1285 Muscle and Elevate GF Review – Does It Really Work?
By: Rob MillerFact Checked On: 1-23-2015

It seems like it’s never ending…I login to Facebook every morning while I try to wake up and there it is. A blog post showing up in my news feed talking about some killer combo that will get me ripped quick. I click the ad, and the products change faster than my cat darts away from a barking dog. Todays combination is 1285 Muscle and Elevate GF, 2 supplements that when combined, apparently produce dramatic results. But wait, there is more to the story than meets the eye, and I am going to explain why here.
What Is 1285 Muscle and Elevate GF?
This blog post I was talking about comes off like a real news article in the popular magazine Mens Health, even though it’s not really Men’s Health. This particular post talks about how there readers have been going absolutely bonkers over some new miracle supplement combination that’s taking the nation by storm. This combination includes the supplements 1285 Muscle and Elevate GF, promising 6 pack abs in as little as 1 month when taken together.
What is 1285 Muscle?
1285 Muscle is apparently a pre-workout supplement that not only promises to build lean muscle, but also claims it will increase your strength, improve endurance, and help you “reinvent your body”. It uses the principle of Nitric Oxide (NO) production to help facilitate blood and oxygen flow through the body, delivering massive pumps.
What is Elevate GF?
Elevate GF is apparently a natural growth supplement which actually promises to make you taller. We don’t come across products that claim to help you grow taller too often, so we were intrigued at the possibility’s of this supplement. The official site doesn’t spend alot of time talking about exactly how it will do this, only mentioning that it is an HGH supplement that will increase natural growth hormone levels.
We’ve seen this claim with HGH supplements before, like Hyper Fuel 9x, and Elevate GF is not the first. However, there is no clinical evidence to suggest any natural compound will make you grow taller. It just doesn’t exist, unless you use growth hormone injections, which can run well into the thousands.
So Why Shouldn’t I Order 1285 Muscle and Elevate GF?
Well, for starters, there products are not proven. They are relatively new to market, have very few REAL customer reviews and testimonials, and they are not available anywhere else but on their official websites. They do offer a “free” bottle of their product for just the cost of shipping, but where they fail is the terms of this so called “free trial”.
For instance, 1285 Muscle offers a 14 day trial of their product for only $5.99 shipping. The trial period ends 14 days after placing your order, and at that point your credit card is charged $89.99.
Not exactly free if you know what I mean. Elevate GF offers similar terms, but it’s only $4.95 for shipping, and then they charge you $87.47.
And here’s the real kicker…you have the option to cancel your trials of 1285 muscle and elevate gf within the 14 days, but if you do so, you need to send back the product to their warehouse. So let’s see, let’s say you order it today, and it takes 2 days for them to ship it out.
Assuming it takes 3 – 4 day to ship, they you most likely won’t see the product at your doorstep until a week from now. So essentially you have 7 days to try the product out and then if you don’t like it, you need to ship it back.
Paid Actors Promoting Their Supplements
If you search for reviews of 1285 Muscle, you’ll find a few youtube videos where guys are apparently talking about how effective it worked for them. What they don’t tell you is that they were paid to do the review, and likely didn’t even take the product. Check out a few of them we found below:
First off, the guy doesn’t even look like he works out. Second, the review sounds TOTALLY scripted and not genuine at all. Third, this guy is a paid actor who advertises his services on a website called Fiverr, check it out below:
And if that wasn’t cause for concern, here’s another one…
and here on Fiverr…
I found a similar type Youtube “review” on Elevate GF, but unfortunately could not find any proof that he was a paid actor. My suspicions tell me he is though…
Don’t even waste your time with 1285 Muscle and Elevate GF. It will only drain your wallet and give you a bunch of unexpected headaches. There are plenty of effective pre-workout and other supplements on the market which have built a solid business and are not in the business of scamming people.
Have You Used 1285 Muscle and Elevate GF? Leave Your Review Below!
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User Reviews
Have you used this supplement?
I agree,I ordered and I recommend Don’t even waste your time and money with this product and Elevate GF. It will only drain your wallet and give you a bunch of unexpected headaches. They are in the business of scamming people.
Terrible customer service,you will end up frustrated if you want your money back.
Don't even try it. and if you already ordered, try to cancel ASAP, and good luck if they refund something back to you.
1 out of 1 people found this review helpful.
I ordered these a while ago (and cancelled, and still have yet to try them) and have had ZERO problems with the companies. They are NOT scammers, granted they do make it easy to miss what the terms are.
READ!! I called and cancelled within the given 14 days. Elevate GF asked me to return what was left (so I kept 1/2 of em and sent the bottle back with the rest) - so I paid for shipping to me, and back. 1285 said I didn't have to return any of it, so I got the whole bottle for the low shipping price, and haven't been charged by either company. (probly coulda kept all of it if I called gf back to get a different customer service agent, I'm pretty sure with these companies, CS agents make whatever decision they want, so you can try calling back and getting someone else... if you feel like spending the time on the phone)
I came to this website trying to find LEGIT reviews on the products' effectiveness and/or health concerns/side effects these products might cause...... if anyone has any words, please share!
I ordered it, got suspicious when the bottle that came looked different then the picture on linej; so I googled it, found this article and went to my bank and canceled my card and got a new one so I can't get ripped off with ongoing charges. I will do my due diligence before I order next time.
Hi Rob,
I am a women bodybuilder and was looking for something to build up muscles due to the fact that I cannot have creatine, it elevates my liver enzymes. I am in the process of trying 1285 muscle. I was looking for reviews and saw your website. I have been taking it for a week now, and it does do what it says. I love it and have more strength and more pumps. I have been losing fat this week also. I called the people at the company because I could not afford 89.95 so they gave me a 50% discount and asked me to try it. They really need testimonials. They also told me that if the product is with other products that the other companies are pairing them up which they recommend 1285 muscle is sufficient by itself. They asked me to try it by itself also. I have except for one day I used my BCAA with it and that worked also. I will continue using this til I reach my goals. Oh and one more thing, in one week I have grown in my biceps by 1/4 inch. And lost a 1/4 inch in the waist.
Elevate GF
I have taken Elevate GF for over a month now and I can say Ive had improved muscle growth, better sleep, more energy. I don't care about the grow taller stuff, if it works or doesn't.. but I will say the product does work for those 3 things. I bought it in bulk not the trial. I got 5 months supply for $150 buy talking to them on the phone.
Want To Really Get Ripped? Click Here To Download My FREE "Get Ripped" Ebook!
It is a terrible act of thievery that occurred to me and the company seems to cover itself with agents (not to mention managers) who know *absolutely nothing* about decent customer service.
I agree with any negative opinions made as a response to my positive feedback on Elevate GF because this company IS a sham and a derision of appropriate customer *care* and support.
You are probably fat and know nothing about working out. But, you are probably rich though from ripping people off.
Rob Miller is just ignoring you as you can see but trust me he sees your retarded comments. I guess you dont get it.
Go away troll.
Yeah, I’d just stay away from Elevate GF altogether. If you’re looking for a sleep aid. I’ve a couple reviews you should check out. Take a look at Alteril and AmbeSleep.
Please post how to cancel.
It sounds like your son signed up for the free trials of 1285 Muscle and Elevate GF. We don’t sell products, and if you read the review you commented on, you’ll see that we recommend AGAINST signing up for these free trials. Tons of guys are getting scammed by these companies, and I’m sorry that your son was one of them. I went ahead and looked up the company contact information for both products. He’ll have to get in touch with them directly. 1285 Muscle’s customer service number is 1-800-787-0252. Their email is support@get1285muscle.com. Elevate GF’s customer service number is 1-866-296-3272. Best of luck to you and your son.
Each and every one of the ingredients that make up the core of EGF can be found on Wikipedia and other sites.
I wouldn’t be saying this if I wouldn’t have done research on my end.
I was doing some reading about some supplements in general and stumbled upon your site. I wanted to add a few key points to the topic regarding products that claim outrageous muscle gains is such a short period of time…especially those supplements that celebrities use to “get big." First thing that we need to keep in mind is that these celebrities have an unlimited money supply and most of them are getting paid to get in shape which means they have a nutritionist monitoring everything that they eat and are probably eating 5-7 times a day.
Second thing is that a lot of these actors…won’t name any names but gain 20-30 pounds of muscle are taking some type of a steroid or pro-hormone all while working with some of the best personal trainers in the world and more than likely working out twice a day. I myself have been lifting for 10 years now and I have been down the supplement and all natural road I can tell you now it’s not possible to gain 20-30 pounds of raw muscle in only 2-3 months without taking something other than what’s advertised in your average health magazine.
Gains like that take a minimum of 1-2 years to get along with a lifestyle change. So anytime you see a product talking about some outrageous claims it’s usually to good to be true.
So unless you have a personal trainer and a nutritionist monitoring your every move during the day with unlimited funding for “any” supplements along with not having a job where you can eat every hour or two don’t expect dramatic gains from your average supplement. So if anyone is wanting to put on muscle eat right and go through the grind it take s to get there.
Those are a the real gains, there are no shortcuts.
I’m still relatively strong and healthy otherwise but unable to really “give ‘er” like I used to so intense workouts are likely not in my foreseeable future.
I’m pushing 250lbs on a six foot frame and borderline diabetic.
On cholesterol, blood pressure lowering medication as well blood thinning medication.
Both my vascular and cardiac surgeons would like to see me at an ideal weight of 170lbs but my teenage contact sport and rowing days had me at a solid 175 so I think, for myself I’d be happy if I could get under 200.
My question to you is do you know if any of your recommendations and supplements would be counter productive in my situation.
I’m willing to do what it takes and start slow with a reasonable time of 2 years to reach my goal without dropping dead with the effort.
I’m no doctor so I can’t get involved in advising your what supplements would be safe or unsafe for you. I would hate to unknowingly steer you wrong. I will, however, recommend that you download my free “get ripped” ebook. It’s got tons of great info on meal and workout plans to help you get back into shape. Best of luck to you and be sure to let me know how you make out.
Even started a wordpress account and will do a blog on this change in lifestyle.
As I used to say in the huddle…”nuth’n to it but to do it”
~peace in~
And by all means, feel free to keep spreading the word!
I think the reviews speak for themselves. I’ve never been a big fan of the free trial.
I think it’s a bit deceptive, and even though the terms and conditions are clearly stated, who REALLY takes the time to read through the legal jargon? Also, the people who market these supplements tend to make outrageous claims that the manufacturers of these supplements might not even realize, giving their brand a bad name.
I’d stay away from both of them if I were you. They lure you in with a “risk-free” trial, then the next thing you know you’ve got recurring charges on your credit card. Your best bet for a pre-workout supplement is NitroCut. It gets you pumped and motivated without CNS stimulants. For packing on muscle, got with Muscle Advance Creatine.
Just read an article online from Men’s Health Review of using Hyper Fuel 9x with Nitro Focus NO3. The Men’s Health editor claims he tried it and it really works. Trying to find anything on the internet about these products always leads me back to the product site.
Have you reviewed this combination yet. It is expensive product and the claims seem unrealistic.
Thank you,
I haven’t reviewed these two together, but I have reviewed them each separately and can tell you that in my opinion, you won’t get much from either one. We’re finding more and more of these “free trial” products being lumped together in reviews and social media sites. They’re trying to get you to sign up for trials of both products so they can get $200 a month out of you instead of just $100. Don’t be fooled.
If you want to get in shape and build muscle, go with a stack of NitroCut as your pre-workout and Muscle Advance Creatine to feed your muscle growth. Also, sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook if you haven’t already.
By the way, I removed the link from your post. I don’t like to link out to other sites from here unless I’ve checked them out and verified that they’re safe. You never know what other sites might have going on, and I don’t want any of my readers getting viruses from links I send them to.
I should have thought ahead about maybe a virus. I was imcertain of these products, but since it was in Men’s Health magazine and they said they tested it, they almost got my money.
Then I found your site. Thanks again.
No problem about the link. I get them all the time.
Just playing it safe. Thanks for using our site.
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I was doing a research on elevate gf and found this site, after reading all the coments i will now skip on getting it. I am looking for advise where to start, I am 37, 180/185 lb trying to loose weight maybe 15lb and tone up.
What would you recommend.
Thanks and help spread the word by liking us on Facebook! To start, you need to get into a solid weight training and cardio regimen. If you haven’t already, you should check out my free “Get Ripped” ebook. It’s packed with ton’s of tips on diet and exercise, and will help you specifically craft a program that’s right for you. Also given your dimensions, I think a stack of Nitrocut Pre Workout and Testofuel will help get you on the right track in the supplement department. Let me know if you have any other questions.
You know so much its almost hard to argue
with you (not that I personally will need to…HaHa).
You certainly put a brand new spin on a topic which has been discussed for many
years. Great stuff, just great!
This could be a problem with my internet browser because I’ve had
this happen previously. Appreciate it
Gary Strawbridge
I’m sorry to hear about your situation. You’ll have to contact the company who sold you the products.
This is a review site. There should be a cancellation phone number in the paperwork that came with the product.
If not, check the website. There should be one there.
Sorry to hear about your situation. Definitely make sure all future shipments are cancelled.
As for the money they’ve already got, I’m not sure there’s anything you can do. Maybe check in with your credit card?
Best of luck, Bryan, and know you’re not alone.
Hope they follow through with the cancellation.
Please don’t even try to order it guys! It’s a lie!
Be careful! Btw does anyone knows how to cancel it cuz it’s so annoying have to pay every month for a product that never arrives to my place! 🙁 please someone help me!
Thank u!
Go back to the websites where you ordered and find a customer service or cancellation phone number. They should be there.
Best of luck to you, and don’t feel too bad. As you can see, this happens all the time!
No they won’t wait for 14 days. I have the dates on my bank statement to confirm.
After they receive the returned product it will be up to 5 business days before they’ll think to refund you. At that point I’m going to my bank and signing the form for a fradulant transaction if they keep on.
You’ve been warned…
I am 6’2″ and 175lbs. I need help getting bigger!
I have a free “get ripped” ebook full of great tips on meal workout plans that help you get the body you want. As far as supplements go, you do best to go with a pre-workout supplement to get you motivated and lifting harder and heavier. I like Nitrocut for that. You’ll also need creatine to pack on the muscle. The best I’ve found in terms of both results and convenience is Muscle Advance Creatine. Good luck Travis!
I wish I could help you out, but there is no phone number listed on either of their websites. Look at the invoices that came with your order.
Hopefully there’s something there.
I am 5’11” and 18 years old and I weigh about 210. I am an extremly active swimmer, and I swim 5 hours a day 6 days a week.
I have been swimming like that for 3 years and i guess my body just has gotten used to that workout and has stopped losing weight from it. So im looking for some advice on how to lose about as much of my body fat as physically possiblepounds of fat.
Im mostly muscle just have a layer of fat over my muscle so it makes me look bigger than I am. Tha
First of all, I’m impressed with your swimming schedule. That’s devotion! I’ve got a few suggestions for you for losing weight. Maybe making some changes in your diet and/or workout schedule could help. I’ve got some great ideas for you regarding that stuff in my free “get ripped” ebook. As far as supplements go, I’d take Phen375 for burning fat and suppressing appetite, and maybe add on Nitrocut. It’s a pre-workout supplement that’ll help with motivation and endurance if you add lifting to your routine.
Glad we could help!
I actually visited the 1285 Muscle main homepage and there seems to be no evidence whatsoever that the company is trying to scam people. Everything you need to know about the company is at the tip of your fingers.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS (VERY SIMPLE TO COMPREHEND IF YOU ASK ME): “Unless you cancel before the end of your 14 day trial period as specified in the Terms and conditions, we will ship your 30 day supply of 1285 Muscle at the end of your trial period. You will continue to receive a new 30 day supply of 1285 Muscle each and every month as long as you continue your membership in our auto-ship program. We will charge your credit card, the same card that you provided to pay for your Trial Offer , in the amount of $89.99 (plus tax, if applicable) and $5.99 shipping and handling fee each month when your new 1285 Muscle is shipped.”
CONTACT INFORMATION: “We want to hear from you! 1285 Muscle Customer Service representatives are available to assist Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm, EST.
You can reach us by calling: Call US : 800-969-1509 | UK : 0800-019-9268. You can also email any questions or comments to: support@1285musclepro.com
And if you think I work for the company, then I don’t know what else to say to you except good luck refining your sense of judgement for the very distant future.
What can you tell me about Hyper Fuel 9 X. Should I send it back or it will be good for something?
Also, what about Lean Muscle formula.
I already have the samples of both products even though I do not plan to use them together.
Thank you.
I haven’t tried Hyper Fuel 9x or Lean Muscle Formula yet. I’ll them on my list and post the reviews after I’ve checked them out.
Thanks for the heads up!
Upon reading your review I immediately called Muscle 1285 customer service and cancelled my “free” trial as you indicated. I was lucky to catch this in time and cancelled everything before anything was shipped out.
Thanks again and I look forward to reading your free e-book “How to get Lean, Ripped and Strong”. I’ll let you know soon how I make out.
That’s great to hear! So many guys get scammed by these things.
Glad you got to them in time!
I guess I’m reading your post too late
I live in Canada and it took 15 days for this company to deliver my 1285 bottle and after exactly 14 days my credit card was charged over $90 dollars.
These guys are pros to figure out how to rip off people.When I’ve called them to explain to them that i could not try their product within the 14 days they told me to return it so icould get reimburse me anf if i did not return it I was out of luck .I was fuming .What a bunch !
I think it is run by the mafia
My opinion “do not buy this product’ from those scammers
You could have called the Customer Service line BEFORE being charged. Using Elevate GF for the first month, I was able to extend my trial to as far as a month, and only returned a few remaining pills.
I have just stuck to straight sales and have managed to obtain a great discount.
“The Mafia”?! That’s way too over the top for the possibly negligible interest you had with these products in the first place, not to mention with the customer care services they conveniently offer to their customers, don’t you think?
Regretfully,more than half the people commenting on these products think the companies backing them up are scammers. I wouldn’t just read the fine print, but I would also look for means of communication that the company provides before making debunk-able and baseless claims that the product is nothing more than a scam.
Do your own part as well!
That Raphael fellow’s anger on this site makes it sound like he is a profiteer of this scam. I would be angry too if folks were calling me out on my scam while I was getting rich from all the suckers who fell victim.
If the supplements are so good they will make their way to Amazon of bodybuilding.com. Until then you can count me out.
Thanks for running an honest site Rob
Thanks for the kind words. You can help us out by liking us on Facebook and telling your friends!
I will say, though, that I am about 245 lbs (not a small guy – middle linebacker in HS, rugby in college) and am trying to get down to about 210-225. Im 36 and trying to lose belly fat now that Im a dad and not as active. My job is office all day and mostly sitting so I have to counter after work, etc but with 3 kids I only get to gym about 2-3 times per week, admittedly.
My wife did the First Fitness thing about 6 months ago so I did it with her to support and lost about 20 lbs, but Im not so sure that wasn’t just the change in diet for first 30 – not necessarily any magic formula in their shakes.
I have kept that 20 off but want to lose 20-30 more. Any tips/recommendations?
Yeah diet comprises of 70 – 80% of all weight loss, so it is obviously the most important. If your looking to shake off that other weight you need healthy diet, exercise (High Intensity Interval Training), and supplementation. For the first 2, sign up for my free “get ripped” ebook, it will lead you on the right direction as far as diet/exercise is concerned. Based on your specific goals, I would say a stack of Nitrocut and Phen375 would help in your case.
The best thing you can do to avoid being charged is to contact their customer support departments and cancel your trial, and mark it up as a lesson learned.
The address they give is for a house for sale in Florida and the phone number doesn’t work. Any help?
I just called the following # and got a rep on the phone right away: 800-787-0252
If you speak so highly about “sweat and determination”, why don’t you put in a little more of it into your research on supplementation (which EVERYONE might need at some point in their lives without a doubt). Yes, I agree that exercise is essential for a healthy body.
However, if you really looked into the company and its product, it’s clearly evident that they want you to contact them if you think the trial might not be the best way for you to obtain the product. NO COMPANY IS A SCAM IF THEY HAVE CONVENIENT WAYS TO REACH THEIR REPRESENTATIVES.
PLEASE contribute to the highly deteriorated credibility of this comment section (as well as to Mr. Miller’s obviously biased review) and put in a little more effort into your investigations before making comments based on ignorance.
I’m very glad that I found your review on this!
Being a super slim dude with two kids I find gaining weight very hard. Sleep or lack thereof is one of my biggest struggles.
But I hope once the babies are no longer babies, I can get some rest and keep my workouts more consistent.
Thanks again!
Im a 28yr old guy. I need to tone up.
I work long hours and run out of energy right at the beginning of my workout. Im in the national guard and need to stay fit.
Im happy with my weight around 150lbs but need to tone up big time. Any tips?
Yeah for toning up you will need to do high intensity interval training and lift heavy. Sign up for my ebook to get the best tips and take Nitrocut for the energy boost.
Im 17 years old and I weight 175 lbs. Although I do not appear overweight or unactive due to 6’3 height, my main focus is to slim down my stomach fat while gaining muscle. Any advice that you could give to me would be helpful.
Best advice I can give you is to lift heavy (low reps, heavy weights), and do high intensity interval training. Sign up for my free “Get Ripped” ebook to get suggestions and great advice on meal plans and workouts.
I have little time and energy to put together a decent exercise regiment so I’m looking for some supplements to help out. What would you reccomend.
Well, the key to shedding those pounds is really a combo of healthy diet, exercise, proper rest, and supplementation. You will see the best results when combining all of these, but can still lose weight with supplements alone. I think a stack of Nitrocut and Phen375 will help you gain the energy and focus you need to put together a weight loss exercise program, as well as help burn fat and suppress appetite naturally.
Any suggestions for a 21 year old with a high metabolism trying to gain size. Trying to go from 125-130ish to 155-160.
Glad I could help. If you want to gain size, I would recommend a stack of Muscle Advance creatine along with a pre-workout supplement called Nitrocut.
I’m 30 years old and quit smoking about 8 yrs ago and when I did I gained over 20 pounds and can’t seem to lose it what do you recommend for supplements ?
As far as supplementation, I would recommend a stack of Phen375 and Nitrocut to help shed the pounds. Be sure to sign up for my free “Get Ripped Ebook” to get the best results.
This is the # I found 800-494-5551.
Looking to loose some pounds and get more muscle what do you sughest
You need a combination of heavy lifting (which Im assuming your’e doing already) and high intensity interval training (HIIT). Sprints, suicides, jumping rope, etc. You probably know of plenty of HIIT exercises, sign up for my ebook to get more info. As far as supplementation, I would recommend a stack of Nitrocut and Phen375 in your case.
Sign up for my free ebook, it will lead you in the right direction.
But for the 1285 I never got a confirmation…and I even looked in my spam folder..nothing! I haven’t received that product yet but I’m definitely going to call and cancel any kind of membership that will charge me month to month.
This whole deal reminds me of the scams my mother would sign up for when I was kid from from those stupid gossip magazines at the grocery store. They would have us getting all kinds of junk in the mail monthly like recipe cards, fake jewelry, gardening crap…all stuff that was cheap crap and my mom would never even use it.
Now the scams have evolved with the times of technology, but the theory is the same. Having poor people pay for garbage they don’t need. (Sounds like a Fight Club reference).
But anyway, I need to get in better shape after having spine surgery last year. I’m military and need to build my core muscles surrounding my lower back.
Any tips? Much appreciated.
Yeah the scams have definitely evolved, but the theory is the same. In your case, core muscle exercises will obviously help.
Do planks, side bridges, swiss ball knee tucks, and cable chops. You should be able to find video demonstrations of all of these exercises online.
I’ll look those up, I think I know what they are and have been doing them here and there or possibly during my physical therapy. I’ve just recently started running again as well trying to cut down some of that belly fat that’s keeping my core strength down.
What supplements do you recommend for before and after running that might help to (along with my hard work obviously) help cut those love handles and beer gut away? I did also download the ebook and spent majority of last night reading.
Good work on that, most of it seems to be right up my alley and is easy enough to understand.. it just makes sense. Thanks again!
Glad to hear you like the ebook, took awhile for me to put together. I would recommend a creatine supplement for muscle recovery, something like Muscle Advance creatine. The only problem is that it will retain water, which would make you appear bigger (at least at first). Try it for a bit and see how you respond. Stack it with Nitrocut for pre workout, and let me know if you have any other questions.
I wouldn’t take anything before surgery (you probably already knew that), but once your done I would suggest a combo of Nitrocut and Testofuel in your case.
Anyway, i also ordered a bottle of trig x2. Anyone know if this is ok? Probably the same as 1285.
Thanks for the advice bro, I was looking at doing the Hyper fuel 9x and muscle factor x combo, but I’m seeing its a scam too. I need something that can actually deliver those results, without the scam.
I’m only 26, but I’m dreadfully out of shape and need to lose about 30-35 pounds. Any suggestions?? Thanks Rob
No problem, glad I could help. Yeah these scams are popping up all over the internet, especially in social media. In your case I think a stack of Nitrocut and Phen 375 will help you achieve the weight loss you’re looking for. Signup for my free “Get Ripped” ebook too, it will give you great suggestions on a diet and exercise regimen.
I personally hate taking dietary pills and muscle gaining pills so these 3 are all great powder drinks if that is more your style. Just goes to show it takes months of dedication and time to build your perfect body.
There are no shortcuts!
Yeah C4 is a good choice as well, the only issue I have with it is that it MAY show up on drug tests. I can’t confirm it yet, I have just read some stories on it.
Glad to see you found a blend that works for you!
Would you recommend taking Hyper Fuel 9x and Nuclear N.O. together? Thanks
Yeah I heard about that stack too. No, taking these two is a sham, just like 1285 muscle and elevate gf.
I’m 40 and I’d like to lose about 20lbs while putting on some muscle…any suggestions?
I’m thinking of hiring a trainer, because I know I need a good workout regime, but I also need some good supplements for energy and building muscle mass.
Glad I could help. Yeah, and it happens so often, I see these supps popping up everyday. It’s like, why not just make a product that works and then you’ll have a customer for life? Anyways, based on your stats, I would think your T-levels may be lowering. Check out a product called Testofuel for that. As far as energy and mass, stack with a pre-workout booster like Nitrocut for the best results. Let me know if you have any other questions.
I figure if it works well I can always try to reorder. Muscle Factor X was easy to cancel on their website but for 1285muscle there are no cancel links so I’ve emailed them directly at support@1285muscleextreme.com – hopefully I’ll get a response saying I’ve canceled successfully!
And plus nothing is a miracle pill. You STILL NEED TO WORKOUT AND DIET RIGHT when on any supplements to get the result……
No problem, glad I could help. I’m not sure about Walmart, but check with your local GNC, they will have a much better selection and better advice.
Furthermore, there’s nothing proprietary in either product; you can easily find more cost effective options for every ingredient in each.
Sure, here is the contact info I found:
Elevate GF – 1-866-296-3272
1285 Muscle – 1-800-969-3081
Let us know how the cancellation goes.
I do walk. Can you advise me as to what might help me reduce my belt size.
If you cant workout than your best bet is to control your diet. I think in your case you should use a fat burner / appetite suppressant called Phen375. Also, when walking, try to do short, brisk fast walking for a minute, then go slow for a minute. This is called High Intensity Interval Training, and will help to stimulate your metabolism.