?
As a study aid, I would recommend you start on the All Star Pack right away (http://www.AbsorbYourHealth.com/Noots-All-Star-Pack).
The Adrafinil will wake you up, that’s for sure. But it wouldn’t hurt to add in a small dose of caffeine, maybe 50 mg or so, to help kick things in gear.
You can definitely continue using Mind Lab Pro, it has different ingredients that help short and long term memory.